“Yes. A power play that killed the man who tried his hand at being a god,” she whispers and swallows as she shakes her head. “We will forever be fighting these beasts and their corrupt nature, but the person or people who control them are the real threat. Beastia are wild animals. Up until a couple of years ago, they would hunt and kill like most creatures of this land, dangerous but happy to live their own lives. Now, they are a weapon being used against us.”
Movement to the far left has me whipping my head toward the tree line that leads to the dense-looking forest creeping out over the land, and I lean forward, squinting and watching as the trees shift and move, the branches shifting unnaturally.
“There,” I whisper, pointing to the forest, pulling Viv’s attention from the men fighting the Beastia. She frowns, stepping closer to me as she watches the trees, then curses.
“Looks like you will be getting that fight after all, dear,” she whispers, looking at the guard standing protectively behind her and nodding. He bows, and then they move, rushing toward the doors, calling out for the bells as the other three rush up the small flight of stairs that curve around the high tower where we stand, bringing them to the rooftops.
“Dragon?” I ask, not sure if I’m more scared or excited at the thought of seeing one.
“No. Ulama. A winged creature that resembles what you know as a raven. But these are brightly colored and about three times the size of your birds. They also have cannibalistic tendencies and talons that can puncture through dragon-scale armor.” I look at Vivian in horror, and she laughs at my expression, nodding back to the trees. “They have been used against us before. Whoever is controlling the creatures of our world has enough magic to ensure we are always fighting, so we don’t have time to find them,” she grumbles in frustration, nodding again to the men behind her as the sound of bellsrings out, joining the drums’ beat and making the air around us thicken with fear.
“Is there any animal in this realm that doesn't try to kill whoever crosses its path?” Vivian tilts her head as she considers this and shrugs.
“A few, but they have been hunted to near extinction. You must be strong to survive this world. How is your hand-to-hand combat?” Viv asks, changing the subject back to the task at hand. Her dark green eyes meet mine as she pulls a beautifully crafted bow from her shoulder and grabs three arrows from the quiver at her side.
“Shit. But I’m good with throwing blades and attacking from afar. It's why the guys always keep me stocked with these,” I supply, tugging two blades from my thigh holsters and grounding myself as the trees to the left suddenly stop moving. I can feel sweat trickle down my back as I hold my breath, waiting for whatever these Ulama things are to attack.
“That’s good. We are going to need that. Take down as many as possible, and don't let their screams distract you. Their talons are their biggest weapons. Stay clear of them and their beaks. They have a nasty bite and enjoy the taste of flesh. They’ll try to break through windows to get into the castle. We can’t allow that to happen,” she instructs, and I nod, trying not to feel overwhelmed.
Soldiers flood the balcony behind us, and I watch in awe as more men dressed in black fighting leather crowd onto every peak and rooftop surrounding us until every window and door is entirely guarded. They move with a grace humans could only wish to replicate, their tall frames and muscular bodies intimidating to behold as they stand at attention, all eyes trained on the forest to the left.
“Lieutenant,” Vivian calls out, her eyes locked on the trees.
“My Queen?” An incredibly large man steps forward, hand on the hilt of his sword as he dips his head in respect. His short-cropped black hair matches the scruff of his square jaw, and the flicker of darkness in his eyes reminds me of Razar’s when he’s mad.
“Open the cages,” Viv instructs just as a loud, human-like scream fills the air, the pitch so eerie that my arms instantly pebble with goosebumps. The trees suddenly sway as a cloud of bright red feathers takes to the sky, the flap of large wings audible as the swarm of deadly birds flies toward us. Aw fuck, that's not going to be fun. My heart pounds in my chest as I nervously palm my blades, flipping them in my hands. The Lieutenant grins, looking up at the Queen in excitement before he turns toward his soldiers.
“Open the cages!”
“What’s in the cages?” I ask, not tearing my gaze from the cloud of birds as they dive onto the outer walls. I hear a loud clipped command to shoot just as hundreds of arrows arc up into the sky, hitting the red cloud and making the human-like screams multiply, dead and injured Ulama falling through the air, arrows protruding from their large bodies as the ones not hit by the wave of arrows continue to attack.
