Page 61 of Wrath

“Wait, Sinner raped another member's wife?” I look between all these men who supposedly live by a brotherhood and wonder how Sinner is even alive let alone a member.

“I don’t think she could have got away with callin’ it rape since she was the one bouncin’ on top when they got caught,” Ruckus sniggers.

“He was just a kid back then, can’t have been any older than seventeen, she was fifty-two. He got brought to the clubhouse for Dev to handle and that's how Dev met Saint. I don’t think Saint, or Sinner, ever had a friend until they met him. When Dev moved charters he brought Saint with him, and that's how Saint became a Soul.” Aaron rounds up the story but I still have questions.

“So is Sinner a Soul too?” I’m much too fascinated by the situation to just leave it there.

“Yeah, he is.” Polly surprises me when she takes a turn in bringing me up to speed, and she sounds a little defensive. “And he’s never let any one of you down when you’ve needed him.” She looks around all the brothers individually, to remind them. “Raze, he’s gonna take some getting used to, and maybe he doesn’t always toe the line, but believe me when I tell you, there are times when his lack of empathy is needed.” She stands up from the table and clears up the empty plates, leaving everyone silent for a moment while they take in what she just said.

“Excuse me.” Alicia breaks the silence, slamming her hand over her mouth as she pushes out the table and barges past her brother to get to the bathroom again.

“So, are you gonna tell me what’s wrong?” I ask Aaron when we’re finally alone together. I’ve spent most of the day adding the finishing touches to my designs while he’s been at the gym training. He’s looking very hot in the shorts and tank he’s wearing, and I can’t help feeling grateful that he decided to come here to take his shower.

“What makes ya think there's somethin’ wrong?” He lifts off his tank and completely distracts me from what I was going to say.

“Earlier at the club, after the meeting, you seemed on edge,” I point out, and the way he closes his eyes and takes a breath confirms that I’m right.

“It ain’t for you to be worryin’ about, ya got enough to be dealin’ with.” He shakes his head.

“Aaron.” I get up and move across the room to him. “If I’m gonna be your old lady, you have to trust me.”

“I trust ya, that's not the issue,” he assures me. “I just…things are good right now, you're happy, and I don’t want ya havin’ any concerns.” He sits on the bed and crosses his hands over his knees.

“You know, when you're in a relationship, it’s important to share problems.” I sit beside him and he catches me by surprise when he wraps his arms around my waist and slams me onto the mattress. The way he kisses me into the pillow makes my stomach flip and when he pulls away I see the sparkle in his eyes quickly fade with his smile.

“There’s another motorcycle club called the Reapers,” he starts, taking a strand of my hair and wrapping it around his fingers.

“The one Peyton's dad used to be a member of?” I check.

“That's the one.” I can tell he’s thrown off by my knowledge but he quickly continues. “We ran them outta town a few weeks ago when all that shit went down with Peyton's brother and Sonny.”

“You mean you slaughtered every member,” I correct him. Peyton told me all about what happened and I need him to know he can be completely honest.

“Jeez, what do you women talk about when you get together?” His eyes stretch wider.

“You don’t have to pretty it up, Aaron, my brother is the president of this club and I plan on sticking around.”

“Okay, yes, we slaughtered every member.” He moves on to the point. “So, Kenny came here last night and spoke to Raze, he’s heard some rumors that Reapers have been selectin’ members from their other charters to regroup here like they originally planned. Raze thought what happened last time would put ‘em off, but turns out they can’t take a fuckin’ hint.” I can tell from his expression that he thinks this is gonna be bad for the Souls.

“They’re gonna be workin’ on some kinda retaliation for what we did which, once again, puts you in danger.” He focuses his eyes on the finger that’s now stroking the waistband of my skirt, rather than looking at me. “Eden, I’ll understand if ya–”

“Don’t even finish that sentence.” I slam my hand over his mouth.

“I know that being back here puts me in danger, but this ismychoice and I’m not running.” I slip my hand away so I can kiss him and when those fingers slide a little lower into my waistband the loud knock at the door makes me groan in frustration.

“I swear I’m gonna kill whoever that is.” Aaron drops his head into my neck and kisses me before getting up from the bed to answer it.

“Is Katie here?” I recognize the voice straight away and quickly stand up, straightening out my skirt and moving to the door.

“Laura, what are you doing here?” I’m surprised to see her, especially here of all places. She made it clear when I met up with her that she was scared of the Souls, and she’s a nervous person at the best of times. I’m even more shocked when I see that she has a suitcase beside her.

“I got in a huge fight with Mom and Dad. They’re so blindsided by Mark. I was only trying to get them to see things from your perspective.” She bursts into tears and Aaron looks across at me awkwardly.

“I was going to check into a hotel, but I really don’t want to be on my own.” She drops her case and charges toward me, throwing her arms around my neck and sobbing

“I, ummm, I should go.” Aaron clears his throat as he slowly slides past us and out the door.

“Wait, go where?” I call after him.