Page 22 of Played

Riot snaked the keys from her pocket and unlocked the truck. Opening the passenger door, he had to all but shove her in. When he closed the door, she locked it and laughed at him. Riot shook his head at the silliness. Holding up the keys, he shook them for her to see. She flipped him off.

“This is gonna be great.”


A string of curse words left Riot’s mouth after he pulled into the fourth motel via instructions from River, who at that moment was laughing so hard she fell over on the seat. “I swear, River, if you don’t tell me which hotel your fucking staying at, I’m…”

“Whatcha gonna do, baby, spank me?” Laughing again, she nudged him with her foot. Riot grabbed it, shoving it off the seat.

“I should.”

“Fuck!” River knew the feeling, and it wasn’t the right kind of warm sensation you wanted when sitting in a truck with a guy to witness. She yanked the door handle and stumbled out, only to grab the side panel as she bent over and vomited. She felt Riot as he pulled her hair back from her face. “I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. I’m not. We’re not. But, sweetheart, we could be one day.”

“I don’t have a hotel room,” she admitted between dry heaves.

And the truth comes out. Holding her hair back as he rubbed her back, Riot waited for the anger that never came. When she rested her head against the truck, he knew she was done. “That’s great. Let’s get you back in the truck so I can find you a room.”

He found her a room at the Comfort Inn. Instead of telling her that, he figured he should mess with her a little. “Okay, I managed to get you a room at the Moana Motel.”


“The Moana motel.”

“I’ll sleep in my truck.”

“You’re staying at the Comfort Inn.”


She stumbled more than walked down the hallway as Riot led her to her room. He felt responsible for her condition, and he needed to make sure she would be okay before leaving her for the night. Who was he kidding when he walked out of her room, it would take an earthquake to get him back in.Come on, earthquake.

River walked into the room River and pulled her T-shirt off, tossing it on the desk. Next came her bra that hit the chair. Riot stood speechless, knowing he should leave, but damn he was enjoying the floor show.

“You coming or going?”

“I think it’s best I go.” A weaker man would have her on the bed beneath them right now. He was seconds from being that weak as he watched her toe out of her shoes and kick out of her jeans. That tiny black lace triangle that attempted to be underwear covered less than nothing.

“So, ‘no’ to the coming.” River laughed, trying her best saunter. If she were sober it would be sexy, but drunk River was cute at best. Running her hands over his chest she nodded her head towards the bed.

“No, you need a cold shower and a toothbrush.”

“Party pooper.”

“You’ll thank me tomorrow for saying no.” It sounded good to him, even if it was a lie. Riot put her in the shower, handed her the toothbrush with toothpaste on it, and waited outside for her to turn the water off. He handed her a towel, praying she would dry off in the shower. His resolve was weakening at terminal velocity.

“Can you hand me a robe or my pjs?” She took the robe handed to her through the door. “Thanks.” When she stepped out, Riot steadied her as she still wobbled more than a bit. “You can stay.”

“No, I can’t.”

“Oh right, Laurel will be waiting. Go on, Riot, run back to your bitch.” Her back was against the wall faster than she could blink. His finger was in her face.

“Stop with the bullshit, River. I’m tired of it already.” He moved back, leaving her there, glaring at him like he had two heads. “When I take you to bed, you will be sober and you will remember every single thing I do to you.” He walked out of the bathroom, not waiting for her to answer him. He tossed the truck key on the desk and left. He didn’t stop until he was in the parking lot. “Fuck, I drove her truck…”

Chapter Ten

River paced the pit, thinking over her decision. “Privateer.” She tried the word out to see how it sounded coming from her mouth. It had come down to it, she supposed. She would discuss the idea with Mal and Dan over dinner later. River stepped out onto the track and took her helmet from Mal. She needed to check the adjustments to the bike they’d made. “What did Blake think when he rode it?”