“Your mother won’t ring the bells for nothing,” he grinds out, worried eyes scanning the area around us, looking for the threat Mom has seen. Nox is already fighting his way back to us just as the Helitike Forest shifts to the left, and a burst of bright red rises in the air, human-like screams making my teeth grit in fury as a monstrous flock of Ulama flies toward the castle.
“Fuck!” I move to dart around Father, needing to get closer to Mi Sol, but he holds his hand out and stops me.
“No! Your mom can handle this, and you need to let her prove herself. The people won’t respect her otherwise.”
“But I?—”
“No, Son. If this were a situation I believed your mother couldn’t handle, you know I would be the first to turn back. Ulama are dangerous but easily beaten. Let Meyer try to figure this out… alright?” he asks, scowling, throwing his hammer, the weapon sailing over my head, ruffling my hair just before it collides with the Beastia who was trying to sneak up on us. The General yells at his men who have surrounded us the momentI lost focus, killing the Beasts for us while my father talked me down.
In the next moment, Nox is by my side as I clench my fists together, trying not to look at the Ulama attacking the outer wall or the large number who are almost to the castle. “Creed’s men took out over half, and the Phoenixes have arrived… she’ll be okay,” he rasps, eyes jumping from the battlefield to the castle, and I grunt, unconvinced. I know Meyer well enough by now and, sure she is getting better at fighting and hand-to-hand combat, but our girl is a magnet for trouble, and the fact that I can’t lay eyes on her and that I’m not there fighting at her side makes my magic feral.
Darkness swirls around me as I turn back on the Beastia and Therion keeping me from Mi Sol. “Can you take them out?” Nox asks, voice husky as he shifts back and forth on his feet. His concern is palpable, and I suddenly have some more respect for my brother as he growls, his hands trembling at his sides. Nox is the only one wholly mated to Meyer. I have a half-formed Legion bond and can barely think of anything other than her right now. I don't think I could stop myself from running to her side if I were in his shoes.
Bloody ax clasped in his hand, Nox snarls at the fresh wave of Beastia that runs at us, and Razar bulldozes two of the enormous monsters away before they can get too close. He tears one’s throat out before attacking the other, his black, poison-tipped claws raking through its side.
“I don't know. There are more here than there were back on Earth, and I’m still unsure how I accomplished it before. My Shade was in complete control. I’m still running the party right now,” I admit. Nox growls in irritation but nods, slapping me on the shoulder before turning to attack the next wave of Beastia.
“No Wraiths?” Nox asks, and I frown, looking around. I hadn't thought about it until Nox mentioned it, but there areonly monsters on the fields with us, not a black cloak in sight. My father typically keeps the undead mages under his control with the power granted to him. They are bound to the Royal family to protect and serve, but he dismissed the Wraith clans from the castle since they were being turned against him, choosing to lock as much of the castle down as possible until he knows who is betraying him.
“Push them toward the wall for easy slaughter,” Father shouts to his men, pulling me from my thoughts as I let my magic rush out in a deadly wave, stealing the breath then life from the monsters before me.
Father nods at Nox and me, eyeing us like he's unsure if we will actually stay and help or ditch the moment he turns his back. As much as I want to do the latter, I agree with his assessment of Meyer earning the soldiers' respect. If we swoop in to save her every time there is danger she will appear weak and will be left open to challenges when Nox ascends the throne.
“Protect the south gate,” he reminds me; his soldiers surround him as Jesthren’s men swarm the field, pressing the Beasts back, killing them with a practiced ease that suggests this isn’t my eldest brother's first time leading these men into a battle against the Beastia.
Like a vengeful god, Jesthren descends on the feral monsters, his broad sword cutting them down in seconds, and I chuckle, adding my magic to the mix to help keep the area near him clear to have the room to wield his weapon correctly. Most men see Nox’s ax or Jesthren’s sword and want to use it themselves. However, most don’t understand the strength and skill needed to wield such a large weapon.
“I want the Warrior Legions to move in once we have them cornered. Signal Creed to have his archers at the ready. I want this to end by nightfall!” Father bellows to be heard over the drums and bells. The screams of the Ulama torment me as Icontinue fighting, but when Father falters in his step, his hands moving to brace his head as he groans and almost topples to the ground, I freeze, then sprint to his side.
