Playing it cool… asshole.“They stay on the team or it’s a definite no.”
“Already talked to your guard dogs and they think this is the best move for you. ThatIam the best move for you.” Opening the bottle of water for her, he sat it down next to the proposal.
When had he spoken to them? How long had he been there? “Traitors.”
“They said you’d say that.” Faltering, River was scrambling for a comeback. Her backup had changed sides, knowing the ship was sinking and the only way to keep it afloat would be to join up with him. “Would you like to come sit down and look over my proposal?”
Shrugging, River stepped around Riot. No need for him to put his strong hand on the small of her back like he always had done to reassure her of what she was doing or where she was going. Nope, she did not need the man putting one pinky on her. If he did, the deal would be dead in the water because they would be in the bed, on the floor—hell, even the table on the patio looked pretty comfortable at that moment. How hard could it be to keep her hands-off Riot? If he kept pissing her off it would be a breeze.
His hand barely glided along her waist, leading her to the chair, and it was like being burned with a white-hot fire. All it took was that slight brush of skin against skin and desire rose up from a depth that should be too deep to climb out of. Hadn’t she crammed these emotions down back where they had lived for years? Why couldn’t they stay where she put them? Her lips suddenly became dry, and she clasped her hands together so they wouldn’t tremble. She struggled to stay focused on simply walking over and taking a seat. Moving from his touch, she felt lonelier than ever as she stepped away.
Riot closed his hand as he dropped it from her back. He reminded himself he had suggested this be strictly business. “Let’s go over the proposal. Don’t get your panties in a bunch, this is a trial run to see if you’re a fit for us or not.”
Oh, he fit all right—perfectly between her thighs. “Hmmm, worried you can’t handle me?”
“Sweetheart, I’m not the one that’s worried.”
They sat for over an hour, hashing out different aspects of the contract. It was a straightforward agreement, she just needed to reassure herself it was the right thing for her. No one else, just her.
“I looked over the proposal, Riot. What else do you want from me?”
“Ben running your team.”
“Done.” Looking up at Mal and Dan sitting at the dining room table talking amongst themselves, she could do this. “There is one thing that I will not budge on. Mal and Dan stay on my team.”
“River, we can get you the small sponsors that are looking for advertising. The bridges you’ve burned are more interested in rebuilding them than you think. …What? You’re looking at me like I have three heads.”
“I had no idea is all.”
“The bottom line: this just means you’re accepting our sponsorship through products and that our logo will be on everything from your bike to your clothing.”
As she and Riot talked about the different companies that could and possibly would sponsor her, River realized everything was changing for her. She needed to get ready. She knew she didn’t have any other offers rolling in.
River would race for the new team Riot was putting together. Ben would be her crew chief, Dan would continue as chief mechanics, Mal remained her trainer. Two mechanics would be hired in the next week. He had the sponsorships lined up. All River needed to do was say yes.
She stuck out her hand and Riot shook it. “Looks like you get to boss me around, for now.”
“This is temporary until we sit down with Michael and Jason. Our first order of business, you do not take any races without speaking with myself or Ben. Not even a fun run, got it?”
“Buzzkill.” She smirked.
“You know it. I have two more meetings today now that we are working together.”
“That’s it? You’re leaving, no celebration dinner?” River noticed he was cool, calm, and collected. The question was, could she shake him up?
“Be ready for eight.”
Crossing her arms, she leaned back in the chair, smiling as he walked away.Game on, Mr. Meniere.
Chapter Fifteen
Riot and Ben stood talking in the pit area. They needed the new bikes to arrive before the race that weekend. The bikes should be running smoothly, but they weren’t. “We shouldn’t be putting her on these damn things. It’s too risky. Too many issues keep coming up.”
Ben stared out at the track, deep in thought as Riot talked about changing the suspension. Ben agreed it had too much wiggle room. He heard Riot but getting River to not race… that would be on Riot. He would not be in the line of fire on that one. “Have you spoken to River since Friday?”
Riot didn’t tell Ben was that he had screwed the pooch by leaving her waiting for him Friday night. He had ended up in a late meeting with a possible sponsor, went back to his hotel to grab a shower, and passed out until the next morning. He called several times, all of which she did not answer. “Nah, she shut me down hard. All she is focused on is racing. She isn’t making time for me.”If I would fuck her and not ask for anything else, she would speak to me.
“And you’re okay with that?”