Page 33 of Wrath

“Okay, I’m on it.” He holds up his hands, getting off the stool, and heading out.

“You know, we really could use an extra pair of hands around here. You spoke to Dev’s brother, Corey, lately?” I suggest. Anyone can see how keen the kid is to get in on the action.

“He ain’t an option.” Raze shuts me down.

“Why not? He’s got initiative, he's smart and he hangs out here every opportunity he gets.”

“He ain’t an option because I gave Dev my word that I wouldn’t let him be one,” he explains. “Apparently, the kid’s got some real opportunities heading his way, Dev don’t want him gettin’ mixed up in our shit.”

“You know he turned eighteen a few months back, Dev can’t make those kinda decisions for him no more.”

“Like I said, I gave my word.” He makes it clear this conversation ain’t going no further.“ I’m gonna go get some rest, tell Pey I’ll see her back at the hut.” He gets up and taps me on the shoulder.

“Raze, d’ya ever wish someone would have looked out for you that way?” I’ve always wondered how different things would be if I’d listened to him all those years ago when I asked him to mentor me. His first response was no. He told me to get outta Long Beach and get myself a professional trainer. I eventually wore him down when I told him I was prospecting with or without him.

“Some days. But then, I guess life would be borin’.” He manages a smile before he heads out the side door toward the beach.

I stay at the bar staring at my beer and trying to think of what I can say to Eden to fix things. I can’t apologize because I ain’t sorry. That asshole ex of hers didn’t come close to getting what he deserved earlier today and the fact she still cares about him is really pissing me off.

Drinking ain’t gonna make that anger go away, so I pick up my keys and head for the gym.

There’s something off with Raze. I don’t know if it’s because he’s tired, or because he went to see our dad, but he seems in a real bad mood since he;s been back. There's so much tension coming off him it makes me feel awkward, so as soon as we’ve finished eating I help Peyton with the dishes and make my excuses to leave.

“I’ll walk ya back, don’t wantcha around in the dark.” Raze stands up from the table, plants a stiff kiss on Peyton’s cheek. The way she looks at him as he heads for the door tells me she’s picked up on the same vibe as I have. I know since I’ve been here it’s hard for him to get a word in between me and Peyton’s chatting, but he’s been far too distant tonight.

“Dinner was great.” I kiss Peyton too, then picking up a seed from Reggie’s bowl, I stop by his perch and offer it to him on my way out the door. “And it’s always nice to see you,” I tell him, before following my brother out onto the sand.

We walk together in silence, there's no fire out here tonight, and the only sounds are the ocean and the low music that's coming from inside the clubhouse.

“How did it go with him, today?” I ask as we head past the club and toward the gate to the parking lot. I guess Raze wantsto avoid going through the clubhouse and seeing his brothers tonight.

“He was his usual self.” The shrug of his shoulders gives nothing away.

“And did he ask about me?” I swallow my pride, trying real hard to pretend his answer doesn’t matter.

“We spoke about you a little.” He nods, still looking deflated. “Look, I don’t expect this to help at all, but I do think he cares about ya.” He stops walking when we get to the gate.

“It’s hard to believe that when he refuses to see me.” I fake a smile. Today’s been shit enough as it is without having to hear excuses.

“You know it was him who asked Jimmer to help you,” he informs me.

“How do you know that for sure?” I question him.

“Because he admitted it. Stacey told me the same thing when she came here. It was him who sent Jimmer to help ya. What she failed to tell me is that it was her who called Vex. What happened after Aaron left, Eden?” he asks.

“It doesn’t matter.” I shake my head and go to move forward.

“Itdoesmatter.” He grips my elbow and stops me. “Why did Stacey think you needed help? I thought after the warehouse incident, that you left town. That you were clear of this place. If I’d known any different, it would have beenmecomin’ to get ya.”

“Raze, stop looking back,” I warn him.

“Why? Because I might not like what I find out?”

“Because I don’t even want tothinkback to that time, let alone talk to you about it.” I plead with him not to keep pushing.

“Why would Stacey lie to me, why would she cut out the fact she was the one who called Vex? Unless it was to hide the fact that you kept showin’ up here? She was savin’ you from yourself, wasn’t she? You were so hung up on Aaron that youkept on comin’ back here hopin’ to find him. Eden, what were ya thinkin’?”

“I’m not having this discussion with you. I’m tired, you’re tired. Let’s just get some rest.” I manage to get free from his hold and march my way across the parking lot.