“Nanny,” I begin, pausing for breath when I realize I’m about to hyperventilate as the black spots start to form around the edges of my vision.
“What do you need, Brooklyn? Tell me and I’ll get it for you without hesitation,” she says, fear filling her voice as Nanny finally reaches me and puts her hand on the small of my back.
“Guys,” I manage to get out as I latch onto the door with my hand so hard my knuckles are turning white but I already feel my legs starting to give out from under my body.
“Wheels! Soul! Goliath! Hulk!” Nanny starts yelling at the top of her lungs though it sounds muffled and distant to me.
I can’t hold myself up any longer as I allow myself to collapse to the ground just outside the SUV. Unfortunately, I’m close enough that I hit my head off the runner causing me to see stars as a sticky substance immediately starts running down my face.
“Brooklyn!” Nanny shouts as the last of my vision and sense fades into oblivion.
Waking up, my head is pounding and it hurts to open my eyes. Still, I manage to pry them open and look around to see my bedroom. Confusion fills me as I try to piece together what happened and why my head is killing me right now. The last thing I remember is pulling over outside the compound and finding a box of chicks. I was going to take them to Nanny because she’ll know what to do with them and make sure they’re okay. Then I remember the note that was left on my new SUV when I came out of the store from getting groceries to cook dinner for Wheels and Soul. After that, nothing.
“What happened?” I croak out, my voice weak and raspy as I find Soul leaning forward in a chair he pulled over next to my bed.
“What do you remember, Sweetheart?” he asks me, his voice low and gentle as if he already knows how much my head hurts.
“I remember going to the grocery store for what I need to cook you guys dinner tonight. When I came out, there was a note on the SUV under the windshield wiper. My first thought was to get home to talk to Wheels and you because you’ll know what to do. When I got just outside the gate, there was a random box that wasn’t there when I left. So, I stopped to find out what it was. I know it wasn’t the best thing to do, but I couldn’t stop myself. Anyway, the box had baby chicks in it. I put it in the SUV and went up to Nanny’s because she’ll know what to do with them. Before I could get the box out, the fear from the note consumed me and I guess I blacked out. I’m not sure why my head hurts so bad though,” I answer Soul as so many emotions rapidly filter through his eyes making me dizzy and nauseous.
“We’ll get back to the note you found on the SUV in a second, Sweetheart. Nanny has the chicks and is takin’ care of them as we speak. They started chirpin’ up a storm after you passed out. Your head hurts so bad because when you fell, you hit it against the runner and made a deep gash just past your hairline on your forehead. It was bleedin’ like crazy when Goliath, Hulk, and I got to you. Nanny was yellin’ her head off and didn’t stop until we got there. Doc’s been here and took care of you before I brought you back to the cabin,” Soul informs me, grabbing my hand in his when my breath starts to pick up again. “What note did you find when you left the store?”
“I’m sure it’s from Bennett, Soul. It says, “I’m coming for you sooner rather than later, bitch”. I know it’s him but I didn’t see him anywhere in the parking lot and I know he loves to watch the fallout from whatever he’s doing. Especially when it comes to me,” I tell him, my voice breaking and faltering as I remember the note and the possibility of missing Bennett as he watched me in the parking lot. Tears fall from my eyes and roll down my face as I start to hyperventilate again, fear coursing through me.
“It’s okay, Sweetheart. Wheels and I will take care of everythin’. Anguish and Wheels are goin’ through your SUV as we speak. They’re lookin’ for any sign of a tracker or anythin’ else that bastard could’ve done to it while you were in the store. I’ll let Wheels know what’s goin’ on before he gets back here because he’s gonna lose his damn mind. If we have to have church about this, we’ll make sure Theo and Fetch are here at the cabin and Nanny can come in and sit with you until we get back. You won’t be left alone until we get this situation taken care of. For now, get some more rest and I’ll be right here,” Soul says, not letting go of my hand as he gently runs his fingers through my hair while not pulling the strands to aggravate the injury I inflicted on myself.
