Page 21 of Wrath

He points his finger at me. After I nod back, he picks his keys up off the desk and heads for the door.

“Where ya goin’?” I rush after him and when he spins around, I swear I see flames in his eyes.

“If this is Cliff, we need to draw him out, he don’t get to fuckin’ hide no more,” he tells me.

“And how do you suppose we do that?”

“I don’t know, but I know someone who might.”

I frown back at him in confusion.

“It’s time for me to go and see my dad.” He marches across the empty clubhouse toward the door that leads outside before I can ask any more questions. I grab myself a bottle of water from the refrigerator behind the bar and follow him out. It looks like him and Peyton are having a heated discussion and when I checkback up to the motel balcony I feel a little panic kick in when I notice that Eden’s gone.

There’s a killer on the loose, one that seems to target women, and there’s every chance it could be my fuckin’ father. Now’s not the time for me to be proud. I have to do what I should have done all those years ago, I have to protect her.

The door almost shakes off its hinges when it knocks, and whoever it is seems very insistent.

“Okay. Okay, I’m coming!” I put down the book I’m trying to read and when I fling the door open and see Aaron staring back at me, I instantly know that something’s wrong.

“What’s happened?” I step aside so he can come in and when he stomps past me, I hold my breath while I wait for him to explain.

“ I don’t wanna freak you out, or scare ya but I need ya to make me a promise.”

“Aaron?” I take his hand in mine and force him to stand still. “Just tell me what it is.”

“I can’t.” He exhales in frustration.

“If you're gonna come in here demanding that I make you a promise you have to tell me why.” I stand my ground.

“Do you have to make everything so difficult?” He looks at me as if I’m the reason he’s all riled up.

“I’m not trying to be difficult, Aaron. I’m trying to understand.” He looks up at the ceiling as if he’s debating what to do, and when his eyes lock with mine he makes another agitated sigh.

“The mornin’ after you came here, I was joggin’ on the beach and I found a body,” he admits, scratching the back of his neck. “It was a girl, she couldn't have been any older than Willow, and accordin’ to Raze’s doctor friend, she’d been killed someplace else and dumped here.”

“That's… terrible.” I don’t even know who this poor girl is and I already feel awful for her and her family. I also question how a body can be found on the beach without me finding out about it.

“Yeah, well, what's even worse, is that last night the cops found another. This one was shoved in a dumpster outside a bar the club owns.”

“Shit.” I sink my ass on the edge of the bed. I’m no detective but I’m assuming this means the two dead girls are connected to the club, somehow.

“There's a serial killer out there, who’s targetin’ women, and I need to know that you don’t plan on doin’ anythin’ stupid.” He crouches down in front of me and takes both my hands in his. “Raze is ridin’ out to speak to your father and he’s asked me to take care of you and Peyton. I need you to pack a bag and come with me to the houseboat. I don’t want you here while all this is goin’ on. Whoever is doin’ this ain’t got no fear of the club,” he points out, looking scared.

“Aaron, I?—”

“Please, don’t argue, Eden. Just pack your shit,” he interrupts.

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you. I haven’t got anyshit.” I stare back at him sadly. “I’ve been borrowing from Peyton and Alicia, and I texted Laura a few hours ago to see if she could pack me some stuff from home and meet me somewhere.”

“And…?” He doesn’t look happy.

“I’ve got to be at the coffee shop on the boardwalk in half an hour.” I stand up and go to move past him. I appreciate his concern but I can’t allow myself to rely on him. What happenedbetween us last week proves that I have to start taking care of myself.

“Fine, I’ll come with ya.” He sounds determined as he stands up and follows me.

“Aaron, Laura is Mark's sister, don’t you think that’ll be a little awkward?” I’m lucky my best friend even considered meeting up with me after what I did to her family.

“I don’t care about fuckin’ awkward, until we know who this killer is I want to keep you safe. I promised your brother.”