“Back to the gym.” He offers me a guilty shrug as he rushes his way down the steps.
“I’m sorry for just interrupting like this, but I have no one else I can go to. How pathetic is that?” She buries her head in her hands and shakes it.
“Hey, you aren’t interrupting anything, come on let's talk this over.” I wrap my arm around Laura's shoulder and guide her inside.
“That motel is really startin’ to live up to its name,” Rocco complains as he steps back inside the clubhouse and dumps a heap of balled-up sheets on the table next to me. “I just had to help Polly make upanotherroom.”
“So the rich chicks’s stayin’?” I head behind the bar and grab myself a water. After Eden’s friend showed up I went for a long run, I figured it would help me think shit over. Things may be going well for me and Eden right now, but the club’s in some real trouble. With dead girls popping up, and Reapers making plans, we're gonna have to really be on our game to stay in control.
“We’ll be at full capacity at this rate.” Polly follows in after him, placing her cleaning caddy on the table and tutting when she sees the sheets.
“Seriously, Rocco, on the table?” She scoops the bundle up. “You don’t know what impurities are on these. I’m pretty sure it was Sinner who last spent the night in that room I asked you to strip”
“You think these tables are any better?” Rocco sniggers. “Since when have any members of this club been worried about where he gets his dick wet?”
“Well, he should be, especially since my old lady and my sister started to call this place home.” Raze’s voice makes Roccojump when he steps outta his office and stands up behind him—instantly knocking the clever smirk from the kid’s face.
“Sorry, boss.” Rocco lowers his head and quickly gathers the sheets from Polly’s arms, taking them to the laundry bags that are waiting to be picked up.
“I made up two rooms on the third floor for your visitors,” Polly reports to Raze who nods his appreciation back at her.
“So, you know all about Eden’s friend?” I was hoping that he’d be okay with her staying, It was obvious how happy Eden was to see her, and although she’s her ex’s sister, I like the idea of her having some familiarity here. I took on what she said earlier about feeling overwhelmed.
“What friend?” Raze looks confused as hell.
“Your sister has a friend stayin’, Eden texted me and asked if I could make up a room for her too,” Polly explains.
“Did she now?” Raze blows out a breath but doesn’t seem mad at all — like myself, he’s just grateful to have Eden here.
“I put her in the room next to your old lady.” She winks at me.
“So, who are the rooms on the third floor for?” I don’t remember Raze mentioning anything about us having visitors.
“You’ll find out soon.” He checks the time on his phone looking pleased with himself.
“Is my brother here?” Alicia asks as she walks in through the side door with Peyton.
“He’s through the back with Dev, makin’ sure everythin’s ready for distribution next week,” Raze informs her. Among everything else we got going on we also have a run for Burlusconi to operate. “He should be done soon.”
“And what about you, are you done?” Peyton asks Raze, and I can see she’s worried about him.
I’ll never be done, not with all that's happenin’.” He smiles at her sadly, and when Polly’s finished preparing the laundry bagsand sent Rocco on his way to the laundromat, she flops down in one of the chairs and sighs heavily.
“You look like you need something with vodka in it.” Alicia moves behind the bar and pours one from the optics, placing it in front of her. Polly makes no argument as she picks it up and knocks it back.
“You were right.” She winks as she places the glass back on the table.
“You're here, again.” Saul rolls his eyes when he comes outta church and sees his sister.
“Is that a bad thing?” Alicia snaps back at him.
“Did I say it was? Jeez, you're so touchy lately.” His head shakes as he grabs himself a beer and joins us.
“Who’s gonna join me for another?” Polly attempts to relieve some of the tension as she stands up and takes the empty glass to the bar with her.
“I’m good. I’ve gotta drive.” Alicia refuses.
“Come on, sis. Maybe a drink will cheer you up. You ain’t cut loose in ages,” Saul encourages her.