That gets a reaction out of both siblings. I watch them freeze and, not for the first time, I’m hit with the urge to reach for my gun.
Let him come, I want to snarl.Let’s see how he likes the taste of lead.
But it’s not my fight.
“Mom,” April pleads, “can we please just talk about this?”
Fucking hell, it’s taking every ounce of my willpower not to step in. Especially when Eleanor whirls around again like a harpy, staring daggers at April right in front of me. “Oh, so now you wanna ‘talk,’ huh?”
“That’sallI’ve ever wanted!”
I notice Charlie’s still standing in the middle of the room, conflicted. On one hand, he clearly doesn’t want to upset hismother even more—or worse, risk his dad’s wrath. On the other…
On the other, his sister’s still in the line of fire.
Last night’s conversation comes back to mind. It plays back in my head like a recording, word for goddamn word.
“He took your side. He stood up for you. That’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
“It is for me.”
Taking advantage of the chaos, I inch closer to Charlie. “Go,” I mutter to him. “I’ve got this.”
Only then does he finally shake himself. With a quick “Thanks,” he disappears into the guest room.
I turn my attention back to the conversation between April and her mother. Though it isn’t much of a conversation to begin with: it’s a one-sided assault, with Eleanor tearing into her with sharp, vicious words.
At my sides, my fists clench tighter.
“‘That’s all you’ve ever wanted?’” Eleanor mocks, throwing April’s honesty right back into her face. “Hah! Could’ve fooled me. And here I thought you were just trying to snatch yourself anactualkid.” Her glare turns to April’s belly. “What’s that, by the way? A prop?”
Without ceremony, she lifts April’s shirt.
I nearly whip out my gun.
Don’t you dare touch my child.
Don’t youdaretouch their mother.
But Eleanor doesn’t go any further. All she does is gawk at the very real belly before her and sneer, “Well, well, look at that! Seems like someone was brave enough after all.”
“Mom…” April’s voice wavers, mortified.
“I guess everybody gets lonely sometimes,” Eleanor dismisses, letting the shirt drop. “Even desperate.”
“Mom, please. I’m?—”
“Is this why you tried to kidnapmychild?” Eleanor continues, oblivious to the murderous rage mounting inside me. If this woman wasn’t my child’s biological grandmother, she would already be six feet under. In several pieces. “Because you know you can never do better? Charlie’s always been a good kid, after all. Nothing like you.”
“Leave Charlie out of this!”
“You’ve always been jealous,” Eleanor spits, full of scorn. “And now, you’re trying to poison him against me. All so you can ruin him!”
“I never wanted…!” April tries to cut in, but her voice is too unsteady. It breaks before she can finish her sentence.
Smelling blood in the water, Eleanor jumps right on it. “Oh,you, you, you. It’s always the same song with you. Don’t you know you have to be selfless to raise kids?” A mocking laugh. “Some mother you’re shaping up to be.”
April’s eyes dim.