“That may be true, but I’ve worked hard to get where I am. I was designing costumes before I met you and I’ve earned my reputation,” I defend myself, still shocked at how quickly his attitude has changed.
“Yeah, baby, but that studio has a name above its door that’s respected, which is about to change. I was the sole investor for that business and since I’m not your fiancé anymore, I just became your boss.”
“I’ll pay you back, I’ll–”
“ You're nothing now.” Mark stands up and looks down at me with a snigger. “When your pussy becomes over-used and those sick fuckers are done with you, remember that I gave you a choice, and you choosethis.”
He starts walking toward the door and I don’t have the strength to follow him. Instead, I keep staring out at the ocean, trying to pretend that my whole world didn’t just come crashing down.
“He didn’t seem too sad walkin’ out so I guess that went well.” I look up and when I see my big brother standing beside me, I can tell he’s trying to be sympathetic. The last thing I want is for him to get mad so I manage a smile.
“It went better than I expected it to.” I look away from him in case he notices my eyes filling up with tears.
“Eden.” He takes the seat beside me, and I don’t even bother to correct him on the name thing. I guess the conversation I just had put an end to Katie and her career.
“You gonna offer me some brotherly advice?” I laugh as I dry my tears.
“Sorry, I’m all outta that, but I was gonna tell ya that I’m happy you're here. It feels like I got a second chance to make things right.”
“Does that mean I can stay?” I look back at him, not caring if he sees the tears anymore. His words just turned them into happy ones.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He slides his arm around me and tugs me in close and I allow myself a few more minutes of being comforted by my big brother because I like how it feels.
“I can’t stay at the hut, it’s too small and I’m not being the third wheel.” I eventually nudge him off me.
“I’ll have Polly make ya up a room in the motel. We’ve been doin’ some remodelin’ on the second floor. You can take one of those.”
“Thank you.” I pull myself together and stand up. I don’t know what I’m going to do about the studio. I can’t imagine Mark will make working for him easy, but I’m all out of options. For now, I just have to take each day as it comes. I guess I can do some work from here for my upcoming project, the deadline for the presentation is the end of the month and all I need are a few art supplies.
I already have a pretty good vision from the conversation I had with the director last month.
“Well, at least I don’t have much stuff to move out.” I laugh.
“You want me to send a few of my guys to get your stuff?” he offers.
“No, but I’ll borrow your fiancée to take me on a shopping trip. I can’t keep borrowing her clothes and I could do with the distraction.” I smile.
“She’s all yours. I’ll let you break the news, but I’ll warn ya, her idea of a successful shoppin’ trip is the bargain box in a thrift store.”
“One man’s trash is another man's gold,” I remind him, thinking back to the days when I thrifted my way through college. It was a hard time, but I loved making something out of nothing so I could stand out from the crowd. Utah may not have been where I wanted to study, but it was far away from here, which is what I needed. I never thought that smelling this fresh ocean air would bring me comfort again, but knowing Cliff is never coming back and that my brother is in charge makes me want to stick around. I ignore the voice in my head that tells me Aaron has a little to do with that too.
“This is what Raze wants usto manage?” I take a look around the huge gym Ruckus told me to meet him at.
“I know the equipment’s a little dated, but we can build on that, and we got a fightin’ ring like the Colorado charter does. It’ll be good practice for sparring.” He hops on his feet and lays a few playful jabs into my arm.
“What ain’t ya tellin’ me, Ruck?” I look at my best friend and wait for him to tell me what he knows.
“Wrath, I–”
“Tell me.” I silence him because I ain’t in the mood to be taking bullshit.
“Okay, maybe I am keepin’ somethin’ from ya, but Raze is serious about this place. You know he’s taken on leases for some legit business and this is the one he wants us to be in charge of?”
“What ain’t ya tellin’ me?” I ask again, feeling my temper start to brew.
“I thought maybe we could turn this back room into some kinda dance studio, you know how I like them girls in the tight litt?—”
“Ruckus.” I throw him another warning look when my patience reaches its limit.