“It’s okay, I won’t let ‘em hurt ya,” I promise, despite knowing that there's no way I can take on eight men by myself. That don’t mean I won’t die tryin’.
“Aaron, listen to me.” She sounds so scared it’s already fuckin’ killing me.
“You better not try to run girl.” I hear my father warning her as I eyeball all the men standing in front of me, figuring which one of ‘em to take on first. The big nomad is gonna take some energy to put out, so I figure he’s my best option.
“Aaron.” I hear my name again, and I close my eyes when I feel a soft, shaky hand touch my shoulder. I take my time spinning around and when I see her big, blue eyes all swollen with tears and looking up at me, my heart breaks because I know I can’t save her.
Her wrists have been untied, and her chest is making scared little breaths as she tries to show some bravery,
“You have to do as he says,” she tells me, in the faintest whisper I’ve ever heard.
“What?No. I’m not gonna do that here, in front of them.” I shake my head, getting mad at her for even thinking I could do that.
“I don’t think we have a choice, you heard what he said. It’s you or it’s them. I won’t survive them, Aaron.” She looks past my shoulder at the huge, brutish men that are lined up ready to rape her. “Please, Aaron, just do as he says,” she begs me.
“She’s a brave girl, son.” Cliff slaps me on the back before he walks over to join his friends, and taking Eden’s hand, I drag her into the corner and stand over her like a shield.
“Eden, I can fight, and you can run,” I whisper under my breath. “You head for the door I came through, you take a left and the cage is right outside.”
“Aaron, there's eight of them. They’d chase me, and they’d catch me. You can’t beat them all.” She smiles at me sadly, and strokes away the hair that's fallen onto my face.
“I can’t do this, Eden, you’re better than this, it’s your first time, it’s gonna?—”
“We gonna see some action or do ya need me to warm her up?” Some mouthy cunt wearing the Illinois patch calls over.
“Please, Aaron, just do it. As long as it’s you I’ll be okay.” Her voice trembles, and I slam my hand into the wall behind her head in frustration. Of all the fucked-up situations for my father to put me in, I never could have predicted this one.
“I don’t want the damn cut.” I turn back round and face him.
“Ya think that makes any difference? I’ve been tellin’ these boys about your cute, little friend for weeks. Some of ‘em rode a real long way to be here. This ain’t just your initiation, Aaron. This is a reward for the efforts they’ve all been puttin’ in for me.”
“You’re all sick!” I shake my head at them. “Do you all know that this is Raze’s baby sister? She’s the daughter of Vex. D’ya really wanna be a part of this?” I scan each one of their faces and wait to see some fear.
“I’d take that as a yes they do,” Cliff chuckles when everyone remains silent.
“Vex is a mess, Raze is in jail, these boys are happy to take their chances because they know where the club is headin’. We’re one percenters, Aaron, we ain’t supposed to be the good guys.”
“No.” I shake my head. “Ya can’t force me to do this.”
“You’re right, but wecantie ya to that chair and force ya to watch whilewedo.” He shrugs.
“No!” The terror in Eden’s voice causes me physical, fuckin’ pain and when she rushes to put herself in front of me, she takes my face in her hands and forces me to look at her.
“Aaron, listen to me…” Her pupils are double their usual size from her panic. “You have to do this. I can handle them watching, I won’t be able to…” She looks back over her shoulder at them all. “There's eight of them.” She looks back at me helplessly, and all my defenses drop when it sinks in that there really is no gettin’ outta this
“If I do this, you’ll let her go straight after?” I check, unable to look at her. My chest has already started to tighten and I feel fuckin’ sick.
“You can take her home, yourself.” Cliff nods his head and when I finally make eye contact with the girl who deserves the whole world, I hate myself for failing her.
She nods her head and smiles through her tears, encouragingly, and it doesn’t just break my fuckin’ heart…it destroys it.
“Okay,” I whisper, keeping my eyes fixed on hers as I agree to my father’s disgusting terms.
“Boys, it looks like we got ourselves a show.” I hear Rex clap his hands together as I take Eden’s hand and lead her back over to the corner.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper, swallowing the huge lump in my throat and wondering where the hell to start. I’ve thought about this moment so long and during none of those times did we have an audience, nor were we in a damp, cold warehouse.
“Get on with it then!” One of them calls over, making me close my eyes and fist my hands.