I lean forward, trying to keep Creed in sight as he draws his double swords and starts to battle the creatures. My stomach rolls as the screams of Creed’s men join those of the hideously ugly demonic birds as the deadly sharp talons of the Ulama attack from above.
“The Phoenix,” Vivian says simply, the words surprising me enough that I look away from the bloody attack and watch in awe as bright golden feathers launch up from the rooftops. A dozen or more birds take flight, their gold and orange feathers catching the sun's light and making it appear as if their bodies are alight with flame. The largest of them spirals down, wings extended asVivian reaches out, letting the enchanting creature land on her forearm as it releases a soft trill of welcome.
Viv smiles and brings the bird close, stroking its shimmering feathers and whispering something under her breath before she lifts her arm up, and the bird takes flight in a flurry of magical red sparks.
“Holy shit,” I whisper, watching as the large Phoenix quickly catches up to the others. Its sound is more like a song erupting from its small beak as the wave of red Ulama turns and advances on them.
“Indeed,” Viv agrees with a small laugh as she moves all three arrows to her bow, strings them, and takes aim. Just as the Ulama are about to crash into the leader of the Phoenix, Vivian releases her arrows, and I startle when not one but hundreds of arrows follow her lead, hitting the red-winged creatures just as the Phoenix group bursts into flames. The sky lights with an inferno of heat and fire as the Ulama scream and tear through the mythical birds.
“Draw,” Vivian calls again, her hands already clasping another three arrows as several Ulama break free from the fight against the Phoenix and race toward the castle. I watch them as I bring a knife up and take aim, realizing they are even larger than I initially thought. “Deep breath, Meyer,” Viv whispers, and I listen, smiling as her calm tone relaxes me and keeps my trembling hands steady. “Fire!”
I wait for the arrows to fly, watching as one large Ulama, in particular, dives and escapes the deadly attack, its sights set on Vivian. Releasing my breath, I throw my blade, feeling something dark stir in my chest as my weapon lodges itself between the Ulama's beady black eyes. I grin and throw the next blade, the Ulama growing too close for comfort. My blade lands, taking out another, and I feel Vivian’s fingers circle my wrist and tug me back as soldiers step forward in a protective circle.
“The Warrior Legion command is yours, Lieutenant,” she rasps. Reaching behind her, she clasps the handle of her long sword, drawing it from its sheath as a hiss of gold magic lights its blade. I follow suit, grabbing my own sword, surprised at how light it is in my hand.
“There’s too many,” I whisper, watching the Ulama with a wary eye before looking to the soldiers on the rooftops. We are severely outnumbered.
“More than I thought,” she agrees and then grins. “It should be a fun and challenging fight. Don’t get hurt,” she clips out, and I grin back at her. “They will have one more wave of arrows, and then it's time to fight. Go into the castle if you think you can't handle it. I told Nox you would be safe with me and I intend to keep that promise.”
I look at the flock of deadly birds and shrug. Are they terrifying? Yes, but they have nothing on the Beastia outside the city walls.
“I’ve got this,” I firmly state.
“Very good. You will earn more respect fighting than hiding,” Vivan murmurs in approval, her thin fingers clasping the hilt of her sword as the Lieutenant calls for the archers to draw, and then fire. Seconds later, the Ulama attack, swooping down with deadly sharp claws that shred through a man's fighting leathers in seconds, making him snarl in pain as he reaches out and grabs the bird, tearing it in two with his bare hands. I bring my sword up, trying to remember what Creed taught me as the birds attack. I slash and dodge the first set of claws that come for me, twisting to my right as the soldiers around us join in the fight.
“Spread out. Don’t let them breach the castle,” Vivian roars, her voice so loud that I shiver as excitement runs down my back. I can feel something cord through me, the mark on my wrist itching for a moment before the odd feeling moves to pain—heat courses through me as an awareness settles over my mind. Iduck and spin, moving my sword faster than I thought possible, taking out two more ugly birds before grabbing a blade and throwing it at an Ulama, attacking a man who had fallen beside me.