My brother.I’ve never felt so conflicted about him in my life. I love him and I hate him. Why did he have to make me do this? Why did he have to go and fall for the only person he shouldn’t?
Why did he have to make mepromise?
Would it have mattered?a disillusioned voice whispers at the back of my head.Even if he didn’t force you into a promise, would you have told her?
… No.
It’s as clear as day now: I wouldn’t have. Ishouldn’thave.
Because, all along, I was right. April isn’t family. She isn’tblood.And she isn’t someone I can trust.
I opened my heart to her once.Once.I told her about my past, about my scars—and what did she do with it?
She threw it all back in my face.
Clenching my fists, I walk up to the aisle. Every guest I pass looks uncomfortable. There is tension on everyone’s faces… everyone but Vlad.Helooks overjoyed. Pleased as punch, really. We’re so close now. So close to getting what we’ve always wanted. Me, my Bratva—and that viper Petra, too.
Petra. A sadder-looking bride, I have never seen. Not even when she ran away the first time around, or when she was binging tarts in the kitchen with mascara tracks all over her face.
If possible, Yuri looks even sadder.
It’s a wretched affair, all of it. As the priest goes through his spiel, I feel like my head is underwater. When it comes to repeating after him, Petra has to kick me awake.
And when it comes to saying, “I do,” we both hesitate.
But it’s just two words. Two words and a death sentence.
I say them.
Petra says them, too.
Then the crowd erupts in cheers.
“Not drinking?” Petra asks me, following my gaze to the open bar.
Have I been that obvious in my staring? “Neither are you,” I point out.
“If I could, we wouldn’t be here.”
Right.The baby.
“Didn’t figure you for the maternal type,” I jab. “Observing the rules, taking care of another being.”
“The child’s innocent,” she mutters. “We are the guilty ones.”
“Speak for yourself,” I spit. “I didn’t do anything to land myself in this mess.”
“Last I heard, you had a kid on the way, too.”
I grit my teeth. As always, Petra’s never more unnerving than when she’s right. It’s the only reason I haven’t followed Vlad’s example in downing the entire open bar—the only reason I’m here, enduring her, instead of methodically killing my liver and my clarity.
Because today, I have a child on the way.
My child.It’s the one thing that’s been keeping me going through all of this mess. The thought that I’m finally going to meet them.
Tonight. In a few short hours.
But it’s still too goddamn long.