Page 78 of Wrath

“And far too young for you. Come on, the girl’s barely turned eighteen,” Dev warns him.

“Why am I gettin’ the impression ya don’t like her?” I laugh.

“I don’t like anythin’ that takes my brother's focus off his studies,” Dev answers flatly, and when the door to Raze’s office opens, he steps out with Connor Monkhouse, the young lawyer glances nervously around the room.

“Don’t worry, Trin’s outside.” Saul steps up behind him and shakes his shoulders. “You know the benefits of workin’ for the club is that you can get better acquainted with her if ya want,” he points out.

“I have a fiancée,” Connor smiles gratefully.

“Dev, Connor here's gonna give ya some names and addresses. His father’s retirement has left some clients with outstandin’ debts. I’ve assured him you can get the balances settled,” Raze explains, and Dev nods his head at Connor.

“Well, if that’ll be all I should go, I’ve got dinner at the in-laws tonight.” He pushes his glasses up his nose and heads for the door, and when Trinity steps through it just before he can reach it, he freezes.

“Where ya going, big boy?” She lifts up his tie with her finger and teases him.

“I, um, I…I have a dinner booked with my fiancée’s family.” He swallows nervously.

“Tell her from me, she’s a lucky girl.” Trinity licks her lips before moving past him and taking a seat in her usual booth.

“He’s gonna have to tug one out before that dinner.” Saul laughs to himself once he’s left.

“Speakin’ of…how ya holdin’ up?” Vike looks up to me before he kicks his feet up on the table and rests back.

“I’m holdin’ up just fine,” I lie, mainly because my old lady’s brother is standing right fuckin’ beside me.

“Can’t be easy, you’ve spent every night in your girl’s motel room this week, ya mean to tell me you ain’t slipp–”

“No oneis slippin’ nothin’,” Raze interrupts sternly. “Wrath knows what a challenge this flight is gonna be, anythin’ we can do to give us an edge is important.”

“I’ve never believed in that theory.” Saul shrugs, taking a seat beside Dev.

“And how many fights have you won?” Raze asks, shutting Saul the fuck up and when he also takes a seat beside us, I can tell he’s got something important to say.

“I need someone I can trust to head out to Sacramento.” He looks between us.

“Why’s that, boss?” Saul instantly looks suspicious.

“I’m glad you asked. Kenny called earlier, said his contact had to leave town for a few weeks to deal with some family shit. I want eyes on the place, I’m figurin’ since ya did such a good job workin’ undercover for Jimmer last year, it should be you.” Raze’s eyes fall on Saul.

“Me?” He suddenly looks nervous.

“Yeah, you. Ruck told me ya spent a few weeks in town pretendin’ to be some kinda history journalist. The townspeople already know ya, you gave ‘em no reason to doubt ya. I figure you head back to town, stay in the same hotel, and see if ya hear anythin’ new.” Raze explains.

“Yeah, but I got Alicia to worry about. I shouldn’t be leavin’ her, not with the baby comin’.” I can tell Saul really doesn’t wanna do it.

“Saul, you’ve got months before ya need to worry about that shit, and if you're that worried, Alicia can stay here. The girls will love takin’ care of her.” Raze proves he ain’t having no excuses.

“I don’t know, what if someone recognizes me? Last time I went, we hadn’t come face-to-face with any of ‘em.”

“And any Reaper you came face-to-face with since, has been killed. Saul, we need as much intel as we can get on this, they’re gettin’ too close to home. You’re the man for the job.” Raze puts an end to the conversation.

“You look very pale dear, you should get yourself some sun.” Anita tucks the bottom sheet around Jenika’s bed, taking her time and precision to ensure there are no creases.

“I’m fine.” Jenika attempts a smile as she tugs at her sleeves. She’s been here over a week now and, although she seems much better than she did when she first arrived, she still refuses to leave her room.

“Perhaps we could put a chair out on the balcony? It’s a lovely day,” Anita suggests. Jenika shakes her head and looks down at the floor.

“Well, I heard that those boys from Colorado have left, I should move to their rooms and make a start on getting them stripped, Polly works far too hard around here,” Anita excuses herself, leaving me and Jenika alone.