Page 58 of Played

“Call me later.”

“Will do.”

Riot hung up and waited for Michael to speak. He stepped into the office, closing the door partially. “You might want to decide what to do with that stuff Archer gave you—and fast.”

“Why?” The look on Michael’s face should have told him shit was about to hit the fan.

“Laurel just walked into the lobby.”

Riot scooped up the folder and the envelope, handing it off to Michael to put in his safe. “What the fuck is she doing here?”

“Don’t know, but there’s sure to be a news piece on it later, so keep yourself in check.”

“Me? You might want to lock Jason in his office.”

“True. Meet you in the lobby.”

They didn’t get to the lobby. As Michael headed to his office, they could hear Laurel belittling the receptionist. Riot beat Michael to the front by mere steps. His temper was up by the ballsy move by Laurel. He forced her away from Marla before the poor girl busted into tears.

“Laurel, if you can’t come into the building like a civilized person, you need to leave.”

Laurel laughed at him. “Where are you keeping your little playmate?” She moved her hand up his arm. “If I leave without getting to speak with you, River will be getting a phone call along with pictures of us together from a week ago.” He wanted to tell her all about the folder and sim cards he now had in his possession, but that was his bullet to shoot her with later.

“River knows exactly where I spend my time.”

“Are you sure?”


Michael stepped into view. “Why don’t we take this into the office.”

“Yes, let’s.” Laurel smirked, tossing her straight brown hair off her shoulder. “Bring me a glass of wine, would you, dear?”

“We don’t serve alcohol here; this is not a bar,” Michael bit out.

Laurel attempted to pat Michael’s cheek. Fortunately, he towered over her. She glanced down at his body and clicked her tongue. “Check Riot’s desk, I bet he’s got a bottle of scotch tucked in the back.”

Riot walked behind Laurel, mimicking choking her. If he didn’t want to know why she was there so badly, he would throw her out on her narrow ass. When the door slammed shut behind them, Laurel spun around, expecting it to be just Riot. To her shock, it was both him and Michael. “I really wanted to see Riot alone. Do you mind leaving?”

“No can do. In the interest of business, I’m staying. When you spin whatever lies after you leave here, I can back Riot’s version on what really happened.”

“Big words for a washed-up racecar driver.”

“Bitch, please.”

Riot needed for the conversation not to turn into a catfight, and it was headed in that direction. “What do you want, Laurel?”

“No hello, no kiss or hugs for me, baby? I remember when you couldn’t get enough of me.”

“That was desperation and a long time ago.”

“Are you sure? I have proof we were together as recently as last week.”

“It won’t work this time.”

“You tear up the contract with Archer and I won’t leak our affair to the tabloids.”

“No.” Riot walked to the door, opened it, and said, “Get the fuck out. Not only of my office, but of the building.” If he had known what was waiting outside, he might have thrown her out the window if they opened.