“Honestly, I’m fine,” she brushes him off.
“We can have Rocco drive us home. Just kick back and have a few.”
I know he’s been worried about Alicia since Griller died, and it’s understandable that she’s been acting strange. The whole club found out about the one-night stand she and Griller had the night before he died, and we all looked at Griller a little differently when we found out how much deeper his feelings for her went.
“Saul, I said I don’t want to.” I've even noticed a difference in Alicia since Griller’s been gone. I think she’s putting too much guilt on herself for not feeling the same way as he did.
The front door opens and when Eden steps through it with her friend, I stand up to go to kiss her and she quickly shakes her head at me.
“Everyone, this is Laura, we were at college together and she’s Mark’s sister.” Laura smiles as if Eden’s introduction wasn't just awkward as fuck.
“Laura, this is my brother Raze, and his girlfriend, Peyton,” Laura tries her best not to look terrified as she looks Raze up and down and shakes his hand. “This here is Alicia and her brother, Saul. Polly, she’s the one who got your room ready, and…” My girl gets a guilty look on her face and pauses when she gets to me.
“Wrath and I ain’t no one special.” I hold out my hand and watch Eden squirm as her best friend cautiously takes it.
“I know who you are, you're the one who smashed up my brother's office.” Laura takes back her hand once I’ve shaken it, looking way outta her depth as her eyes take in everything around her.
“Drinks, we should all have a drink.” Eden looks panicky as she pulls out a chair for her friend. “Aaron, can you help me withdrinks?” The looks she shoots at me and the fact she discreetly presses her foot hard on top of mine, suggests she needs me for something.
“Of course.” I smile politely as I stand up and follow her to the bar, leaving Peyton and Alicia to make her friend feel welcome.
“Aaron, don’t make this hard,” Eden begs as she counts the heads at the table and starts placing shot glasses on a tray.
“I’m not makin’ anythin’ hard, I just thought that you bein’ my old lady meant I got to kiss ya anytime I wanted.” I rest my elbow on the table and watch her hand shake as she pours even-sized measures of tequila into each glass.
“Look, Laura’s here because she had a huge fallout with her family. She was sticking up for me and things got heated. Whatam I supposed to do? Tell her that, in less than a week, I’ve got over her brother and I’m in a new relationship?” She quickly knocks one of the shots back then with shaky hands gets to work replacing it.
“Relax, I’m playin’ with ya.” I place my hand on top of hers to steady it. “I can play nice and keep my hands off ya. But only until she goes to bed.” I point my finger at her in warning.
“And then what?” Whatever I’ve said must have calmed her nerves because the way she bites her lip at me is seductive.
“And then…” I lean in even closer. “I’m comin’ to your room and I’m gonna touch you everywhere...” I raise one of the glasses, “...with my tongue.” I clink it against hers and down the contents before I return to join the others at the table.
Just seeing how flustered she looks when she follows behind me a few seconds later sends all my blood to my fuckin’ dick.
“What are we toasting?” Polly asks, and Laura looks overwhelmed as Saul places a glass in her hand.
“Oh, I got one…” Peyton taps the table and clears her voice excitedly. “The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift because it’s the present.” Everyone around the table stares at her before erupting into laughter.
“What the hell was that?” Saul shakes his head.
“I thought it was cute.” Peyton blushes.
“It was cute. Very fuckin’ cute.” Raze grabs her by the jaw and kisses her and when I look across at Eden, letting her know that we should be doing the same, she blushes too.
“Are we toasting these or what?” Eden quickly looks away, slapping the table with her palm to speed everyone up.
“To histories, mysteries, and gifts.” She throws her head back and quickly downs her second shot of tequila and we all follow after her.
“Looks like the party started without us.” I spin my head around when I hear a voice come from behind me.
“Troj?” I quickly rise to my feet when I see the SGT at Arms from our Colorado charter, with a tall guy who I recognize standing beside him.
“Thought we’d come out here and help with ya sparrin’ practice,” Troj explains as Ruckus steps in after them, and when I look across at Raze he winks at me.
“Storm here fought with Freddie six months ago and managed to beat him. Figured I’d bring him along and spend a few days puttin’ you through ya paces,” Troj tells me.
“Man, I appreciate that.” I grab him by the arm and bump shoulders with him, before doing the same to his buddy, Storm.