“Fuck!” I growl out when I see a puddle under the vehicle. “You seein’ this shit, Country?”
“I am. Someone cut her fuckin’ brake lines. I’m not sure if you can see it from your side, but I can from mine. This isn’t a line wearin’ out or anythin’ else. There’s a clean slice in the line straight through. If you guys left in this, you’d have no brakes. I know you understand how to safely stop, but if Brooklyn was alone, she’d have no clue how to stop or slow down without gettin’ in an accident. This was done on purpose, Soul,” Country states as we both push off the ground and stand next to the SUV.
“This is fuckin’ bullshit! When the fuck is he gonna get the hint that we’re not gonna let him get away with hurtin’ Brooklyn any longer? Doesn’t he understand what a restrainin’ order means?” I growl out, my voice hard and cold as Country places a hand on my shoulder to get me to calm down just a little bit.
“Let’s see what the security footage shows. You watch the recordin’ while I call Anguish and fill him in on what we’ve found. We’re gonna need someone to come over and grab the two of you. I’ll call Wheels to fill him in on the situation as well. He’ll be here quicker than shit to check on both of you,” Country states, taking the lead while I let the anger and rage consume me while we remain outside and away from Brooklyn.
I yell into the empty parking lot since I’m away from the compound and the sparring ring. Right now I could use a good fight with Hulk or Goliath with the way I’m feeling. They’ll knock the anger right out of me after a good training session and won’t allow me to sink in despair or let the fire burning me from the inside out rage out of control. I’ve never had to struggle with this feeling of rage like this before and I know it’s because of Brooklyn. I don’t give a fuck if it’s too soon or not, I’ve fallen in love with this woman and will do whatever it takes to protect her for the rest of my life.
Country pulls me inside and we head for my office where the security system is set up. I press a few buttons until I’m where I pull into the back parking lot and help Brooklyn out as we head inside the club. I watch as everyone else pulls in and parks before making their way inside to get ready for work. Speeding up the video, I watch Misty leave and don’t see anything else as I slowly fast forward through the video. Finally, I see a man dressed in black from head to toe walk out of the woods behind the parking lot. There’s no way I can get a clear image of his face because he’s got a hood pulled down low over his face. This is someone who knows what the fuck they’re doing and I won’t catch him because he’s made some kind of mistake.
“I’ve got it,” I tell Country as he joins me while talking to Wheels.
Together we watch as this fucker gets down on the ground and reaches under the SUV. He remains down there for a few minutes before getting back up, looking around the parking lot to make sure no one’s seen him, and then disappears in the woods again as if he was never there. If I weren’t so pissed, I’d honestly be impressed with the stealth he used to accomplish his goal of trying to hurt my woman.
We’re all back at the compound. Fee, Cricket, and Nanny are sitting with Brooklyn in the common room. Fee came to pick us up while Scorch stayed home with the kids. I’m honestly surprised he let her go out on her own, but Fee is crazy when she gets an idea in her head and Scorch tries to prevent her from completing it. The rest of us are sitting in our meeting room to go over all this shit happening with our girl.
“Everyone calm the fuck down!” Anguish bursts out, his voice echoing off the walls in the room as we all stop our various conversations of outrage to look at our President. “This shit needs to be taken care of. Soul, what the fuck happened tonight?”
“We were gettin’ ready to head out and I just had this overwhelmin’ feelin’ in my gut that I needed to check the SUV over. As Country and I walked out, the first thing I looked for was a note under the wiper like before. There wasn’t anythin’ there. Country and I took opposite sides of the SUV and got down to look under it. It was easy to see the puddle under her brake line. Country took me back to the office where he called you and Wheels while I watched the security footage. Nothin’ happens for the longest time. Suddenly a man walked out of the woods behind the parkin’ lot and went straight to the SUV. He was down on the ground for a few minutes before he got back up, looked around for a minute, and then disappeared into the woods once again. I’m thinkin’ this asshole has some kind of military trainin’. He was too smooth to be some random guy hired to do a job. There was a level of stealth involved I’ve only ever seen from other men who’ve been in the service,” I answer Anguish as Wheels tenses in his seat next to me.
