“Dan and I can hang out if you want.”
“Nah, I’m gonna grab a bath and go over track maps.”And probably cry in my bubbles. How pathetic am I?
River hugged Mal and Dan and sent them off towards the bar. She didn’t have a problem with it, they would keep it to a one drink minimum. Glancing back, River smiled. It had taken a good year before Dan ever asked Mal out, but only a month for them to get married.Sometimes things are meant to be. Moving through the crowded lobby, all River wanted was a bath and some much-needed downtime. Her mind kept going back to the fact Laurel and Riot were in town. How the hell did she process knowing that they were in town for the race? The tension tightened in her neck and shoulders. “I need a massage.”
Weaving her way across the lobby River caught sight of a news crew. She slowed her pace to see who they were sinking their teeth into tonight. Her breath caught at the sight of Riot mere feet from her. He was standing behind Laurel as she talked to the reporter, and she bumped into a chair, causing the patron sitting in it to get up and sound off at her.
Panicking, she looked up in time to see Riot watching her, his eyes fierce as he moved from behind Laurel.God, he really does hate me.River apologized to the man for bumping his chair as she chanced one more look towards Riot. As he continued to stare at her, she rushed off. The cameraman paned towards her, bringing Laurel’s attention with him. It was more than River could deal with. The last thing she saw was the pissed off look on Laurel’s face.Doesn’t matter, I don’t want a new contract with you, bitch.
The sounds of Pretty Reckless blasted in River’s ears as her feet pounded the treadmill in the hotel’s workout area. If she had to run until she passed out, that’s what she would do. The expression on Riot’s face had almost taken her to her knees. So much anger shown behind those dark blue depths. Eyes that had once shone with laughter and love for her were now angry and guarded. What happened to the man she once knew? The question ran on an endless loop in her mind. She had no answer.
Staring at herself in the dark glass that separated her from the outside world, her vision wavered as sweat dripped in her eyes. She hit the stop button and pulled up her T-shirt to wipe her face when the reflection of a man appeared in the doorway. Tall, lean… damn it.Riot. He leaned against the door jamb before pushing off from it lazily and walking farther into the room.
“You haven’t changed at all. You still run yourself into the ground when you’re stressed or worried.” His hand itched to touch her, his heart beat against his chest like a racehorse rushing towards the finish line. Passion. That’s what the feeling was. It had been so long since he felt anything but anger. Pain. Guilt. Moving easily across the room, he waited to see if she would retreat from him. Would she run? Would she slap him? Would she stand her ground like she used to when they fought?
“I’ve changed more than you know.”Please, stop moving towards me.She rubbed her shirt over her face again, trying to settle her nerves. Riot always undid her. No matter how long they had been together, he could melt her with a touch. Fool, her head yelled at her, thinking of the past. He had chosen Laurel over her when she would have given up everything for him. Everything. “Where’s your girlfriend?”
A twitch of a smug smile flashed across his face for a split second then vanished just as quickly. “You worry about me, sweetheart?” She hadn’t run. She had stood, letting him get right in front of her. Reaching up, his fingers toyed with a loose strand of her blonde hair. She had let it grow out, and he ached to run his hands through it,. He wanted to feel her touch, to taste her kiss. Just as he had that thought, River moved out of his reach. Suddenly cold was all he felt. “You afraid of me, JoJo?”
No one called her by the nickname anymore. “Should I be, Johnny? And it’s River.” Grabbing her towel from the bench, she moved farther away from him. “Why are you and your bitch in town?” She already knew, but why should she tell him that piece of information?”
“Double Down… Laurel purchased the team last week.’
“That’s old news. I guess I should be thankful she hasn’t torn up my contract before this weekend.”
“Win or lose, you both get something out of this weekend.”
“What am I getting?”
“Your freedom. There are bigger sponsorships out there for a racer like you.”
“Johnny, are you looking to sponsor me?”
“What if I am?”
“What did you have in mind? Negotiating in my hotel room, maybe at Laurel’s in my old room. Wouldn’t that just tickle her pink.”
Riot smirked at her statement. “You might want to watch the news when you get to your room.” That stopped her. Riot smiled when she turned on him, her glare angry.
Riot stepped close to her and ran a finger along her jawline. “Well, sweetheart, you talked to TMZ right before you knocked the hell out of Archer. Then, when the same news crew caught up with us earlier in the lobby, you had perfect timing.” God, she was even more beautiful when the fire blazed in her light grey eyes.
“They stitched the two stories together.” She groaned. Tossing the towel aside, it was back to the treadmill for more running. No way was she going to sleep now. She felt him step up to her, the heat of his body radiated off of his and warming hers. God she had missed the touch of a man. Missed Riot’s touch. She leaned her head back, resting against Riot’s chest, and for a moment she was back in time, back to a place where everything made sense. His warm breath caressed her neck and his lips moved along her collar bone. A small moan escaped her.
“There’s another way to relax you, sweetheart. All you have to say is yes.” Snapping open her eyes, she stumbled out of Riot’s arms, grabbing hold of the treadmill. “Damn you, Johnny.”
“River, you offered.” He smiled.
Shaking her head, she turned and made a beeline for the elevators. River held it together until her door clicked shut. With her back against it, she slid to the floor as the floodgates opened up and she cried for the first time in years.
Chapter Seven
Race day