Page 46 of Wrath

“You're not on her visitor’s list.” The woman behind the desk studies me warily. I guess stopping at a motel to take a shower and change would have made convincing her a lot easier, but I was eager to get here.

I learned after doing a little Google research that Forestbank is actually a care home, and not a fuckin’ cuckoo’s nest, which makes me even more curious about this woman's involvement with my father.

“I know, but this is supposed to be a surprise. It’s been a long time since we last saw each other.” I try charming the middle-aged woman with a smile.

“And you're her…?”

“I’m a family friend, she knows my dad,” I explain and when I can see that she’s still not convinced, I rest my elbow on the counter and lean in closer.

“Listen, darlin’, I know you got rules and regulations and I respect that, you have a job to do and the last thing I wanna do is get ya into trouble.” I look her up and down and smile. “All I want is a few minutes, no one will even know I was here.” I’ve seen no signs of any CCTV cameras which is surprising these kinds of places are usually big on security. “C’mon, you could really make that old dear’s day.”

“Fine.” She glances around the reception area. “You’ll find her in room three, and if anyone asks, you’re her nephew.” She bats her lashes at me and I nod her my gratitude before heading off to locate the room.

The sound of classical music gets louder as I step up to the door, and when I see that it’s already slightly open already and I give it a gentle nudge so I peek inside.

There's a woman sitting up perfectly straight on the chaise lounge, reading a book and sipping tea from a teacup. If this is who my father was supposedly in love with, she don’t look how I expected at all.

“Sorry to interrupt.” I distract her from her page as I let myself in and when she looks up at me, she quickly shakes her head and smiles as if she welcomes the intrusion.

“Not at all, how can I help?” She places down her teacup and stands up, straightening the crease outta the skirt she’s wearing and holding her hands behind her back like she’s waiting to be inspected.

“My name's Aaron.” I close the door behind me, still wondering if I got the right room. This woman is nothing like the type my father would go for. Her long, straight hair is pinned up and there's not a strand out of place. “I’ve come to talk to you about someone, who I think you used to know.” I step closer and watch her smile slightly falter.

“Are you from the church?” She starts getting suspicious. “I keep telling the staff here that I need to be there, it’s been so long since I took communion and it must be my turn to do the flowers by now.” She lets out a chuckle and pats the side of her hair.

I try not to show my confusion.

“The staff here take you to church?” I check.

“They should, but they don’t. I’m surprised Peter hasn’t had a strong word with them. Church is very important to him.” I can see the smile she’s holding on her face is forced

“And Peter is…?”

“My husband. I’m sorry he’s not here, he works away a lot,” she explains.

“Okay.” I nod my head, taking in my surroundings. The room is full of elegant trinkets and is immaculately tidy and this woman looks like a housewife from the fifties. I can’t figure out how she has any connection to my father. “I was wonderin’ if the name Cliff Adams meant anythin’ to you.” I continue to glance around the well-kept room, it’s not just tidy, it’s elaborate, and must cost whoever pays for this place a fortune.

“Why are you asking me that?” I notice how she starts to fidget with her hands. Her eyes twitch a little too.

“Don’t be scared, I’m just here to get some information,” I try to assure her. The last thing I want is for her to panic.

“Did he send you, are you the person who’s been watching me?” Her eyes fill up with tears as she starts backing up toward the wall.

“No, none of that. I’m just here to find out who you were to him. Anita, I can see from your reaction, that you know how dangerous he is, and he hurt someone very special to me. I need you to help me.” I have to stop myself from moving toward her. This is not an interrogation. The woman needs her space.

“I can’t help you, and you need to leave. He’s always watching,” she whispers as her eyes flicker around the room.

“What do you mean by that?” I study her harder.

“I’ll never be free of him. Not while I’m here.” She plays with the buttons on her blouse.

“Anita, I can see you scared. Please don’t be scared.” I feel all kindsa awful for triggering this woman, but I didn’t come all this way to go home without answers.

“You need to leave before Peter hears you,” she whispers.

“Peter’s not gonna hear me,” I assure her. “I just need to know who ya are to Cliff.”

“I don’t know what I am to him, but he’smycurse.” She moves toward me and takes my arm, dragging me over to the door, her palms are clammy and she’s clearly petrified. “Leave now, before he knows you are here. If they find me, I’ll get locked away. I’ll never see Richie again.”