Page 9 of Wrath

“Well, you could always come with me, be my official protection.” She gives me those sultry eyes that drive me wild and make me wanna forget all the club rules.“You did make a promise to Raze that you’d take care of me.” She steps into my space and my body overrides my head when I open up my fists and slide my palms behind her ears. Dragging her onto my mouth, I finally let myself discover if she tastes as good as she looks. Eden holds her breath as I kiss those lips I’ve been obsessing over for months and although I try to be gentle, it ain’t easy. I’ve held off on this girl for far too long, and although everything about me kissing her is wrong, I can’t help making it last a real long time.

“I’m sorry.” I eventually pull away, feeling ashamed of myself. Raze ain’t just my friend, he’s like a brother to me, and I would not be kissing his little sister if he wasn’t locked up in prison.

“Don’t be sorry. Aaron, I’ve been waiting for you to do that ever since I first saw you .” She grabs at my shirt and pulls me back onto her lips and I decide that getting the shit kicked outta me when Raze gets outta jail will be worth it and let her.

Lifting her off her feet, I carry her beneath the clubhouse balcony to ensure we don’t get seen, then with her back against one of the steels, I continue to kiss all the cuteness outta her lips.

“Fuck,” I hiss, as my cock grows harder and presses into her stomach. Her eyes open and she quickly forces my shoulder back so she can look down at the bulge in my jeans that’s wedged between us.

“I’m sorry, It’s just…I’ve waited a real long time to kiss ya.” I offer her an attempt at an explanation all while wanting the sand to swallow me up.

“It’s fine. I…emmm.” She keeps looking down at it, and her giving it all her attention doesn’t help the problem, at all. “I’m just... I’ve never…you know.”

“Oh God! Eden, that ain’t what this is. I would never expect ya to do tha–”

“I want to,” she blurts out, batting her lashes as her cheeks turn a deeper shade of pink. “I’ve wanted to for so long. I just thought that because I’m Raze’s sister and you’re…”

“Yeah.” I smile at her sadly before placing her back on her feet and taking a seat on one of the empty crates.

How did I let it get this far? It seemed so much easier before I knew how good it felt to be that close.

“Aaron, I don’t know how many more ways I can try and make you realize how much I like you, and I don’t get the whole stupid club rule. Surely Raze would want me to be with someone he knows and trusts, rather than some college guy.” I have to grit my teeth just thinking about whoever, some college guy might be.

“It’s a respect thing, Eden, and I’ve already stepped way over the line.” I’m an enemy to myself, I keep putting myself into these situations, always coming up with excuses and reasons to see her. Last week, I saw some shit on TV about a girl who got kidnapped. It turned out she’d escaped her captor’s house a week before he killed her. He kept her on a farm in the middle of nowhere and the fact he hadn’t left his keys in the ignition of his car was the only reason she didn’t get away from him when she made her escape.

That very next morning, I picked Eden up and taught her how to hot-wire a car just to be sure.

I go to stand up and put some space between us, but she comes after me.

“Aaron, please don’t regret kissing me. I have waited so long for it, and I get that you have all this respect for Raze, but is it really gonna stop this happening between us?”

“We only got another six weeks before you leave,” I remind her, kicking at the sand beneath my feet. “Us getting intosomething wouldn't just be more than my life’s worth, it would be stupid.

“I’m not going.” Eden looks away from me because she knows I won’t like what I’m hearing.

“What?” I let her see how angry I am.

“I’m gonna go to college here, there's an art program?—”

“No. You got into that fancy New York college on a scholarship, it’s one of the best, you told me that.” I point my finger at her.

“The scholarship only pays for my education fees, my folks would have to fork out for all my boarding, and I won’t put that kind of financial pressure on them.”

“Then let me speak to Raze…or Vex. This is your dream, Eden.”

“Oh, you mean my birth father who still doesn’t know I exist?” She tips her head and stares back at me sarcastically.

“Eden, I’ve told you before, Vex ain’t in the right place. Soon as he–”

“I don’t wanna leave you,” she interrupts, looking down at her shoes and squeezing her eyes closed like she’s embarrassed.

“Eden.” I shake my head helplessly.

“Don’t make me feel stupid, I know we’ve only been friends for six, maybe seven, months, but I really like you, Aaron.” She closes the gap between us again, taking my hand and staring into my eyes in that way that makes me feel completely owned.

“You're not making this easy.” I shake my head back at her.

“So, don’t fight it. I never feel as happy or excited as I do when I’m with you. I love y–”