“I’m here to dispose of your clothes,” he informs us, fear in his eyes as if he’s done something wrong.
“Fetch, what’s goin’ on with you? Did you ever find your phone?” I ask him, trying to figure out where his head is right now.
“Uh, yeah. Jethro got my phone somehow and it’s been destroyed. I have to figure out how to get a new one now. All the money I’ve got is in savings and I don’t want to spend it if I don’t have to. So, I’ve been tryin’ to be around where I know you all need me since I can’t be called. I’m sorry. I’ll fix the problem as soon as I can,” Fetch answers me, his voice wavering as he looks at the floor in front of his feet.
I know why Fetch doesn’t want to spend the money he’s been putting into savings. He barely keeps enough to cover his monthly expenses and every other penny he earns goes right into a savings account Fee helped him set up. It’s one of those high interest earning ones. Ever since he was homeless when we found him, Fetch refuses to ever not have money to his name again. By having his savings account and never removing money from it, he knows he’ll always have enough money to never live on the streets again. It’s his safety net and one he’ll keep forever if he's able to.
“It’s okay, Fetch. We’ll get Hulk to grab you a burner phone so you have somethin’ until you can get a new one sorted. For now, thank you for takin’ our clothes and gettin’ rid of them so no one knows what we’ve been up to. You’re a good man, Fetch. You’ve done so much for the club and will continue to do so no matter what role you're in for the club. I’ll tell you now that you will receive your patch. If we don’t patch you in, the women will riot because everyone here loves you and wants to watch you continue to grow and succeed in life,” Wheels tells him as we hand over the bag with our clothing from the trailer inside.
“Thank you,” Fetch murmurs as he takes our clothing and heads for the back of the clubhouse where the fire has already been started to burn everything. It’s standard procedure and one we all know Fetch will take care of as he does every single time we need this done.
Wheels and I finally make our way out to the truck after making sure to send Hulk a message about getting Fetch a burner phone. Getting back in my truck, we make our way to the house where Fetch has been since we left. In his place is Zayne. While I don’t know much about the Prospect, I know he’s a good guy. He wouldn’t still be in the club if he weren’t. He’s watching over the front of the house as we park and walk up to the front door.
“No one’s been near the house at all. Fetch told me he didn’t see anythin’ when he was here and I found him pacin’ back and forth from one side to the next. I know he said Rion’s out back and I haven’t seen him at all since I’ve been here. Do you want me to stay the rest of the night to ensure the three of you are safe?” Zayne questions us, his voice full of curiosity as he looks between Wheels and myself.
“No. You’re good, Zayne. Thank you for watchin’ over the house while Fetch came down to help us,” I tell him as a large smile forms on his face.
“You’re welcome.”
Zayne leaves the house and we watch him walk toward the clubhouse only to be joined a few minutes later by Rion. The two of them make their way toward the front of the compound where I hope they’ll get some sleep instead of staying awake and starting to do their daily tasks. It’s not super late, but if I know those three guys at all, I’d bet money they’ll remain awake to get ahead of any tasks they typically do and make sure Creed is good in the gate house and doesn’t need anything. Our Prospects look after one another more than anyone else I’ve ever seen in my life and it’s good to see when they’re so young.
“Let’s get inside and back in bed with our wife. I want her in my arms,” Wheels says, resting his hand on my shoulder as he leads me inside the house and we secure the alarm once again.
We make our way upstairs to find our wife passed out in the middle of the bed with a pillow in her arms and her hair all over the place. Wheels or I usually end up with it in our face each night and neither one of us give a fuck about it. My best friend and I strip down to our boxers and climb into bed on either side of our woman. Her body is warm and pliant as we wrap ourselves around her the best we can.
“Gavin. Jayce,” she mumbles, her eyes fluttering open as she looks at both of us with a slight turn of her head. “Are you okay?”
“We’re okay, Little Warrior. Had to take care of some business and we just got back,” Wheels informs her, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Where did you go?” she asks, sounding wide awake now as she snuggles deeper into our embrace.
I look over at Wheels and we both try to figure out what to say about her parents and what happened to them tonight. Finally, I suck in a deep breath and slowly release it while looking deep into her eyes.
