Page 75 of Wrath

One Week Later

“You're as ready as you're gonna get,” Troj tells me as he grabs us both a water. I don’t feel very fuckin’ ready. My lungs are burning, my limbs ache and I can barely catch my breath.

I look at all three sweaty brothers who have just put me through my paces, one after the other and I’m hoping on the day of the tournament, adrenaline is gonna get me through because right now I’m exhausted.

“You’re lookin’ good. If you and Troj went head to head properly, I even think you could take him,” Storm grins as he pulls on his shirt and checks his phone.

“You get the message from Jessie?” He looks over to Troj, who’s busy unbinding his knuckles.

“No, is it serious?” He frowns.

“Not yet, but he wants us to head back.” Storm lifts up his training bag and slides it over his shoulder. “It’s been good trainin’ with ya, maybe when this is done we could have a little in-house tournament,” he suggests.

“Thanks for everythin’.” I smack my palm into his then look to Troj.

“I mean it, this week’s been tough, but I’ve needed it. I appreciate ya coming out here.”

“Let us know how it goes.” Troj slaps my back before him and Storm head out, leaving me and Ruckus alone.

“You look beat.” My best friend laughs.

“You try takin’ on three 6ft fighters back to fuckin’ back.” I sit myself down on one of the weight benches.

“Troj is right, though, you're ready.” He turns serious as he rests on the bench opposite me. I get the impression he’s about to say something deep but when the door bursts open and Eden marches inside like a hurricane it silences him.

“We need to talk.” She’s looking panicked so I immediately stand up and go to her.

“What's up?” I check her over to make sure she ain’t hurt.

“It’s personal.” Her eyes pass over my shoulder to Ruckus who immediately takes the hint and stands up.

“Say no more, I’m outta here.” He holds up both his hands, before grabbing his cut and heading for the door and I wait for him to be gone before I look back to Eden.

“How did ya get here?” I ask, knowing that everyone at the club is busy. Raze has led Vike, Saul, Saint, and Tawk out on a run, while Dev and Rocco are stuck on compound security. The gates need to be maned 24/7 and so does the beach, it’s a two-man job which means there ain’t nobody free to have driven my old lady here.

“That doesn’t matter. What matters is–”

“You drove here yourself?” I check, feeling frustration burn my aching muscles.

“I had to talk to you.” She tries making it sound as if that's a reasonable excuse.

“Eden, how many times do I have to tell you that it ain’t safe? There is a murderer targetin’ women out there…A murderer that we got every reason to believe is Cliff.”

“Are you still fucking the club whores?” she blurts out, her lips wobbling as tears start taking over the rage in her eyes.

“Am I what?” I laugh at her.

“Are you fucking those girls at the club that, you know…?” She gets that prissy little look on her face that only shows itself once in a while.

“And what would make you think that?” I fold my arms over my chest and wait for her answer.

“Aaron, it’s been a whole week since we last…” Her cheeks turn pink and, as annoyed as I am at her suggestion, I can’t help finding her adorable.

“Darlin’ I’m not fuckin’ anyone else, I’m trainin’ for a real big fight, and sex is off the cards. I gotta stay focused, keep my–”

“Don’t do it!” she interrupts me, taking my hand and squeezing it in hers.

“Aaron, I don’t need to own Katie Sullivan designs. I can start again.”