“Father!” Nox roars, rushing after me, Razar on his heels, and General Vega catches Father’s elbow to help support him. “Where are you hurt?” Nox skids to his side when I reach him, but he’s not looking at us. “Father!” Nox roars again, making our father shake his head and yank his arm from Vega’s tight grip.
“Get to the castle!” he rasps, his words sending a shiver of dread down my spine as he lurches for his Nuckelavee, his face pale, his eyes turning red.
“What’s happened?” I rasp, looking back at the castle but only seeing the Ulama, their number quickly dwindling in the skies above.
“TheAmanaCaverns have been breached. My spells just broke. The castle is no longer secure. Get to your mother and Meyer! Now!”
“Razar!” Nox bellows, his eyes wild with fear as he turns to command our brother to run, knowing he will be able to get there the fastest. But Nox doesn't have the opportunity. Razar’s black Beastia is already sprinting for the outer walls, moving faster than any beast I have ever seen.
I rush forward, grabbing the Nuckelavee I rode out onto the field and jumping into the saddle. Nox follows suit as Father digs his heels into the side of his horse and sends it galloping at full speed toward the castle walls. My heart feels like it's lodged in my throat, the sense of doom washing over me as I watch in horrified awe as Razar leaps at the wall, not bothering to find a gate. His large claws dig into the stone as he propels himself up the fifty-foot stone barrier that resides between him and the city, clearing it in a matter of seconds as we rush our Nuckelavee to the gates, my father bellowing for the soldiers to open the gates and move out of his way as we ride as fast as we can to the castle.
It feels like hours until we finally reach the castle walls, but it must have only been minutes. My eyes immediately fall on the soldiers fighting the Ulama. The red birds attack anything that moves, but it’s the giant shadow of Razar’s Beastia scaling the castle walls to the top peak of the castle that catches my attention as we finally make it through the gates, yanking our Nuckelavee to a stop by the guard who ran out to meet us, keeping the Ulama off us as the three of us sprint up the stone steps.
Father whips his magic out, surrounding the castle in shadows, darkening the day and turning it to night as he stalks into the halls of our home with a deadly air surrounding him. I can feel his magic brush against mine as we run up the stairs, flight after flight, the sounds of the battle above growing louder with each passing second.
“Get the girls off the roof,” Father commands. Nox and I dip our heads in a nod as we circle up the last flight of stairs. “Valen, take them to the royal chambers and lock that damn door. Nox, you are to meet me at the entrance of the caverns the moment our girls are safe.”
“Yes, father,” Nox growls, his horns and tail making an appearance, his control completely gone now that Meyer is in harm's way. “Kill every damn Wraith in your path,” he adds just as we burst out of the small stairway and into absolute chaos.
Dozens of Wraiths are on the rooftops, their steel flails glowing red with magic, the nine-foot-tall undead mages attacking everything in sight. Bursts of fire spark in the air as Mother’s Odyssey of Phoenixes flies overhead, setting the Ulama aflame with brilliant gold flames, sending them to their death like morbid shooting stars. But it's Meyer’s scream and the movement from the peak above that catch my attention as Meyer grabs my mother, yanking her out of the way just as an onyx-tipped arrow flies toward them.
“Vivian, move!” Father roars, the sound so loud that even I cringe, and cover my ears as I sprint toward them. My eyes set on the Wraith stalking behind them, ready to strike a deadly blow.
“Meyer!” Nox yells, seeing the Wraith, his hand outstretched as thick black magic explodes from his palms. But not even that's enough—we’re too far away!
“No, no, no, no!” I snarl, watching as the nightmare plays out in front of me. Meyer twists as they trip and fall to the ground. Mom tumbles after her and stares up at Archer in horror, tears streaming down her cheeks as she shakes her head in denial. “Meyer move!” I scream, my vision dimming as she turns, spotting the Wraith, and shoves my mom out of the way just as it starts to bring its flail down toward them. “No!”
Just as the flail is about to hit its mark, the Wraith is torn off its mangled feet, his arm now held firmly in the acidic jaws of a large black Beastia. My relief almost takes me to my knees, and Razar tears the Wraith away from Meyer, throwing it from the roof and snarling at two more as they advance on her. I immediately go on the attack, Nox’s black magic eating away at the Wraiths near Mom as Razar and I keep the two away from Meyer.