Closing my eyes, I let the exhaustion pull me back under and sink into the oblivion where I don’t have to think about anything going on. This is the best place for me until I know more about what’s going on with Bennett and my SUV. At least that’s what I’m telling myself as images of Wheels and Soul fill my mind in the happier memories they’ve helped me create over the last few months since I took the plunge and got away from a vile piece of shit like Bennett.
Chapter Four
GETTING SOUL’S CALL two weeks ago about Brooklyn and what happened to make her pass out the way she did when she got back to the compound filled me with rage and Anguish had to take me to the clubhouse before I could go back to the cabin. The rage consumed me to the point that I wasn’t thinking clearly and couldn’t realize through the thick haze that I wasn’t in any condition to see Brooklyn. If I’d gone in the cabin, she would have been scared and that’s the last thing I ever want to have happen when it comes to us. We’ve been her rock as she has claimed herself back from the years of torture and abuse she’s suffered through. I will never let her see me as enraged as I was after getting off the phone with Soul. In fact, I had to hide that I went out to buy a new phone because I crushed mine before throwing it at the SUV so hard that what remained of it shattered. There was no saving that phone.
Anguish got me in the clubhouse where Goliath, Scorch, Nova, and Fetch were all sitting at the bar. The second they took one look at me, Goliath got off of his stool and went to our gym. We’ve added a sparring ring off the back of the room and that’s exactly where he went. When Anguish led me through the doors, he had to force me to sit down long enough to tape up my hands. I removed my cut with robotic movements and Fetch took it after I gave him a nod to hang up on one of the hooks in the room. By the time Anguish got me ready to go, I was practically bouncing in my seat to get in the ring with Goliath.
Hulk and Goliath are the guys we go to when it comes to needing to get out some pent-up aggression and rage. They don’t hold their punches and will put us on our ass in order to get us out of our heads and back to focusing on what’s important in our lives. My time in the ring was spent getting hit repeatedly by Goliath who seemed to have his own rage to get out for some reason. Soul and I have been so focused on Brooklyn that we really haven’t been spending much time with the guys at the clubhouse. I’ll have to mention it to Soul so we can figure out a few days a week to have a beer with the guys or have them over for dinner. I’m sure Brooklyn would like to reconnect with Ophelia and Cricket again. We’ll make it happen.
By the time Goliath was done beating my ass, I could finally see straight again as Anguish helped me from the ring and let me know we were going into church. I could shower and change after that was over. So, I took my cut from Fetch when he held it out to me and followed the guys toward our meeting room to have church. Our only topic of conversation was Brooklyn and what we were going to do about her situation.
Anguish let the guys know that we did find a tracker on her SUV when we checked it over. Soul added in what she told him and handed over the note left for her. Hulk is gonna see what he can find on the note as far as fingerprints. If he can’t find anything, he’ll bring in Darren to see if he can figure anything out. Darren knows not to let our shit get into anyone else’s hands at the police station and will handle things himself. That’s one of the reasons we like working with him so much and why he’s gained our loyalty because he’s never gone against his word and will honor anything he tells us.
By the time we were done with church, we all decided to put Theo on Brooklyn anytime she leaves the compound. He’ll follow her around and make sure no one gets close to her for any reason. The only time he won’t be on her so close is when she’s at Soul Escape. He’ll be at the club as an extra set of eyes on her, but Chayse, Country, Soul, and myself will step in if it’s needed. Theo will appear as just another customer there to have a drink or two and not as if he’s her bodyguard. Soul and I would be leery because he is so new to the club, but Scorch has been spending a ton of time with him and he let us know Theo’s a trustworthy guy and will literally give his life to protect Brooklyn. Fetch will also help him depending on where Brooklyn has to go each day. If she’s only going to the club, we won’t need Fetch. When she goes into town, she’ll have at least Theo and Fetch with her. Soul and I will also be freeing up more time to spend with her.
