“How am I gonna talk in front of everyone? Dr. Crewes doesn’t want me to talk very much,” I remind the guys as we all start to get out of the bed. Because in addition to everything else, my jaw is badly bruised and even opening my mouth to speak has my head aching as though someone is banging against my skull.
Soul helps me get from under the blankets and sees that I’m steady on my feet before letting me go.
“We’ll get you through it and then you won’t have to talk for the rest of the day. We’ll spend the rest of the day in the cabin, makin’ sure it’s all set while you rest and point out what you want done or what you need. Just whisper if you have to and we’ll let the guys know exactly why they have to truly listen to you and not make you speak up louder than you can,” Wheels states, walking to the dresser in the room and pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a tee-shirt before handing them over to me. “You can’t take a shower or wash your hair today. Soul and I can help you get cleaned up the best we can if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind,” I say even as I fill with fear at the thought of these men touching me so soon after learning the revelation of what Bennett’s been doing to me.
“You’ll see every single move we make, Angel. If you don’t want us to touch you in a certain area of your body, we won’t. Today we’re just gonna use wet washcloths to get the blood and stuff off of your body. Especially your face. We would’ve done it last night but you were so exhausted and we wanted you to sleep more than worryin’ about cleanin’ you up,” Soul tells me,
Last night, their anger over my treatment from Bennett, as well as my parents, clouded every space we were in. Today, however, I can feel their kindness and concern and it melts something inside. Instinctively, I know they’ll treat me with care, and won’t do anything that makes me uncomfortable.
“Okay,” I murmur. “Lead the way.”
It’s a little intimidating being in a room full of larger-than-life men, but Wheels and Soul have me sitting between the two of them. I don’t know their history, but word around town is they were all in the same unit in the military and when they were all medically discharged, they followed Drayven here and decided to set up their homebase in our small town.
They’ve done a lot for the town, including revitalizing it with new businesses. They’re also active with many different projects, things that are making life better for others. So, even though I feel like I want to pass out now that everyone’s eyes are on me, I will push through my fear and do it anyway.
Because I can’t keep living the life I was; I won’t survive it.
“Brooklyn, I know this might be hard, but I need you to tell us everythin’,” Anguish, the club president states. “Take your time, and Brothers, I need y’all to hold any questions until she’s done talkin’ if there’s anythin’ you need clarified.”
I watch all the men agree, almost in unison, as Wheels and Soul place a hand on my shoulders, giving me the strength I need to purge everything all at once. There’s so much poison clotting my soul, I worry that I’ll be dead by the time I’m finished. Still, I want, no Ineedto do this, for my sanity, my future.
“I met Bennett two years ago. He was at my parents’ trailer when I got home from work. I’m not exactly sure what they were talking about, but the second I walked through the door, they all stopped talking and looked up at me. Bennett stood from the worn chair he was sitting on and came over to me. He was the perfect gentleman. Bennett said all the right things and treated me like a princess. At least in the beginning, he did. It only took him six months before his true colors started showing. That’s when he’d slap me here or there for various reasons. I didn’t dress properly, my hair and make-up was too over-the-top for him, any reason he deemed appropriate to ‘put me in my place’.
“By the eight month mark of our relationship, he started alienating me from all of my family and friends. He took my cell phone, had to know where I was every second of the day, and everything else you can think of. I wasn’t allowed to go out unless he was with me. Then, we were with his friends and only his friends. I was surrounded by assholes at all times. The only people he didn’t remove from my life were my parents because they believed everything he was saying and agreed with his punishments to ensure I was acting the proper way. A way beneficial to him and only him. I was to be nothing more than a trophy on his arm when he decided to take me out and show me off.
“From there, it only got worse. The smallest thing would set him off. I couldn’t ever really tell when Bennett was going to hurt me, but for the most part, I knew what I had done to set him off. Not this last time though. He came into my parents’ trailer and just started tearing into me. Bennett destroyed everything in the place before walking out and leaving me curled up on the floor in agonizing pain. I had no clothes left but the sweatpants, tank top, and hoodie I was wearing last night. Every other piece of clothing I’ve had to save up to buy was completely destroyed.
“When I was able to pull myself up off the floor and get out of the trailer, he tried to run me over with his car. I was at Maude and Miriam’s diner when he finally pulled away and left me alone. He’s scared of them and knows they have a shotgun inside. If they’d seen me the way I am, they would’ve taken care of him and not cared who witnessed it. From there, I made my way to the bar behind the buildings and anything else I could hide behind. That’s when I ordered an angel shot and Cricket sent me over to Wheels and Soul for help,” I tell the guys, staring at the table in front of me so I don’t have to worry about seeing the pity in their eyes as they listen to the treatment of me at Bennett’s hands.