“You don’t ever have to worry about your parents again, Love. They’ve died of a drug overdose and last we saw their trailer was becoming a ragin’ inferno,” I answer her, keeping my voice just as soft while waiting for her to lose her shit on us.
“So they’re dead and no one will ever have to deal with them again? I won’t ever have to see them or have them come at me the way they did earlier?” she questions us, her voice wavering with emotion as tears fill her eyes.
“That’s what we’re sayin’, Love. I’m sorry if you feel we overstepped or anythin’,” I begin to tell her, my voice hesitant and unsure as I start to pull away from her.
“Not at all. I’m thankful I no longer have to deal with them. They’ve never been good people and I refuse to shed a single tear now that they’re gone. Neither one of them would worry about me if something were to happen. You’ve taken a weight off my shoulders and once the trial is done with Bennett, I won’t ever have to think of any of them again. That’s the best thing you two could’ve given me. I love you both so much and vow to show every day just how much love I feel for you,” she tells us, the weight of what we’ve done falling off of our shoulders as she holds us both closer to her body.
Closing my eyes, I let sleep claim me knowing Brooklyn is safe in our arms and we’ve eliminated one of her demons. For the first time since Bennett kidnapped her, she didn’t have a nightmare and I can only hope it’s because she knows we’re slaying the monsters who have haunted her for as long as she’s been alive. With one more monster to go, I hope we demolish the nightmares entirely soon. Brooklyn deserves to feel secure in her life and our relationship without anyone feeling the need to destroy her simply because that’s what they choose to do.
Chapter Eighteen
TONIGHT IS ONE where I’m working at Soul Escape. I can only work for a few hours a day and I’m no longer waitressing. Misty has had to leave her job as a bartender and Soul moved me to take her place so I can get away from the compound and among people. Wheels goes in to work with us each day and he sits at the end of the bar and drinks bottles of water the entire time I’m there. When it’s time for me to go home, Soul and Wheels both leave with me. Country has stepped up and taken over managerial duties for Soul so he can be home with me on the days I’m not feeling very good. Soul hates that he’s not at work like normal, but he wants to be with me as I rest and do what Dr. Matthews tells me to do to ensure the safety of our twins.
Today, I really don’t want to go in to work though. Theo is finally getting discharged from the hospital and I want to be there when he gets brought back to the clubhouse. He’ll be placed on the first floor in one of the rooms since he’ll be in a wheelchair as that’s how Theo will have to get around for now. Hulk has told me that he’s pissed as fuck about the wheelchair, but understands he can’t put any weight on his leg or he’ll do even more damage than the accident caused when he was hit. I still don’t know the full extent of what happened because I was in front of him and didn't see it as it occurred, I just heard the noise right before I was hit. What I do know is the guilt I feel for the man who was assigned to protect me is all-consuming. It weighs down my entire body from the second I wake up until I go to bed each night.
The guys think I’m having nightmares and I don’t realize I’m having them, but I know every fucking night when one taunts me. It’s not Bennett I’m having nightmares about—it’s Theo. I dream of him being hit from behind as he was and in my mind he doesn’t just end up with various injuries and a busted leg they had to put back together. Theo ends up dead in each of my nightmares and everyone hates me for losing him. I don’t know a damn thing about him, but in each of my dreams, I’m pushed out of Odin’s Gap and left alone because the guys keep our twins with them and don’t ever let me see them again.
Because that’s secretly a fear of mine, that they’ll eventually grow tired of me and kick me to the curb, but insist on keeping our babies, I can’t articulate what my nightmares are about. Still, I know I’ll eventually have to share with them. Thankfully, they don’t push me to talk about what my mind has conjured up right now, especially since Iknowit’s not the truth. Theo was badly injured, but he’s coming home, and he’ll eventually recover. In the meantime, I’ll do whatever I can to help him as a way to try and pay him back for what he’s endured.
Still, despite wanting to stay home and be there when Theo gets brought home, I get ready for work and walk downstairs where I know Gavin and Jayce are waiting for me. I find them sitting on the couch, talking quietly among themselves as they wait for me to meet them.
“Guys, what’s going on?” I ask them, stepping in the room with them as they stop talking immediately and look up to me.