“Come on, you must like this one,” Peyton interrupts us, taking my girl’s hand and dragging her off to dance. I watch Eden laugh as she shakes her body and has fun with her friends. She’s looking so happy, and there ain’t nothin’ I wouldn’t do tokeep it that way. Nothing but the best is good enough for her, which is why winning that tournament next week has never been so important.
“You know this place is startin’ to look more and more like the Colorado charter” Troj chuckles to himself as he takes in the same view that I am. We both look on as Peyton and Eden attempt to drag Raze up to dance and he point-blank refuses.
“That a good thing?” I ask, remembering how sorry I felt for the Colorado brothers last time I visited there. All of ‘em seemed to be settled with old ladies and families, back then the idea of caring for someone again felt like such a burden. But I was jaded. I’d loved and I’d lost, and I was never prepared to do it again. My future’s shaping up to look very different now.
There’s every chance that Eden’s gonna wanna have kids at some point, and I already know that I wouldn’t deny her a damn thing. In fact, the thought of her giving me a kid makes me wanna march on over to her and make it fuckin’ happen, right now.
“Hell, yeah, it's a good thing. It’s what Jimmer set this whole club up for. Ain’t no stronger man than a man who's fightin’ for someone he loves.” Troj is smiling when I tear my eyes away from her and back to his.
“Raze told me you’ve wanted in on this tournament for a while.” He stubs out his smoke and takes a sip of his beer.
“You think I’m crazy?” I value his opinion, ever since Raze hung up his gloves, Troj is undeniably the best fighter this club has.
“Ya want my honest opinion?” He narrows his eyes.
Troj checks the space around us in case anyone is listening before he leans in.
“If my old lady hadn’t been through enough shit to last her a lifetime, I could very well have been someone you were goin’ up against,” he lowers his voice.
“You would have entered?”
“Hell, yeah, I may not get in the ring as often as I used to, but that don’t mean I don’t miss it. I just got more important things to focus on these days. Every time you step inside the ring, there's a chance you ain’t gonna step back out of it. I got too much good goin’ on in my life to take that risk just for a buzz.”
“Yeah, well, it ain’t just about the buzz anymore. I need the money for her,” I admit, looking over at my girl and feeling the pressure.
“And that’s why my bet will be goin’ on you.” Troj stands up and slaps me hard on the shoulder. “I’m gonna go catch up with Tawk. You should get an early night in, you're gonna need it,” he warns, heading for the corner of the room where Tawk is sitting by himself.
“Jeez, those girls are extra fuckin’ wild tonight.” Raze joins me, looking a little frazzled.
“Didn’t fancy dancin’, boss?” I snigger at him.
“I got limits.” Raze takes the whiskey shot that Trinity places on the bar in front of him and we both turn our bodies to face our girls.
“Feels good havin’ her back here, don’t it?” I smile as Eden continues to let loose. I can already see that her and Peyton are becoming close, and even her stuck-up friend looks like she’s having a good time now she’s sunk a few.
“Yeah, it’s good to have her back.” He smiles as he watches her too.“Just don’t fuck it up, Wrath. I’d hate to have to kill ya.” His forehead creases as he watches his old lady and mine giggle together.
“You gonna say somethin’?” I wait until we’re inside the house before I try talking to my sister. Alicia’s driving is bad enough at the best of times, us having this conversation while she’s behind the wheel was never an option.
“What's there to say? You know what the problem is now.” She drops her purse on the table and moves to the fridge to get herself some water.
“You must have some kinda clue into what you're gonna do about this?” I slip a cigarette between my lips, then when I remember that this shit ain’t good for knocked-up sisters, I rip it back out and toss it on the floor.
“That fucker’s lucky he’s dead,” I growl, reaching up into the cupboard and taking out a bottle of Jameson.
“Don’t ever say that.” She shakes her head at me in disgust.
“I can say what the hell I like when that asshole knocked up my sister. Jesus Christ, Alicia.” I punch my fist into the cupboard door after I’ve slammed it and when it makes her jump I realize I need to calm my ass down.
“I’m sorry. This is just…It’s a fuckin’ shock.” I shake my head and try counting to ten.
“You're telling me,” she sighs, and suddenly I realize how exhausted she looks. “Every time I think about it I get so overwhelmed and afraid. I just shut down.”
“Alicia, you can’t bury your head in the sand with this, you–”
“Excuse me?” Her face instantly changes and now she’s staring back at me like she’s gonna unleash Hell. “I did not just hear you say that, Saul Peterson.” She grips her hair in her hands and growls in frustration, before barging past me into the living room.