“‘Course, it’s fuckin’ yours, it was in our bathroom trash.”
“Raze, don’t you think that if it was mine, I would have told you by now?” She stares back at me as if I’m crazy.
“I don’t know what I’ve been thinkin’.” I shake my head suddenly feeling exhausted. I haven’t slept for days.
“Well, for the record, if itwasmine, you’d be the first to know about it.” She steps up to me and wraps her arms around myneck. Then she gets me feeling all disappointed that it isn’t when she goes to kiss me.
“Wait.” I pull my head back. “If it ain’t yours, whose is it?” I look down at her suspiciously.
“I can’t tell you that.” She does that lip-biting thing again, and now that I know she’s not growing my child inside her, there’s nothing stopping me slamming her against the wall and fuckin’ the answer outta her.
“Sure ya can. You can tell me anythin’.” I make that point very fuckin’ clear, I never wanna feel the way I have the past few days, ever again.
“Raze, don’t do this, it’s not my business to tell. I’m sure once she’s come to terms with it–”
“It’s Eden, ain’t it?” I slide my hand over her face, “She’s knocked up by that asshole fiancé. This is gonna complicate things.” I could really do without this stress right now. I need Wrath to have his head in the game and this is gonna make him lose it.
“Relax, it’s not Eden,” Peyton assures me, and my shoulders sag as I breathe out a long sigh of relief.
“So, whose the hell is it?” I’m still invested, even if it doesn’t involve the two most important people in my life.
“You have to promise not to tell anyone.” Peyton sighs in defeat. She gives in far too easily these days.
“You got my word.” I take her hand in mine and kiss her knuckles.
“It’s Alicia.” She smiles up at me sadly.
“Griller’s?” I check, scrubbing my face with my hand and wondering how Saul’s gonna take this.
“Yep, and she’s feeling really torn about it. I don’t know how to help her.” My girl looks worried, so I grab her shoulders and drag her closer.
“She’ll be fine, she’s got you, ain’t she?” Peyton’s a good friend, I’ve seen that even more clearly since Eden’s been here.
“She’s having a dead man's baby, Raze. That's a lot to deal with, she’s not even sure if she’s gonna keep it,” she tells me.
“You can help her, by lettin’ her know that no matter what she decides, everyone here is gonna take care of her.” I rest my chin on the top of her head and hold her in my arms.
“Raze?” She pulls away so she can look up at me. “What would you have thought if the test was mine?” Her eyes narrow curiously.
“I’d have thought I was the luckiest guy in the whole world,” I admit, “Now, cover up what’s mine, and let’s go get a drink. After that, I fuckin’ need one.” I slap her ass and make her giggle before she rushes inside to grab herself a shirt. Then I look down at the positive test that’s still on the chair and smile to myself because I just decided that next time I see one, I’m making sure that it belongs to my old lady.
There’s a good vibe at the club when we get there, even Polly seems cheerful as she wipes over the bar. When I see Alicia sitting at one of the tables talking to her brother, I wonder if she’s spoken to him about her situation now that she’s back from visiting their folks.
“I thought you were havin’ the day off?” Ruckus looks surprised to see me.
“Yeah, well, I'm not very good at the whole relaxation thing. You heard from Wrath?” I called a meeting yesterday to bring everyone up to speed with our plan. I don’t know what this Anita woman is gonna tell him, but I’m hoping it can give us someclue on how to push his buttons. I’m sick and tired of constantly looking over my shoulder.
“Not a thing, I don’t even think he stopped off in Colorado. Tawk spoke to Troj yesterday and he never mentioned anythin’ about seeing him,” Ruck informs me.
It doesn't surprise me when Wrath left here the other day he wasn’t in the mood for dealing with people. Half the reason he wanted to make the trip was so he could have some time to himself.
“Prez.” Dev’s younger brother, Corey tips his chin at me as he joins us at the bar.
“Your brother know you're here?” Ruckus spins the cap, the kids wearing, so the peak’s at the front.
“I’m allowed to hang out.”
“Oh, so you a big boy now?” Ruckus teases while Corey shakes his head and rolls his eyes.