Page 95 of Wrath

“What happens now?” she asks, sounding sad. I still don’t have any idea what he’s doing here, but I can tell from the way she’s looking at him that she doesn’t want him to leave.

“It looks to me as if you're taken care of.” He glances over at me and, although he doesn’t offer his approval, I get the sense he’s giving it.

“Stay.” She takes his blood-soaked hand in hers. “Please.” Tears spill over her cheeks as she pleads with him. “I want the chance to get to know you.”

Vex moves his stare from her to look at his son, the pair of them don’t get on but I’m hoping they can find a truce, for the sake of Eden.

“We always got room at the club for a member,” Raze assures him and the old man still hesitates until he looks back to his daughter.

“Fine, but just for a little while.” Vex smiles at Eden and she squeals with excitement as she throws her arms around his neck, almost knocking him off his feet.

Then taking one last look at Cliff, dying on the floor, she crouches down in front of him.

“You hurt me, you humiliated me, but you never broke me,” she whispers. Standing back up, she takes the knife from the floor and hands it to her father. “Put that sorry son of a bitch out of his misery,” she tells him before marching her way back to me and taking my hand. “Let's go home.” She kisses my cheek and leads me out the door, and just as I’m about to walk out with her Raze calls out to me.

“You got anythin’ you wanna say to him?” he checks, lifting his hand to ensure Vex don’t slit his throat too soon.

“Not a damn thing.” I shake my head and leave with my girl.

Aaron was just as shocked as I was after I explained that my father was responsible for my friendship with Laura and everything that followed. I’m too tired to go into how hurt I feel over it, and right now, I need to be there for him. His sister, Willow, is dead and the Reapers being responsible for it means things are going to get very messy. The only positive I can pull from this whole situation is knowing that Cliff can do no more damage.

I understand now why people fear my father so much. He did what he did to Cliff without hesitation or remorse, but it didn’t scare me. I enjoyed seeing the man who caused all my suffering get what he deserved. I don’t know what that says about me as a person, but it’s enough for me to know that I’m exactly where I should be. I might still be mad at him for what happened with the Collards, but I guess what he did came from the heart, and for that reason, I can be forgiving. My dad isn’t a well man, he can’t have very long left of his life, and I won’t waste the opportunity I have to get to know him.

Aaron pulls through the gates and into the Dirty Souls compound, then takes my hand once we get out of the cage. I take a deep breath as we step through the arch, knowing that a lot of people are gonna be pissed at me for what I did earlier.

“Why are ya lookin’ so nervous?” Aaron asks as we pass the pool pit toward the clubhouse door.

“People are gonna be mad. I ruined Peyton’s car and almost ran Rocco over. I’m guessing I’ve also got Vike and Saul into trouble for letting me break out on their watch.” I feel bad just thinking about it.

“They’ll understand.” He stops us before we go inside and turns his body into mine.

“And what about you? Are you mad at me?” I check.

“Not tonight.” He manages a tiny smile despite all the grief he must be feeling.

“Thank you.” I stare up into his handsome, blue eyes. Even though they’re drowning in sadness they still glisten from the light the moon gives off.

“I didn’t do anythin’.” He slides some of my hair behind my ear and keeps that smile on his face.

“That's not true, you were gonna fight that tournament to the end before it got stopped.” I look down at his still-bare torso. Grateful that Trisha made that call. “You gave up on being the one to end your father so you could fight for me, and that–”

“I’m always gonna fight for you,” he interrupts me.

“You gave up killing Cliff, despite all your anger and all yourwrath.” I smile. “You gave it up so my dad could keep his pride.”

“Like I said back there, I get to protect ya for the rest of my life. Your father needed to do somethin’ to make up for his mistakes, I know how that feels and I got years left to do it.”

“You're a beautiful person, Aaron Adams,” I tell him.

“And you're gonna be the death of me if you don’t start doin’ as you're told.” We both laugh because we know that isn’t ever gonna happen. “Come on, it's time to face these guys.” He kisses me before opening the door to the club and leading me inside.

Someone cuts the music and the whole room goes quiet. I don’t know what everyone staring at us is expecting but Peytoneventually breaks the silence by rushing toward me and locking me in her arms.

“Don’t youeverdo that to me, again. Are you okay?” She pulls back to check me over.

“Yeah, I’m fine, but your car isn’t.” I grit my teeth awkwardly.

“You think I care about that heap of junk?” She shakes her head and hugs me again.