Page 48 of Played

“Mal informed me.”

“Yes, I asked her to apologize for her outburst.”

“She’ll get around to it in her own time.”

“Come to the ranch and bring Michael and Jason. I’d like to talk and I swear I will not blow my top no matter what you tell me. It’s time to put all the cards on the table. If you guys do that for me, I’ll sign for one more year and I won’t give you any trouble.” Without another word, River stepped out of the office into the hallway. She took one more look at the picture where her brother laughed with his friends before walking away.

Jason saw River leaving. Sticking his head into Riot’s office, he saw the man looking bewildered. “How did the meeting go with River?”

“Not the way I thought it would.”

“Everything okay with her?”

“Said she’s retiring after this season. She also apologized for things she shouldn’t have and walked away. Said she wanted us to come out to the ranch, she wanted to know everything.”

“She apologized to me too. You think it has something to do with the anniversary coming up?”

“Fuck if I know, Jason.” He was completely dumbfounded by the meeting. In his mind he had planned on taking River to lunch, possibly making plans for the damn weekend so they could talk about things. Never in his imagination did he ever think she would walk in and end everything.

Michael stepped into the office. “Hey, I just ran into River Wile in the parking lot. Weirdest thing, she apologized to me for brushing me off at her house.”

Riot leaned forward on his elbows. “What are y’all doing tomorrow?”

“Work,” they both said in unison.

“Go with me to Fontana Speedway tomorrow.”

Michael waved him off; he hated going there. Jason stared at him like a stern mother. “Fine, but I may need a drink or a dozen.”

“River’s testing the bikes there tomorrow.”

“The new bikes arrived? That’s great news.”

“No, it’s the bikes she’s been piecing back together for years. We haven’t actually started sponsoring her yet. I was hoping to get her a sign of good faith with the new bikes.”

“Damn it, someone find those fucking bikes!” Jason was out of his chair and screaming for the secretary to get the transport company on the phone. He wanted the fucking bikes. He wanted them there yesterday.

“Well, I know that tone.” Riot leaned back in his chair, thinking about River again. She walked in, held her temper and told him to shove off. It was the most polite conversation he’d ever had with her. And he wasfucking pissed!

Chapter Eighteen

The guys arrived shortly before eleven a.m. at the track. Ben greeted them as they all went upstairs to talk. He made sure they knew what the day would entail. They went over the bike specs as they sat. Somehow Jason had found the bikes sitting in a warehouse in Fontana, waiting to be delivered. All of them were thrilled River would be testing the new bikes instead of the damn things she’d been riding. A knock at the door had Ben calling, “Come in,” and River stepped in.

She expected Ben, maybe Riot, but not Jason and Michael. “Ben, Dan’s looking for you.”

“Okay, I’m coming.”

“Are you ready to get back on the track?” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, bringing her back out the room with him.

“I’m good, you don’t have to worry about it.”

“No one is good being here, don’t kid yourself.”

She hadn’t changed clothes yet. There was one thing she wanted to do before getting on the bike. She wanted to walk the track. It was her thing. It was something she did with Mal and Dan. “Find out what Dan needs. After, I’m gonna take a walk.” As Ben started to walk away, River called out to him. “Where?”

Ben turned back. “What?” He walked back to River. “What do you need?”

“Can you tell me where the wreck happened? I have never asked before.”