“Is this okay, Jayce?” she questions me, causing me to open my eyes and stare in shock at her.
“You weren’t allowed to touch him, were you?” I ask, already knowing the answer to my question.
“Touch me however you want, Baby. You’re not gonna hurt me. Do what you want. If it becomes too much, I’ll stop you,” I state, my voice coming out as a growl.
Brooklyn spends the next several minutes running her hand up and down my length. I can feel myself on the precipice of my release when I reach down and stop her hand from moving anymore. She looks up at me, confusion filling her gaze.
“Little Warrior, you’ve got me ready to explode like a fuckin’ teenager with a girl touchin’ him for the first time in his life. I want this to be good for you and that won’t happen if you keep touchin’ me,” I tell her as she looks up at me with wide eyes.
“I’m making you feel good?” she questions as anger fills me.
“You’re makin’ me feel better than I’ve ever felt in my life, Brooklyn. That’s a fuckin’ promise.”
“Can we have sex now, Jayce?” she asks, her voice showing how nervous she is.
“Will you let me check to make sure you’re ready for me?” I question her, needing to make sure I don’t hurt her for any reason.
“Yes,” she whispers, her voice breathy and little more than a moan.
Sitting up, I reach forward and slide my fingers through her slick folds. Brooklyn is definitely wet and ready for me. Keeping my eyes locked on her, I slide a finger into her pussy to feel her clench around me and I know she needs to be stretched a little bit before I can slide my cock deep in her pussy. Adding a second finger, I slowly slide them in and out, scissoring them to stretch her for me.
“Jayce,” she moans, placing her hand on my head and letting her own head fall back as she closes her eyes and moans in response to my touch.
“You’re ready, Brooklyn. Climb up on me and I’ll help you,” I tell her, laying back down and holding my hand out for her to hold as she climbs up on the bed to straddle me.
When she’s in position, Brooklyn looks to me as I reach between our bodies and line my cock up with her entrance. Reaching up, I hold her hips so she’s steady as she lets her body lower down my length. She’s so fucking tight as she takes me completely inside her body.
“Fuck, Brooklyn! You feel so fuckin’ good,” I tell her as her chest, neck, and face begins to flush with her desire.
“I feel full, Jayce,” she returns, staring down at me with wide eyes.
With my help, I guide her up and down my cock. Brooklyn presses her hands against my chest as I lift myself enough to suck one of her nipples in my mouth. Brooklyn’s movements flinch in response and I smile around her tight bud in my mouth knowing that fucker never gave her the pleasure I’ve managed to make her feel in a matter of a few minutes today. Brooklyn starts moving her hips up and down faster, adding a small twist to her movements as she rubs her clit against my pelvis with each downward motion.
“So. Close,” she says, her voice breaking as she looks at me with love filled eyes.
“Do you need my help, Little Warrior?” I ask her, waiting for her response before I do anything else to her.
“Please, Jayce,” she pleads with me as I nod in response and reach between our bodies.
I rub circles on her clit and press tightly against it as she continues to slide up and down my cock, her pussy squeezing and pulsing around me, sucking me closer to finding my release. Carefully, watching her face still, I pinch Brooklyn’s clit as she sinks down on me again and traps my hand between our bodies.
“Jayce!” Brooklyn screams out, her voice echoing in the small room as her entire body tightens and I feel wave after wave of her release wash over me.
I thrust my hips up twice more before I find my own release deep in her pussy.
“Brooklyn!” I yell out as I let my release fill her pussy while digging my fingers into her hips to keep her body locked to mine.
Brooklyn lets her body collapse on top of mine. I wrap my arms around her after releasing her hips and rubbing the spot for a minute to take away any possible sting I’ve left behind from my grip on her. Holding her close to my body, we both take our time letting our breathing return to normal and our heart rate slow down. When I feel almost normal again, I keep Brooklyn in my arms and carry her to the bathroom, still not letting my cock leave her pussy. Once we’re in the bathroom, I set her down near the toilet before turning my back to run a hot bath for her. I add in some bubble bath and make the water as hot as she normally puts it when she wants to relax and soak after a long day.
Once we’re both in the tub, I let her small body lay against mine while wrapping my arms around her to hold her close. We don’t really talk, but words aren’t needed as I give her a few minutes before I wash her hair and body. I massage her and listen to her response so I know I’m hitting the right places as I take care of her. This is a first for me and I can honestly say, I love taking care of our girl as she becomes the most relaxed I’ve seen her in weeks. Neither one of us mention the fact that I didn’t use a condom with her. We’ll talk about it, but not tonight. Tonight is for taking care of her. When Soul’s home, we’ll have that conversation so we’re all on the same page about things. Tonight is all about Brooklyn and what I can do to take care of her and allow her to see that all men aren’t the same.
Chapter Five
GETTING HOME LAST night, Wheels and Brooklyn were waiting for me. They’re usually sleeping by the time I get home from the club and I stay up for about an hour before heading to bed myself. As soon as I saw them, I knew something had changed between the two of them. Brooklyn was in Wheels’ arms and he was holding her close as if she’ll vanish from our sight in the second it takes him to blink his eyes. It took me no longer than a second to realize they’d had sex and taken their relationship to the next level. We’ve been waiting for her to let us know when she was ready, taking lots of cold showers and jacking off while we froze, so I’m glad to see she has taken that step. Instead of feeling jealousy toward my best friend for taking that step with Brooklyn, I was happy as fuck for the two of them. I’ll get my chance to be with Brooklyn and because of the wait it will be that much sweeter. The anticipation might kill me, but she’s worth waiting for and I’ll wait the rest of my life if that’s what it takes for her to be comfortable taking that step with me.