Page 52 of Wrath

“He’s what?... Wrath, what thefuckare you doin’ with my mother?” I can hear the rage in his tone when he takes the phone.

“Grimm, I swear I had no idea she was your mother, how could I have? I was following a lead to Cliff–”

“Cliff? Nah, you got the wrong person.” He shuts me down just like his old lady did.

“No, I haven’t.” I have to take a calming breath because I’m fed up of having to fuckin’ repeat myself.

“Grimm, she was scared in that place. She told me he’s been watchin’ her, I had to get her outta there,” I try to explain myself. If he’d seen how worried she was he’d be thanking me not wanting to tear my head off.

“She’s in that facility for a reason, her head ain’t right. She forgets things, things that she’s better off forgettin’,” he explains. “I’ve been out lookin’ for her all night.” I can hear his frustration and I understand it, but it doesn’t change the situation we’re in.

“I’m sorry. If I’d have known she was your mom, I’d have involved ya before I spoke to her.”

“Involved me in what? Wrath, I told ya, you have the wrong person, she doesn’t know nothin’ about the club, she thinks I’m a fuckin’ sales rep.” I can hear from his tone that he’s worried. “I don’t want her to know who I am,” his voice turns weak. “And I sure as hell don’t want her involved with the club.”

“Well, I hate to break it to ya, brother, but it sounds like she was involved with the club before you were. She and Cliff got history.”

“That's bullshit!” Grimm snaps, and I’m sure that sick twisted head of his is planning where he’d hide my body.

“D’ya honestly think I would have driven all the way out to Forestbank if I wasn’t fuckin’ sure?” I start getting mad. “I was followin’ a lead, I saw she was scared and I did what I thought was right, to help her. Now she’s here, and I’m apologizin’ for the fuckin’ mix-up, but the fact still remains that she’s a link to Cliff, and we need to draw that fucker out and make him fuckin’ dead.” I almost crush the phone in my hand when I start to thinkabout all the things Eden told me last night. Just the thought of that dirty bastard touching her makes me wanna destroy him.

“I don’t know how the fuck ya think she’s involved in this, but you ain’t usin’ my mom as bait, Wrath,” Grimm warns.

“I don’t intend to, I just need to know more information.” I manage to find some calm when Raze nods his head and reminds me to stay cool.

“She can’t know about me.” Grimm sounds more scared than angry. “She’s suffered too much, and that son who visits her is a son she’s proud of. I won’t let you take that away from her.”

“But you will let us talk to her?” I check, outta respect for a fellow brother, but in all honesty, his answer won’t change a damn thing.

“She’s fragile, diggin’ up the past ain’t good for her. She’s got a condition, one that makes her switch off all the traumatic things that have happened to her. I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“Grimm, I promise ya, she’ll be treated well, we’ll be gentle with her. I think she remembers a lot more than she lets you believe. I swear to ya brother, she was scared of somethin’. I never went there with the intention to take her, I did what I did because it felt like I was helpin’. She wants to protect you from Cliff and the club, which proves to me she knows somethin’. Let me speak to her.” I plead.

“Fine, but you gotta promise me the second she shows any sign of bein’ upset, you give her some space.”

“You got my word,” I assure him. “What do you want me to do once the talkin’ is done, Grimm? I hate to break it to ya, but I believe what she says, Cliff could really be watchin’ her?” I get nothin’ but silence for a real long time.

“I’ll have to speak to Maddy, ask her to do some diggin’ into Forestbank. I guess if you could keep her there with you until that’s done it’d be helpin’ me out. But you give me your wordthat you’ll keep her protected. I do not want her gettin’ caught up in this.”

“We’ll keep her safe,” I promise, hanging up the phone and shrugging at Raze, suddenly the weight of the promise I just made feels very fuckin’ heavy. I know how relentless my father is and if he has been keeping an eye on her, it won’t take him long to figure out that she’s here. Maybe Anita Carter is bait, after all.

“What now?” Raze looks at me as if I’ve got all the answers.

“We keep her protected, and we talk to her.”

“C’mon, Wrath, you and I both know that our questionin’ skills ain’t fittin’ for this situation. The woman is bat-shit crazy, she needs patience and understandin’. We ain’t got an ounce of tact between us.”

“What if she spoke to someone who understood her fear?” An idea comes to my head.

“No.” He points his finger at me. “We arenotputtin’ Eden through anymore fuckin’ trauma,” he warns.

“Not even if it will get us what we need to protect her?” I point out. “Raze, that woman in your office is the answer to all our problems, I can feel it in my gut. If, after all this time, Cliff is still watchin’ her, and what your dad said is true—she means something to him. I want my sister back home, I wantyoursister to never have to look over her shoulder again. We got an opportunity to end this.”

It takes some time but Raze eventually nods his head in agreement, but I can tell by the look on his face that he ain’t happy about it.

“Fine, you get that nice lady fed and comfortable, and I’ll go speak to Eden.” He marches off toward the door and I rest my head back against the wall, taking a big, deep breath. After ten years of pent-up anger and hate, I can feel myself getting closer to that vengeance I’ve been chasin’. Death is coming for Cliff Adams and he better be ready because he’s gonna suffer.

“Are ya sure about this?” Raze checks as I start heading along the balcony toward the room where the woman he wants me to talk to is staying.