“She’s stunning,” I agree, turning her in my arms so she's pressed to Creed's chest as I dust kisses down the long column of her neck.
“As nice as this is,” she whispers, shivering in our hold as Creed smirks and dips down, nipping her ear. “I’ve already canceled on your parents for one threesome. I probably shouldn't do it a second time.” I grin, a feeling of male pride running over me as I recall Nox calling me to his rooms last night, stating Meyer had completely passed out after our attentions toward her, and he needed a meal sent up so she could eat when she woke.
“A… a threesome?” Creed jerks upright and glares at me before looking at Meyer, mouth agape. “Where was my invite?” he growls playfully at her, and I slug his shoulder, not wanting her to feel any guilt over what Nox and I did with her last night. But Meyer only giggles and winks.
“Next time,” she promises, going up on her toes and pressing her lips to his, making him moan and grab her almost too hard, jerking her to his body.
“I’m holding you to that, babe,” he whispers into her ear as I step over and grab the slippers I made, holding them out for her to put on.
“Where are we heading?” I ask as Meyer grabs the shoes, slides them onto her petite feet, and stands, smoothing the silk of her dress down.
“The east gardens. Mom wanted to take her morning walk there, and Nox joined her so father could tell them about the attacks on the northern villages,” Creed murmurs, eyes still locked on Mi Sol as she moves over to the nightstand and grabs the cup of water that is left on the breakfast tray from this morning.
“Attacks?” I ask, frowning as I keep my attention on my princess. She watches Creed with a concerned frown, setting the glass back down before returning to us.
“The Beastia are combing through the villages. Dad brought most of the residents of the outer ones to the city, but this one was only two leagues away,” he admits, shocking the hell out of me.
“Two leagues. That's practically at our front gate,” I rasp, holding my hand out for Meyer so we can find my parents.
“I know. Dad thinks they’re heading our way,” Creed says with a dark look.
“They can't possibly attack Versipellis. It would be suicide.” Creed nods in agreement, taking Meyer’s other hand. We head out of Nox’s rooms, moving through the royal apartments and down the grand staircase before ducking into the narrow corridor that leads toward the east doors.
“Apparently, this would be the third attack in the last six months. They’re all organized, and the Therion and Beastia fight in formation. Whoever is controlling them on Earth is doing the same here. It’s why Dad wanted to keep Jesthren here when we left to find you. Before we left, there was already a shift in the Beasts; they had started to attack the villages in the Riverlands, but have escalated since we left.”
“And there is no idea as to who is doing this? The Wraiths are involved. It has to be someone in court with enough magic to control them,” I mutter in confusion as Creed opens the doorand lets me tug Meyer into the flowering gardens that Mom tends before he follows behind us.
“From what he said last night, he has a few people in mind. Men in court who are upset at the lack of resources and dad’s refusal to take it from the other realms. But there is no direct evidence pointing to which one it is.”
“Could it be a group effort? This is a lot of Beastia and Wraiths to control. It would take a lot of magic to control them,” Meyer points out, and I nod in agreement.
“That would make sense. I’m unsure how to control the Beastia, but even if I did, I doubt I could do it alone.” I tighten my grip on Mi Sol as we walk down the cobblestone path that leads to the center of the gardens, passing several guards on our way. “Creed,” I glance pointedly at the guards, and he nods, stopping to dismiss them as I bring Meyer close and press a kiss against her brow. She frowns, looking over her shoulder as the guards bow to Creed and turn, striding from the gardens.
“What’s he doing?”
“Getting rid of the guards before Nox sees them next to you,” I murmur, chuckling when she shakes her head and rolls her eyes, but I don't miss the small smirk that dances on her lips. She may pretend to find Nox’s overwhelming behavior annoying where she’s concerned, but I’m sure she likes it. It’s built into her Demonic DNA to want to be cared for by her mates as much as it is to protect them with her own life. It's an equal give and take to love and care for one's mate. She might not feel as strongly as we do because she is half-human, but it will be there to some degree.
“Wait up!” Creed calls out, and I frown as he tugs Mi Sol from my arms almost making her trip on the decorative cobblestones. “Shit, sorry, Lemon Drop,” he mutters, slipping a purple flower that he snagged from Mom’s favorite flower patch behind her ear, “I want a snuggle before Nox goes all territorial over her cuteass. Mom and Dad are just up there,” he says, slinging his arm around our girl and tugging her close, nuzzling into her neck and humming in approval when she giggles in response.
“Uh, do I.. like bow when I meet them?” Meyer suddenly asks, her smile falling from her beautiful face as nerves set in. Creed chuckles and shakes his head.
“For normal Demons, yes. They’re the Queen and King, after all. But since you’re the Crown Princess of Versipellis, you won’t bow unless we are at a formal occasion like at court, for example. However, this is a private moment in our home, with no one around. Formalities are not required.”
I have to smother my laugh at Meyer's panicked expression the moment Creed reminds her precisely who she is now that she is mated to Nox. I have to raise my hand and fake a yawn to hide my amusement.
“No bowing, love. Just be yourself, and they will eventually love you as much as we do,” I reassure her, linking our fingers and praying to the Gods that my words are not a lie.
Iclutch at Creed’s arm and Valen’s hand as we approach their parents, my nerves making my hands sweat as my heart pounds in my chest. Nox is saying something to his dad, and the men are leaning toward each other in deep conversation while the Queen is crouched down. Her silk black gown pools on the cobblestones beneath her as she plucks a few weeds from a beautiful bed of lilac-looking flowers.
Something tugs in my chest as I watch Nox, the way he smiles a little and nods in agreement to whatever his dad is saying to him. He’s dressed in black pants and a gray loose-fitting tunic-style shirt. His hair is braided away from his face in a messy style, with more silver charms woven into it than normal. His thick arms are crossed over his chest, and the black ink of his tattoos that cover his body stands out more in the morning sunlight, making me wish he didn't have a shirt on so I could see more than the tattoos on his arms.
Lennox shifts on his feet, then turns away from his dad midconversation, his dark eyes finding mine instantly. My belly flutters at his smile as he listens to his dad, grunting at something the king says but keeping his attention solely on meas we step next to him. Valen lets go of my hand as Creed pushes me toward Nox, their mother smiling up at her boys as I walk willingly into Nox’s warm embrace.
“You alright?” he asks as he hugs me, pressing his lips to my hair as I nod. Their dad watches us closely, not a hint of emotion on his face, making it impossible to tell what he’s thinking. He’s dressed similarly to Nox, with black trousers and a tunic shirt, but his long black hair hangs around his shoulders. I notice that neither the King nor Queen have crowns on and relax into Nox’s arms, letting his close proximity calm me a little.