“No clue who he was?” Scorch questions me as he stares from his seat at the table.
“None. He wore black clothin’ and had a hood pulled down over his face so no one can make out any details of his face. Even with multiple angles, we’re not gonna see an inch of his face he doesn’t want exposed,” I inform Scorch and everyone else around the table while keeping my eyes locked on Wheels at my side.
My best friend is going to explode and when he does, no one will be able to contain him. Wheels doesn’t typically hold his anger in and that’s all he’s been doing lately, since that fucking note showed up. Even with his time in the ring, he’s still brimming with rage. So, when he eventually explodes, the destruction is going to be catastrophic.
“Hulk, what the fuck have you been able to dig up on the family?” Anguish asks, his voice showing how exhausted he is since it’s so late at night and he’s been up all day long already.
“Bennett Conklin is the fucker after Brooklyn. He’s an entitled prick who gets away with anythin’ he does because Daddy’s a politician and is constantly bailin’ him out of every illegal thing he does. His dad is a piece of shit and most likely where Bennett learned all the shit he’s been pullin’ for years. The dad likes to misuse the funds that are supposedly for his election campaigns and other shit since he’s been in office. He’s also got a real problem when it comes to drugs and payin’ for prostitutes. Every fuckin’ day he’s visitin’ his dealer and pimp for the next hook-up and fix he’s desperate for.
“The prostitutes don’t like goin’ to see him these days. Word has spread that he likes it really fuckin’ rough. While havin’ sex, he beats the fuck out of the girls and there isn’t a single day where his wife isn’t sportin’ a new bruise somewhere on her body. He’s also got a well-known judge in his pocket so anytime someone brings up charges against him, it never sees the light of day because the judge has cops on his payroll. There’s an entire fuckin’ group of fuckers who all help one another. Money is constantly changin’ hands and other favors are granted on a daily basis. It’s fuckin’ sick.
“Bennett also has multiple restrainin’ orders against him. Well, he did have multiple ones placed against him. Within days of the order bein’ served, it’s bein’ rescinded by the victim. From what I can find, money is always deposited into the accounts of the women and then they disappear. No, they’re not killed, but they leave town and are never heard from again. Brooklyn’s the only one who isn’t backin’ down when it comes to the restrainin’ order and I’m guessin’ it’s because Bennett hasn’t been able to get to her yet. Her old bank account hasn’t had any money deposited in it either. What I do know is that her parents are still in Odin’s Gap and layin’ low because they know their meal ticket is about to dry up with Bennett not comin’ around. Bennett does little more than checkin’ in to see if they’ve heard from their daughter before ignorin’ them once again,” Hulk informs us as he shuffles papers around in a folder resting on the table in front of him.
“Keep diggin’. I want Brooklyn watched like a fuckin’ hawk from now on. We’ve already got Theo and Fetch on her. When she leaves this compound, I want more men on her. As many as we can get until this shit is dealt with. If she goes to work or the store somewhere, I want at least two guys outside with the SUV at all times. Anyone gets close, you fuckin’ beat the hell out of them,” Anguish orders us all as we listen to him. “Wheels, your job right now is to be there for Soul and Brooklyn. Don’t come to the shop and go to the club with them each night she works. That’s to be your only focus right now. The rest of you keep an eye open for this stupid fuck when you’re ridin’ around town. If anythin’ else comes up, get with me immediately. For now, get the hell out of here and we’ll see what’s goin’ on in a few days.”
Anguish slams the gavel down on the table in front of him as we all stand and leave the room. Wheels is on a mission as he races from the room. I follow behind him, stopping long enough to grab our phones and weapons from Fetch. By the time I get to the common room, Wheels has Brooklyn in his arms and is holding her close while the ol’ ladies and Nanny watch them with smiles on their faces. Getting up to them, Wheels sets Brooklyn back down on her feet and we leave the clubhouse to head to the cabin. Brooklyn is holding both of our hands and doesn’t let us go as we remain silent. The rest of our night is spent in bed with Wheels and I just holding our girl between us.
