Turned out River wasn’t the only one hungry. Anyone that followed racing would know half the crowded restaurant. Through the packed dining room, she and Mal could see Laurel sitting center stage. Holding her head high, hiding her eyes behind dark sunglasses, she followed the hostess to the only available table. If it wouldn’t look like she was scared of them, she would leave and grab something to go.
“Morning, River.”
She looked at Laurel, keeping her face neutral. Too many people with cell phones. Lowering her glasses, she smiled. “Morning.”
“Are you suffering from a headache?” Laurel giggled.
Fuck you, bitch.“Yes, it must be from bouncing across the track yesterday. I appreciate the assist, Archer. I don’t think I could have managed it by myself.” The table erupted in laughter.
Laurel set her hand over Archer’s, patting it. River cocked her eyebrow at the show of affection. Knowing she was stirring the pot, she looked over at Riot. “Watch ou,t Meniere. Your bitch is sniffing around other dog’s balls.” She turned her back to all of them and took a seat as more laughter came from behind her. She ordered a bloody mary and a sidecar of vodka.Fuck it, she thought. They could talk shit about her while she sat there. For a moment last night, she had thought Riot cared about her. But here he sat breaking bread with the woman who had stolen from her.
Adjusting her chair, she intentionally bumped into Laurel’s. River heard Laurel call her a bitch, so she nudged back in her chair a little more. Laurel shoved back, which made River wink at Mal. Her was mind on Riot sitting with Laurel right behind her like it was not a big deal. Itwasa big deal. A very big deal.
Damn it, she would not cry over him. She would not go soft after all this time. He didn’t deserve her tears.
“I can’t do this, not today.” Who cared if they won this round? Pushing her chair back, she heard Laurel screech as her drink went down the front of her. River would take that as a win. Walking off, she passed the waiter and took the drink and the shot, leaving the restaurant.You gave them what they wanted—your foul mood.
Chapter Nine
River pulled into the parking lot of the track and really hated Mal at that moment. It was all her idea to take this meeting, then the brat didn’t come with her, leaving her to drive down here alone. Five damn hours with nothing to do but think. What a fun drive it had been… not. Grabbing her keys, she stepped out of her truck.
Fontana Speedway was full of ghosts for River. She hadn’t come here since the wreck seven years ago. Fate had been on her side by not bringing a race here that she had to run. Walking through the tunnel, she looked out at the track, her mind going to that fatal day. She could see the crash as if she had been there. The crushed metal, flames licking up the wall, people screaming.
What a clusterfuck that had to have been. Her thoughts were broken by from the sound of someone behind her.
“Hey, River.”
Looking over her shoulder, River saw an old friend. She hadn’t seen Keith since being picked up by Double Down. Unfortunately, Keith had been a hang-around, looking for scraps back then. River had been soft-hearted, letting people tag along as long as they worked for their keep. “Keith, how are you? How’s the family?”
“Everyone’s good. Listen, are you going into that meeting upstairs?”
And it starts… track gossip. “I got a call from Ben saying he needed to see me. I figure it’s something to do with me losing my sponsor.”
“D and T Racing is up there with him. Put your game face on, don’t let those boys take anything from you.”
“Thanks, Keith.” River watched him walk away, thinking about the bastards upstairs waiting on her. Yeah, bastards described them perfectly.
“Come to dinner soon. The kids and Cherri would love to see you.”
“I’ll call.” She wouldn’t. He knew it, it was just formality to ask. People always felt they needed to extend an invite to her when they didn’t want to. Pity was unwanted seven years ago and still was today. River watched as Keith walked toward a swank F-350 in the parking lot.Good for him, she thought. Seemed he had broken into a better life.
Deciding she wanted this meeting over with, River headed for a showdown. When her foot hit the first stair step, her stomach rolled over. She turned and ran for the bathroom, not sure if her lunch was about to make a second appearance. Thankfully her stomach settled down, and River stared at herself in the mirror wondering how she had gotten there.
Her life had been going great, then one thing after another had started falling apart. Problems with the bikes, worthless friends taking up room in her pit and in her house. It was time she grew up and took her life back. When she landed Double Down, she cut everyone loose with the exception of Mal and Dan. Now, she was back where she started at since DD had been eaten up by Canyon Racing and she had been dropped.
Even if she didn’t land a sponsor, she had enough money to sponsor herself if she had to. She might lose the California ranch, but it would be for a good reason.
Leaning away from the mirror, she touched up her lipstick, ran her tongue over her teeth, and shook out her wild curly hair. Giving herself a wink, she headed for the meeting. It took less time to get up the stairs than she was ready for. She steeled herself and knocked on the door.
The quick knock got her a response to come in. Putting on a smile she kept for interviews, she pushed the door open and walked in like she owned the world.
“Ben.”Yep just give that hug and sit your ass down in the chair all the way at the opposite end of the table.
“River, so glad you could make it. You remember Michael and Jason.”