Page 55 of Wrath

“He was so brave when he came home from school.” She shakes her head. “It was done by then. It was over. Richie walked in and he could see what I’d done. I can’t remember what happened after Peter walked through the door. All I remember is the blood. It was on the walls, and on the rug my parents gave us as a wedding gift. None of it was there when I came downstairs the next morning. It was as if nothing had happened and Peter had just vanished.” She shrugs.

“What happened to the body?”

“It was gone, he was gone. We carried on with our lives, and some days would be perfect. Like Peter and Cliff never existed. I still have days like that.” She looks across to me and smiles hopefully.

“And did people ask what had happened?”

“Of course, Peter Carter quickly went from being the town hero to the man who ran out on his family. Rumors started about affairs he had and I didn’t deny them. I just went to church on a Sunday and prayed to God to forgive me and make Cliff stay away.”

“So, how did you end up in Forestb–”

“I don’t blame Richie for taking me there,” she interrupts me abruptly. “I forget things. Important things, not just about them. I couldn’t take care of myself. He didn’t want to do it, he felt bad, that day when he left me there was the first time I ever saw him cry.” She wipes away more of her own tears. “but he made the right choice, I was a danger. He had to work and I couldn’t be left alone. I never wanted to be alone, in case Cliff came back. I think I might have killed him too if he had.”

“And Richie knows nothing about what was happening with you and Cliff?”

“No, and he can’t. Richie can never find out about Cliff or that I ever had anything to do with this club. They were just reckless days that I want to forget.” She looks down at thepicture she’s picked up from her bedside table and smiles at it lovingly.

“He’s handsome, isn’t he?” She passes it over so I can see for myself, and I’m quite surprised by how he appears. Richie is handsome, in his own unique way. His features are chiseled, and although he’s smiling in the picture, there's malice in his eyes.

“His girlfriend, Evangeline, took that for me. She’s good for him.” She carefully takes the picture back.

“When I moved to Forestbank, I was sure it was all over. I’d convinced myself that I’d never see Cliff again. But he found me.”

I sit up a little straighter when suddenly, I feel like we’re getting somewhere.

“Anita, when was the last time Cliff visited you?”

“I don't know, I struggle with days and times. I wake up some mornings thinking that Richie is still a little boy who needs me to make his breakfast.”

“Was it recently?” I can feel that I’m onto something. If Cliff has been visiting her, he could have at least mentioned something that could give us a clue into where he’s been hiding.

“I think the last time was just after Richie visited me for my birthday. He and Evangeline bought a cake, she’d baked it herself.”

“That’s lovely, Anita, but I need you to try and remember Cliff’s visit. Did he say anything to you?”

“He was different, a little on edge. We…he brushed my hair afterward.” She smiles at me sadly as she rises to her feet. “I think I should get some rest now, it was a long drive here.” I can tell from the look on her face that her nightmare is still ongoing. That fucker is still hurting her.

“Anita, when Cliff came to Forestbank, did he mention anything about where he was staying?”

“He never tells me anything, just that he’ll always find me.” She smiles like that young girl who enjoyed going for rides on the back of his bike as she lies down on top of the covers, and rolls onto her side.

Iwatch Eden step out of Anita's door and speak to Raze about whatever she’s managed to learn from her time with Grimm’s mother, while Ruckus tries to talk to me about the tournament. Right now, the tournament is the least of my worries. Of course, I wanna get Eden her studio back, but there ain’t no point in it if it’s not safe for her to leave the compound.

“So, what’s the deal with you and her?” Ruckus gives up on talkin’ about Freddie- fuckin’- George and how good he is.

“I fucked up and now I gotta make it right,” I explain, keeping my eyes on Eden as Raze comforts her. Whatever she’s been told has made her sad, and it should be me up there with my arms around her, not him.

“And is the boss okay with that?” Ruck checks.

“We’ve talked it out and, yeah, I guess he’s okay.” I laugh to myself because I still find it hard to believe.

“And ya find that funny?” He sounds surprised, and when I take my attention from her and look at my best friend, he’s staring back at me like I’m takin’ that fact for granted.

“Not funny, just surprisin’.” I shrug.

“Why? You ain’t got a problem with the way Tawk pines over Willow, and you know if we get her back, he’s gonna claim her.” Ruck makes a very good point, and one I’ve been trying to avoidthinkin’ about. I understand that Tawk has done a lot for Willow, but no one wants to think of their sister being with another brother. Having two of ‘em myself is what makes me struggle to believe that Raze is giving me his blessing.

“Whenwe get her back,” I correct him, “and I guess Ihaveto handle Tawk and Willow. He’s been a much bigger part of her life than I have these past few years.” The admission makes me feel that familiar stab of guilt. “It’s different with Tawk, I barely know him. But, me and Raze, we’re close. I gotta give him credit, it can’t be easy for him to accept. I can’t imagine how I would feel if it were you and Freya gettin’ together.” I shake my head and laugh, knowing the idea will make him squirm. The two of ‘em have never liked each other, back when we were teenagers they were always butting heads.