For the last two weeks, Soul and I have been taking time spending the night at the cabin with Brooklyn. Yeah, we essentially live with her there, but these days I’m there with her while Soul’s at work and he’s with her while I’m at work. Soul’s been taking more nights off work at the club and letting Chayse run things when he’s home. Soul does his job and handles all the paperwork, ordering, and everything else like usual, but he spends less time there. Fetch has been stepping up as an extra behind the bar and Moriah has been helping out as a waitress. Moriah hasn’t been claimed by Fetch as an ol’ lady for his own reasons, but she already steps up and acts just like an ol’ lady of the club. Brooklyn can’t go back to work until her headaches disappear completely. They’re almost gone, but she still has a few times when one will hit her out of nowhere and they’re as bad as migraines. Soul and I have quickly learned how to take care of her when one hits.
We put her in her room and make sure all the curtains are closed to keep all light out. Closing her bathroom door we make sure a towel is stuffed beneath the small crack to ensure the light doesn’t seep into the room. Once that’s all taken care of, we grab her a bucket in case she gets sick, a bottle of water sits next to her, and give her the medicine Doc handed over after she hit her head. One of us remains in the room with her while the other one is prepared to get anything they need while locked in her bedroom. We try not to get on our phones or do anything that will make her head hurt worse. When I'm with her, I make sure to hold her hand and let her know I’m there if she needs me, but remain silent as I watch her sleep and fight through the pain she’s in. It’s horrible and I would do anything to take it from her if I could.
Brooklyn had her stitches removed a few days ago and there’s a faint scar left behind. When she first saw it, she cried because it’s just one more added to her body and she hates them. Without things going to the next level between us, Soul and I can’t show her how we feel about her body based on the few times we’ve seen her naked. When she lets us know she’s ready for more, we’ll be all in and show her exactly how sexy we find her and that each scar is a part of her and it shows how strong she is to have overcome everything she’s been through so far in her life. Every single scar and mark on her is due to some kind of trauma that’s been inflicted on her and only proves to me what a fucking warrior she is. One day, Brooklyn will be able to look in the mirror and feel the same about each mark covering her otherwise flawless skin.
“Wheels, what are we doing tonight?” Brooklyn asks me as she walks up behind me in the kitchen.
“Whatever you wanna do, Little Warrior. If you wanna watch a movie, we can put one on. You want to go for a ride, I’ll take you around the compound on the bike. Once this mess is taken care of, Soul and I will take you for a ride and show you why we love ridin’ so much. I won’t take any chances with you for a few minutes of freedom and feelin’ the wind wrap around your body. I’m makin’ dinner right now. I thought we’d have burgers and some homemade fries to go with some grilled asparagus Nanny dropped off. Goliath and Hulk had dinner with her and she brought over the asparagus because you made a comment about likin’ it before,” I answer her as she leans against the counter behind me.
“I love grilled asparagus. No one would let me eat it before I left them. Bennett said it was part of the reason I’m so fat and can’t lose my big ass,” she states, her voice wavering as a flood of emotions fill her.
“Brooklyn, you are the least fat person I know. You need to fuckin’ gain more weight if you ask me. I can see your damn ribs at times and I hate it. And your ass is fuckin’ perfect. I’m not even gonna pretend like I haven’t stared at your ass while you’ve been walkin’ in front of me because it would be a damn lie. I’m an ass man and Soul is definitely a tits man. Just puttin’ it out there. If you wanna eat somethin’, fuckin’ eat it, Little Warrior. Soul and I will never stop you from eatin’ whatever the hell you want. You want ice cream for dinner, have at it. I’ll have somethin’ different, but I won’t make comments or treat you like shit because you made the decision to eat somethin’ different,” I tell her, stepping up closer so I’m just starting to invade her personal space without touching her or making her feel uncomfortable.