Page 64 of Wrath

The room quickly starts to fill, word spreads fast around here and everyone gets excited when we get visitors from another charter. It usually means one helluva party.

“I guess Grimm asked ya to check in on his mom while you're here too, huh?” Raze gets up to shake both of their hands.

“None of us had any idea hehada mom until he got the call from the care home sayin’ she was missin’. You had him real fuckin’ worried.” Storm lights himself a smoke.

“Where the hell did ya think he came from?” Ruck chuckles

“Ya know what I mean. We all got our pasts but Grimm ain’t never mentioned nothin’ about his before.”

“To be fair, Grimm don’t mention nothin’ ‘bout anythin’,” Troj points out before looking at me in particular. “He appreciates what ya did gettin’ her outta that place, but he’s real mad at himself right now. He really thought she was in the best place to help her. Hearin’ about her bein’ involved with Cliff has made him question everythin’.”

“Well, she’s in good hands,” I assure him, smiling across at Eden when I think about how kind she’s been to Anita since she arrived here.

“So, what we been missin’ out on?” He lifts up one of the glasses and sniffs. “Tequila.” His head nods like he’s impressed.

“Here, you can have mine.” Alicia lifts up her still-full glass and offers it to him.

“Wow, you really are determined to be borin’, ain’t ya?” Saul presses her again. “We can get these guys their own drinks, just drink up,” he tells her.

“Saul, I told you I’m gonna drive tonight.”

“AndItoldyouto stop being borin’, Pol can make up more rooms, or Rocco can take us home. Just drink the damn shot and start having a good time for once.” Lifting up the glass he starts steering it toward her mouth and she protests.

“I can’t.” I can see that Alicia is getting more and more frustrated, but Saul doesn’t let up, instead he waves the glass in the air in front of her, teasing as he makes airplane sounds.

“Saul, will you just stop?” She blows out a long, exhausted breath.

“What the fuck’s the matter with ya? You’ve been actin’ weird for days.” He suddenly stops trying to make her laugh and looks real fuckin’ serious.

“Nothing’s the matter, I’m just?—”

“Then drink up. I get that you're hurtin’ and– .”

“I’m pregnant!” she yells over his voice, standing up and taking the glass from his hand so she can smash it on the floor. “I can’t drink because I’m fuckingpregnant.”

The room goes silent as she closes her eyes and takes another long, deep breath.

“You’re what?” The cleverness drops from Saul’s face as he looks his sister up and down and the entire club remains still.

“I’m pregnant.” She swallows thickly, glancing around at everyone who’s staring and looking as if she’s on the verge of tears.

“Pregnant?” Saul slides back down onto the chair beside her and stares at the table.

“Yes, and it’s Griller’s. I don’t know if I’m gonna keep it. I’m just really fucking scared, okay?” Alicia’s voice tails off into a whisper as she looks down at her brother.

“Well, ain’t this just like bein’ at home?” Troj breaks the silence, looking at Storm and grinning.

It’s been a few hours since Alicia dropped her bomb, and Saul’s barely said a word since. They eventually get up and leave together, and I can only imagine how awkward the car ride home is gonna be.

I’ve spent most the night talking through things with Raze and giving Eden space to have some fun with Laura.

“I think your friend’s wasted,” I point out when Eden steps up to the bar to get more drinks.

“She’s not the only one.” She leans all her weight on me and gives me a real dopey-assed smile.

“You're cute when you're drunk,” I tell her, checking her friend ain’t looking before I steal a quick kiss from her lips.

“And you arehawt.” Eden slurs her words, “Sofucking hot. I mean, I could just stare at you and your body for eternity. I kinda hate that you have better hair than me though.” Her pout is adorable and makes me wanna fling her over my shoulder, take her to her room, and punish her for making me hold back tonight.