Page 86 of Wrath

“Don’t worry about that, Raze got a plan.” Dev’s smile reaches all the way to his eyes this time, and the wickedness in them puts a chill down my spine before he walks out the door.

“Just relax. Wrath is gonna kick ass.” Vike steps in front of me. I can tell by the look he gives Saul that the two of them are even more pissed off to be stuck here now. The whole club has been anticipating Cliff being put to justice, and I can’t imagine how Aaron must be feeling having to miss out on the action. My phone starts to ring and when I see Laura’s name flash up, I move away from the table so I can answer it.

“Eden, is Aaron at the fight?” She barely gives me a chance to speak before she asks.

“Yeah, he’s there now.” I look over my shoulder and see that Vike and Saul have gone back to their game.

“I have something I need to tell you. Aaron doesn’t need to fight in that tournament. I know a way you can get your business back without needing any money.” Her voice is erratic and very nervous, it can only mean that once again she’s putting herself on the line for me with her family.

“Can you meet me somewhere so we can talk?” she asks.

“That could be a problem.” I know for a fact Rocco will be on the gate, and there's no way Vike and Saul are gonna let me leave here.

“You're gonna have to find a way, Eden. This is important.”

“Okay.” I quickly hang up the phone and join the girls back at the table.

“Who was that?” Alicia yawns, and I finish sending a text to Laura telling her to pick me up outside the beach bar furtherdown the boardwalk before I smile up at her. “It was just Laura, she wanted to talk over a design she’s working on.”

“That was a quick call.” Peyton is holding Anita’s wool while she continues working on the booties she insists Alicia’s baby will need.

“I promised I’d go back to my room and call her properly when I’ve finished my drink.” I surprise myself with how convincing that sounded.

“Sounds like the kind of distraction you need.” Alicia smiles at me sympathetically, whereas Peyton looks unconvinced.

I can feel my heart beating out my chest as I make more small talk with the girls and try not to make it look like I’m rushing to finish what’s left in my glass. Jenika hasn’t said anything since she came here, but she seems comfortable, she even smiled a few times while Alicia told one of her embarrassing Saul stories. Everyone looks up expectantly when the door opens and Rocco beams as he strolls in and makes his way to the bar.

“Relax, it's just me.” He holds up his hand and takes a barstool helping himself to a handful of peanuts.

“Shouldn't you be mindin’ the gate?” Vike reminds him, before taking his shot.

“Don’t panic, Corey got me covered.” He shrugs. “Any chance of a beer here, Polly?” he calls out to her.

“Prospects get their own fuckin’ beers and they don’t drink on the job. Ya know how Dev feels about Corey bein’ here. Go tell him to stand down and go home,” Vike orders

“Come on, guys, mindin’ the gate ain’t really club work, especially now that they got Cliff,” Rocco sighs.

“Cliff ain’t our only enemy, get back to work,” Saul orders, giving him stern eyes as he slumps off the stool and starts heading back for the door.

“Hey,” he stops when he sees Jenika. “How ya settlin’ in?”

Heat rushes straight to her cheeks, radiating her pale skin.

“Good, I guess.” She smiles as she pulls down on her sleeves some more.

“Well, it’s good to see ya out and about.” He grins.

“Rocco!” Vike calls over and when Rocco finally tears his eyes off Jenika to look back at him, he nods his head toward the door to remind him what direction to go in.

“Okay, okay. I’m leavin’.” Rocco rolls his eyes and with one last boyish grin at Jenika, he makes his way out the door.

“Guys, I’m gonna go make that call to Laura.” I use this opportunity to make my escape.

“You want me to come with you?” Peyton offers.

“No, we’ll be talking about fabrics, it’ll bore you. I just need to concentrate on something that doesn’t involve my boyfriend being beaten on.”

She nods as if she gets it, and I slowly start making my way to the door when I hear Saul.