“We all do things that aren’t good for us.”
“How about this, then? It’s not good for the baby, either. Assuming you still care about that?”
I pound my fist against the car door. “Pull over.”
“Can’t. We’re in the middle of traffic.”
“I saidpull the fuck over.”
With an irritated huff, Grisha obeys.
A chorus of horns explodes behind us, but I don’t care. I step out of the car and wait for my driver to do the same.
When he does, I slam him hard against the closest wall.
“Let’s get one thing straight here,” I growl. “You don’t make the decisions around here—I do. So stay in your goddamn lane.”
“And what decision have you made, exactly?” Grisha pushes back, utterly unconcerned about my hands around his throat. “Because from where I’m standing, it doesn’t look like this was your call.”
“Shut up.”
“In fact, if I had to guess, I’d say it was your bro?—”
For an instant, Grisha does.
All around me, people start whispering.Shit. They’re staring. I’m still a public figure—someone might recognize me. As Vlad so kindly pointed out, I need to take better care with my cover.
“I am your man to the death,” Grisha spells out quietly. “You are mypakhan.But I didn’t sign up to trot along to anybody else’s orders.”
“Then it’s a good thing these orders come from me.”
“You were happy with April,” he insists. “For the first time since I met you, you were actually fucking happy.”
I don’t deny it. After so many lies, I don’t have the strength. “Things change.”
“Then tell me why they changed.”
“I don’t owe you an explanation,” I snarl.
“Is that the issue?” Grisha asks. “Or are you keeping me in the dark for the same reason you’re keeping April in the dark—because this is a family matter?”
Fucking Grisha. Always too sharp for his own good.
“I’ve been by your side for a long time, Matvey,” he insists. “I’ve seen you grow into thepakhanyou are. Even then, I know you’ll never think of me as family because I’m not your blood. And I can live with that.”
“Then stop fucking?—”
“But April can’t.”
I release my grip.
Grisha briskly puts himself back together. “Shall we go before the boys in blue show up?”
I’m tempted to let them. Right now, all I want is a good fight.
But people are still staring.