“Sweetheart, why would Bennett ask if we knew who his father was last night?” one of the largest guys I’ve ever seen in my life asks me. It’s the same man who was behind the bar with Cricket last night.
“Well, his father is the Governor. That’s why Bennett never gets in trouble for anything. I’m not the first girl he’s treated this way. They aren’t even from here, and I know that because one of his ex’s reached out to me not that long ago. He beat her so badly she was admitted to the hospital at one point,” I tell them, still not exactly looking at anyone around the table as Wheels and Soul continue to lend me all the comfort and strength they have to give.
“I’d like you to write down Bennett’s full name and anythin’ else you can think would be good for us to know,” the man sitting at the head of the table says, his voice gentle despite the underlying hint of anger.
“Well, um, I can’t exactly write anything down right now. He broke my dominant wrist. But, if Wheels or Soul could write everything down for me, I’ll give over any details I can think of,” I tell them, finally looking up at the men surrounding me.
None of them are looking at me with pity in their eyes. If anything, I see nothing but rage, anger, and violence from them. These men are angry on my behalf and it’s kind of liberating to realize for the first time someone is actually on my side and believes me over Bennett. I mean, it’s kind of hard to dismiss what I’ve said with all of the evidence on my body. Wheels and Soul definitely saw more of it than anyone else in this room, but they can see the damage that’s been done to my face.
“Okay. Wheels and Soul, take her to the cabins and get her settled in one. Fetch is gonna run to the store when you get him a list of what’s needed. Cricket and Fee are on standby to get anything Brooklyn might need. Make sure you air out whichever one you put her in. Nanny could probably use a neighbor. Just sayin’. I don’t want either one of you leavin’ her there alone. Until we can get a handle on this situation, you’re her personal bodyguards. We’ll take care of everythin’ else,” the man in charge orders before slamming a gavel on the table in front of him. It’s so loud, I jump in my seat and almost fall to the floor.
I can’t help myself; it’s a conditioned response after two years of hell. Loud noises, slamming doors, threatening tones; they all render me virtually helpless as fear courses through my body. Hopefully, my life is changing for the good and I’ll eventually leave these reactions behind.
Wheels and Soul take me from the room and lead me out of the clubhouse over to a row of cabins. There’s an older lady sitting outside of one who waves and offers me a large, bright smile. I shyly wave back as she gets a good look at my face and anger fills her features. Quickly turning my head from her, I continue walking between the two men and let them lead me into where I’ll be staying, right next to the older woman. I’m ready to take my medicine and go to sleep and I haven’t even been up that long. So, that’s exactly what I do.
Chapter One
Four months later
FOR THE LAST four months, Brooklyn hasn’t left the compound other than when she goes to work at Soul Escape. She’s still staying in the cabin next to Nanny and is loving life. Soul and I have watched her go from a broken woman covered in bruises and believing everything her parents and Bennett told her to a woman full of life who loves to laugh. I’ve never heard a laugh like hers and it hits me deep in the chest every single time I’m lucky enough to hear it. That doesn’t mean she’s still not fighting her demons from the ones who were supposed to love and protect her. It just means she’s putting up one hell of a fight to battle them and make sure they leave her alone. I think Nanny is helping her out a lot with that. They spend every single morning together with the chickens and no one is allowed with them when they’re together. Soul and I stand back and watch over her. We’re never far from her side if we don’t have to be. It amazes me that something as simple as taking care of Nanny’s chickens seems to be grounding her, but that’s what’s happening.
Brooklyn has really taken to her job at Soul Escape. She loves being around the music and watching as everyone dances and has a good time. As she moves through the crowded floor during each of her shifts, Brooklyn seems to sway and dance to the music even as she delivers drinks from one table to the next all night long. There hasn’t been a single time she’s messed up a drink order, spilled anything, or gotten customers angry at her. If anything, the men love to watch her body sway to the music while the women follow her every move with green-tinted eyes.
I think what’s even more phenomenal is that while she’s healing, she truly doesn’t see what an impact she’s having on those around her. I mean, her self-confidence and self-worth is slowly returning, but it’s not an overnight fix by any means. She’s had years of subtle and not-so-subtle abuse to overcome. Those jealous bitches see a gorgeous woman with a kind and gentle spirit, but they have no clue the demons that are haunting her. Still, she keeps fighting, and it’s that spirit that keeps me entranced. Soul loves having her work with him and he’s always at the club every shift she has. I don’t give a fuck who the bouncers or other staff are each night she works, none of them are us and won’t protect her the way we do or will should danger come knocking. When I’m not busy, I tend to randomly show up during Brooklyn’s shifts and grab the empty table in her section. There’s always one left for me lately. Guess it’s a perk of owning the business, but I’m not complaining at all.