Chapter Six
THIS MORNING, OPHELIA and Cricket came to the cabin while I was finishing up helping Nanny and told me we were having a girl’s day behind the clubhouse. They’ve got some drinks for us and we’re going to spend the day lounging in the sun while the guys watch the kids. Robynn has something to do so she won’t be joining us. It’s a shame because I’d like to get to know Robynn better, but all the women here have busy lives, kids, and other shit going on. Depending on what happens with the guys, I’ll have plenty of time to get to know her. It will still be a lot of fun hanging out with Cricket and Ophelia though. I remember how much fun they were in high school even if I never hung out with them.
In school, I was just kind of in the background of things. No one really paid me any attention because I was the poor girl from the wrong side of the tracks. The only reason these two girls know who I am is because I was paired up with them a few times for class projects. We were allowed to choose our own groups and I would always sit in my seat and not worry about getting up to group myself with anyone else. No one ever wanted to work with me because they bullied me and told me I wasn’t good enough to work with them. The truth of the matter is that I had the highest marks in our grade because all I did was study. By the end of the first full month of school, I already had all the homework and most of the projects done for each class so all I had to focus on was studying.
Cricket and Ophelia always tried to include me if we were in the same class, but it wasn’t always possible. I’m not sure why Drayven would remember me from school, but he’s made several comments since I’ve been here about things that happened or awards I won. I know I was never on his radar so it’s been a bit shocking to realize he even remembers me. Anyway, I want to spend the day with the girls though I won’t be drinking. Ophelia won’t be either. She’s heavily pregnant and I’m really not sure if she should be outside with the sun beating down on her. From what I remember, Cricket won’t drink alone so I’m not sure what drinks we’ll be having. I’m ready to find out though.
After helping Nanny in the chicken coop, I head back to our cabin and shower. The chicks I found are doing well; she has them separated right now until they get a little older. I find I enjoy the simple tasks of helping her with them, and since Nanny knows each of their names, I find myself giggling a lot whenever she fusses at them using their names as if they understand her. Braiding my long, red hair after brushing through it, I dress in the modest bathing suit I found in the things that were given to me when I was brought to the compound. I still need to go shopping for my own clothing, but I’m really nervous to go out even if I'm surrounded by guys. Plus, I’d rather not go buy underwear, bras, and lingerie with a hulking biker standing close by. While I’m used to wearing simple cotton underthings, I find myself wanting to add some pretty but functional items for my guys. So far, every time I’ve been away from the compound, someone has gotten close to the SUV the guys bought me and done something to it or left a note on it for me. While I don’t want to let Bennett keep winning, I can’t seem to help myself when it comes to the fear instilled in me.
I add on a pair of shorts to cover my lower body and some of the scars that are on my upper thighs. For a few minutes, I’m consumed with the thought of anyone else seeing the scars covering my body. However, Jayce and Gavin have made me feel differently about the marks covering most of my upper body and thighs. We’ve even discussed possibly covering some of them with tattoos. Since I love exploring the tats on my men, I’m thinking about doing so. It won’t erase them but it will take the pain and trauma and turn it into something beautiful. Yes, I was told by Soul to call him Gavin when we’re alone the same as Jayce. It’s taken getting used to, but I love their real names and use them often when we’re in the cabin alone. Anyway, after sliding on a pair of flip flops, I grab my phone and head out to the front of the cabin where Cricket and Ophelia are already waiting for me.
“Girl, where the fuck have you been hiding this body?” Cricket asks me as Wheels and Soul walk up.
“She’s sexy as fuck, yeah?” Jayce says, stepping up and wrapping his arms around me and holding me close.
“She’s definitely sexy,” Ophelia says, a smile on her face as I feel Gavin wrap his body around my back.