This is a beginning.
“I’ll be back soon,” I promise.
April smiles up at me. “I’ll be waiting.”
To get to the loft, I hail a cab. After yesterday’s scare, I’d rather have Grisha keeping watch outside April’s door. If anything were to happen while I’m gone, he can drive her to the hospital.
I’d have Yuri come get me, but he isn’t picking up.
When I get to my apartment, I find the door unlocked.Must be Yuri, I tell myself, but still reach for my gun on the off-chance.
Then I walk in and seeher.
I can’t believe it. I truly cannot fucking believe it. “You have five seconds to get out of my sight.”
I take in her appearance: she looks like she hasn’t slept a wink, either. Hair messed up, makeup smeared. Her eyes are vacant, terrified, her face as pale as a ghost’s. Even for me, it’s a jarring fucking sight. Enough to almost make me put away my gun.
Then she has the gall to ask, “Is April okay?”
“Yes,” I growl. “No thanks to you. Three seconds.”
“Matvey, we need to talk.”
“Was I not clear yesterday?” I raise my gun to make my point. “Two seconds.”
If this is a desperate attempt to talk me into reconsidering our deal, it’s far too late. She put April in danger. She put my child in danger.
What could she possibly say to change my mind now?
“I’m pregnant!”
I pull my finger away from the trigger. The words ring in my head like a gunshot. “What did you just say?”
“I’m pregnant,” she repeats, voice shaking. “And it’s yours.”
All morning, I’m on cloud nine.
“‘Here comes the bride…’” I find myself humming, laundry in hand. Then I smack myself mentally.It’s way too early to think about that, idiot!
Or is it?
“Well, it’s not like Matvey proposed,” I say out loud. “Right?”
Inside my belly, Nugget keeps snoozing.
“Not in so many words, at least,” I keep rambling to my baby. “But he said he didn’t want to marry anyone else, even if it’s for show! And then he told me…”
I love you.