Page 34 of Wrath

“Wait!” He chases after me and looks a lot less angry when I turn around.

“I’m sorry, we don’t have to talk about it. I just…I hate that we wasted all those years we could have been gettin’ to know each other.” His tone is much softer now, and he nods his head at Rocco who’s back to manning the main gate, to let him know everything’s good.

“Well, I’m here now, and it looks like I’m already pissing you off like a little sister should.” We both laugh and after we step through the arch to the motel, we’re immediately greeted by the sight of Ruckus fucking some blonde girl against the fence on the other side of the pool.

“Jesus Christ, I don’t know how that fucker’s cock is still attached to his body.” Raze shakes his head as I try to ignore them and take the first step up to the second floor.

“Thanks.” I smile at him.

“Eden, it was a five-minute walk.” Raze laughs like it’s no big deal but to me, it’s way more than that.

“I meant thanks for being my big brother, and for the record, I regret the years we’ve missed out on too.”

“I know you don’t want to talk about what happened that night but you need to know that I’m sorry. I should never have taken that stupid job and got myself locked up, I should–”

“Stop, it wasn’t your fault.” I rest my hand on his shoulder.

“I’m still never gonna forgive myself. But knowin’ you're alive makes it a little easier to bear. I’ll never forgive Vex for makin’ me think you were dead. I just can’t understand why Stacey called him and not me.” I can see he’s confused and I don’t wanthim wasting his energy on things he can never change. I’m about to tell him that when he starts talking again. “I know things are awkward between you and Wrath, and ya got a whole amazin’ life beyond these gates, but I’m hopin’ you’ll stick around. This place is changin’, the people here are good.” Right on cue the girl Ruckus is banging lets the whole club know exactly how good, and me and Raze both smirk.

“I never thought I’d say this, but I’m really starting to like it here.” I wrap my arms around my brother’s waist and squeeze him tight. “I’ll see ya tomorrow,” I whisper before heading up the stairs toward my room.

“Make sure ya lock that door.” He points his finger at me when I look back down at him and I smile to myself as I let myself in.

I’m exhausted from today, so once I’ve locked myself in, I kick off my shoes and flop down on the bed. Staring up at the ceiling, I wonder what Aaron is doing right now, and if he’s thinking of me. I was mean to him earlier, I took all the hurt and humiliation I was feeling because of Mark out on him. Mark was out of line and should be the one I directed my anger at. I make a mental note to apologize to Aaron in the morning, but right now I’m so tired. I could sleep for days, and as I feel my eyes start to close, the memory of the night that changed everything wraps me in its hold.

“Are you nervous about tomorrow?” I ask Aaron when he pulls onto my street and cuts the engine of the cage he borrowed from the club to bring me home.

“Of course, I’m nervous. I gotta ask one of the hardest members of our club if I can date his sister.” He laughs at me.

“He’s going to say yes. I know he is. So, I’m gonna steal one more scandalous kiss before I go inside.” I lean over the consoleand press my lips against his and I get frustrated when Aaron pushes me back.

“Come on, not here, what if one of your neighbors sees and tells your parents?” He looks nervous.

“What if they do?” I move back in to kiss him, but he pulls away again.

“Come on Eden, I wanna make a good impression when I meet them.” He looks a little sad as he diverts his eyes away from me.

“I’m not ashamed of you. I can’t wait to tell them all about you. I just know they’ll have concerns about the whole club thing and they’ll be devastated if they thought I’d looked into finding my birth parents.” I try to explain, knowing how much it hurts him that I always make him park up the street so we’re not seen together.

“And if Raze gives us the all clear, is that gonna change?” he checks.

“Over time, of course, it will. They just worry about me, and the Souls don’t exactly have the best reputation.” I try smiling to lighten the mood but it only seems to make him sadder. “I know Jenny and Bob aren’t my real parents but they’ve been so good to me–”

“Hey, I never said that. I would never think that either. Far as I’m concerned those folksareyour parents. And you're right, the club does have a reputation, but I want ‘em to know that as long as you're with me, nothin’ is ever gonna hurt ya.” His hand strokes through my hair, and then he pulls me toward him so he can kiss the top of my head.

“Now, get inside before ya have to explain why you're late home.” He flashes me that boyish grin and makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

“And you’ll call me as soon as you get out of your visit?” I double-check, as I step out onto the sidewalk.

“Babe, if Raze gives me the all-clear, we’ll be taking a ride on my bike.” He winks confidently, despite the fact he’s nervous and just the thought of riding on his saddle behind him makes me giddy happy.

“I love you,” I tell him.

“And I love you too.” He’s still wearing that handsome smile when he restarts his engine and pulls away and I swing my purse in my hand as I pass all the other houses in my street toward my garden path.

The porch light isn’t on which is strange. Mom always leaves the light on if I’m going to be out past dark, and when I notice that the Garage door is open and the car isn't there, I pull out my cell phone and check for a message from them to say they’ve gone out. It’s Thursday night, we always have pot roast on a Thursday, and my parents are not spontaneous people. I try not to worry, there are lots of reasons why they might have gone out at short notice. Mom can’t drive, maybe she needed something from the store, or perhaps there’s a problem with Aunt Delia, she’s always taking tumbles. I reach into my purse and take out my key, unlocking the door and stepping into the pitch-black.

“Shit.” I almost jump out of my skin when I feel something slip across the back of my leg and when it’s followed by a low, vibrating purr, I turn on the lamp and giggle.