“Aaron, you’re–”
“Stop fuckin’ callin’ me that!” I growl through my teeth. “Aaron ain’t here anymore. Aaron is the boy that hurt you and Wrath is the man who’s gonna make sure nothin’ ever hurts you again. We ain’t arguin’ on this, you're comin’ home with me.” I stand firm.
“I made my friend a promise, and I have a perfectly good room here…” She makes me wanna throw my fist at the wall when she continues to argue. “...but, you can stay with me.” Her words cut off the argument I’m about to make. “Andthat’sa compromise.” She smiles before heading back inside looking all pretty and fuckin’ pleased with herself.
“Well, this isn’t awkward at all.” Eden comes outta her bathroom a few hours later and looks down at the floor where I’ve laid out a spare blanket. I swear she’s trying to fuckin’ tease me in the tight tank top and the shorts she’s got on.
“At least you can sleep, knowin’ that you’re safe. There's a murderer on the loose,” I remind her again, as I slam my fist into the over-stuffed cushion I took from the chair.
“Here.” She tosses me a pillow from the bed, and I take it gratefully and roll onto my side to face the wall.
She keeps the lamp beside her bed switched on, so I assume she’s gonna do some reading, and while we lie in the silence I let all the questions I have unanswered swirl round and round my head.
“Did you love him?” Eventually, the one that I keep coming back to lets itself out.
“Who, Mark?” she checks.
“How many others were there?” I feel my chest tighten when I imagine her being with any other guy but me, knowing about her ex-fiancé has been torture enough.
“I loved the idea of him. Like I said, he was sweet and kind. He loved his family and he treated me well. This side I’ve seen of him since I came here, is all new. I’m sure he’s doing it out of pride.”
“I’m glad he treated you well when you were together,” I admit, hating the idea of anyone hurting her after all she had to endure.
“I was never myself with him.” She surprises me when she carries the conversation further. “Looking back I realize it wasn’tjust my name that was fake. All the laughs I made were fake too, and the smiles. I was always content, but never happy.”
I roll on my side so I’m facing her and when I see how sad she looks, all I wanna do is comfort her.
“How about you, were you ever in love?” she asks, biting her lip as she waits for my answer.
“Nah.” I prop my head up on my hand.
“Oh, c’mon. Look at you, you’re every woman's fuckin’ dream.” She makes that infectious laugh. “Do you really expect me to believe you’ve spent the past ten years being celibate?”
“Celibate, no, but never in love.” I shake my head. “There was never any chance of that happenin’.” Now would be the moment to tell her the truth, but she’s not ready to hear it anymore than I am to admit it.
“So you never pictured yourself settling down and having a family?” The way she studies me and waits for my answer makes me wanna kiss her like I did back home.
“I don’t know why we’re talkin’ about this shit. Go to sleep.” I snap, rolling back over and closing my eyes.Either this girl is really fuckin’ clueless, or she’s playing with me.
“Wrath.” Her voice comes out in a low whisper and sounds much closer than it did before, and when I feel her slide under the blanket that's covering me, I freeze.
“I thought about you every day.” Her hand slips under my arm and rests on my chest. “I know it was wrong but sometimes, when me and Mark were–”
“Don’t,” I warn her. Snatching at her wrist but not moving it away. I like how her hand feels on me, even if we are slipping into dangerous territory
“I just wanted to know how it’s been for you.” Her voice trembles and she gasps when I quickly turn around.
“You wanna know how it’s been?” I laugh, wondering if this is some kinda cruel game. “ I’ll tell ya how it’s been.” I stare back at her, letting her see the years of pain I’ve felt in my eyes.
“After I left here, the only emotion I could tolerate was hate. I hated the world and everyone in it, but most of all I hated myself. And yes, Eden, there were plenty of times I thought about settlin’ down and havin’ a family, but the girl I wanted to do all that with was fuckin’ dead.” She looks stunned as she takes in what I’m saying. “Can we go to fuckin’ sleep now?”
She nods her head slowly back at me, but instead of getting up like I expect her to she rests her head on the pillow and keeps her hand on my chest, feeling every fuckin’ beat of my heart as she drifts off to sleep.
“Aaron, are you payin’ attention?” My dad’s hand whacks the back of my head.
“Sure, I am,” I answer, continuing to pack the guns that he, Rex, and Mac plan on moving tonight.
“He’s thinkin’ about that girl again.” Rex snorts up a line and chuckles at me. “Ya know, the pretty, little thing that hangs out but don’t put out?” he adds, just to ensure he pisses me off.