“Eden, wait,” I call after her, ignoring all the heckles and cheers that follow me as I chase her out the door. “Eden, I said wait…” I yell and when she stops and turns around she’s not looking hurt anymore. She’s looking angry.
“Wait for what?” She shrugs.“For you to stop denying what's happening between us, or for you to humiliate me and sleep with one of your father’s whores?”
“What? Ede…I would never do th–”
“Why not?” she questions me, tilting her head. “I’m nothing to you, you haven’t ‘claimed’ me. I’m not your girl. You're the club president's son, you could walk back into that barroom and have whichever of those girls you wanted. So, why are you out here chasing me?”
I look away from her and try to find some fuckin’ calm.
“Come on, Aaron, tell me? Why are you out here following me, when you could be in there screwing around with one of them?” She stares at me blankly and when I offer her no explanation she laughs bitterly and turns on her heels again.
“Because I’m in love with ya.” I blurt the words out desperately before she can make it to the gate, and when she slowly turns around I wonder why the hell she looks so surprised.
“No, you asked, and now you're gettin’ the answer.” I storm toward her. “I’m not in there screwin’ around, because the only person I want close to me is you. I’m in love with ya. I think about you as soon as I open my eyes. I dream about ya when I’m sleepin’, every thought that goes through my head involves you, somehow. But none of that matters, because I can’t have ya.”I swallow the lump in my throat as I raise my hand and let my thumb stroke over her flushed pink cheek.
“Because of a stupid club rule.” I watch a tear spill from the corner of her eye.
“Eden, it’s the code we all live by, and if we forget about that, we’re just thugs on motorbikes.” I need her to know that this hurts me just as much as it does her. I’ve got the perfect girlright in front of me, and knowing I can’t have her is a worse fuckin’ torture than anything Raze has ever taught me.
“Then speak to Raze, tell him how you feel, Aaron. Let him see this side of you,” she begs. “Because I love you too, and I want us to be together. I want us to…” She glances around the yard awkwardly and when her eyes drop down to my jeans, just the suggestion of what she might be thinking turns me hard.
“It’s not that easy.” I shake my head. “If it was...” I have to bite my lip to stop myself from kissing her.
“Aaron, I’ve never…you know, been with anyone before. I really need it to be you.” Her cheeks go even pinker and she’s so fuckin’ adorable, I wanna wrap her up and keep her safe from the whole wicked world.
“You don’t know what you're sayin’.” I shake my head and slide my hand away.
“I know what I want, I don’t want to lose my virginity to some drunk college boy. I want it to mean something. And who better to give it to, than the person you love?” She smiles me that cute, innocent smile that never fails to make me weaken.
“Fuck.” I look up at the starry sky and wonder why God hates me so much.
“I’m not worth that, Eden, I’m a prospect biker, I’m not the good guy you think I am. I’ve done things.”
“I know that, and I don’t care, you're not that person when you’re with me. When I’m with you, I feel safe and cared for. Aaron, how long are you gonna pretend that we can go on like this?” She steps closer and takes my hand. “I’ve thought this through, I’ve even taken precautions.”
“Precautions?” I stare at her in shock.
“I went to a family planning clinic last month and got an implant. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. I didn’t want anything to stand in our way when the moment came.”She laughs at herself as if she’s embarrassed. “Come on, Aaron. Raze loves you, if you tell him what you just told me, he’ll accept us. He wouldn’t want us to be unhappy.”
I wanna believe she’s right, but Raze has been locked up for six months, now. I’ve never been to jail, but I hear it can turn a man pretty fuckin’ bitter.
“Okay.” I nod my head, dragging her closer and burying her head into my chest. “I’ll speak to Monkhouse and ask him to organize a visit for me as soon as he can.” Kissing the top of her head, I breathe her in and curse myself for giving us both hope.
“And if Raze gives us the approval?” She looks up at me, with wide, hopeful eyes and I check around us before I snatch her up off her feet and pin her to the wall.
“Then there'll be nothin’ that stands in our way.” I take her lips and kiss them softly. “Thank you,” I whisper as I’m pulling away.
“For what?” She laughs again.
“For wantin’ it to be me. That makes me feel real special.”
“Youarespecial, Aaron Adams.” I steal another kiss before I take her to the cage and drive her home.
“Stay in the truck.” I squeeze Peyton’s thigh as I open the driver's door, and stare at my father’s cabin. It’s looking worn and unkept, but that's hardly surprising. It’s been more than ten years since I last paid him a visit, and the last one didn’t go so well.
I clear my throat as I step up to the porch and knock on the door.