“He’s not lying,” Andras confirms, then winces. “No disrespect, of course.” Nox waves him off and nods as his face returns to an almost normal shade.
“Andras is right. We need to head in, and Meyer needs to be fed and get some sleep. She hasn't had anything to eat since this morning,” he adds, surprising me.
“You're watching when I eat?”
“I watch everything you do. You're too impulsive and lack a desire for self-preservation for me to do anything else than that,” he scoffs, and I shove down the urge to flip him off. I probably shouldn't do that here, and he’s technically not wrong. I’ve been hurt more than usual over these last few weeks. “And we won’t be keeping to full royal protocol. Valen will ride at my right like always, but I want Razar with you two.”
“That sounds like a bad idea,” Creed whispers, looking from Nox to the trees to the far right of the enormous meadow in front of the city walls. I follow his line of sight and feel my body tense as the now familiar black Beastia slowly materializes from the dark shadows of the trees.
“It is. But it's the only way I’m making it through the city without her on my horse. People won't approach her with Razar’s Beast at her side, and you know her appearance will cause a stir,” Nox stresses. Creed sighs but nod in agreement.
“She should be riding with me,” Valen snaps, eyes locked on me, hands grasping his horse's reins so hard his knuckles turn white. I hesitantly lean forward, reaching a hand out and grabbing one of his, linking our fingers together, and smiling at him, trying to get the gray color to leave his eyes. I hate it when they aren't the soft green I know and love so much. A weird sound escapes Andras’ lips as he watches me, and I frown, watching his eyes dart from mine and Valen’s entwined hands to Nox, who is still staring at Razar.
“Why would my presence cause a stir? Has no one seen a half-human before?” I ask, ignoring the Unit leader as I look back at Valen.
“Because of your hair,” Creed answers, and Nox nods, confusing me even more. I self-consciously bring my hand up and grab my hair, wishing I had a hair tie to pull it back into place.
“It looks that bad?”
“Yes,” Jesthren answers, and I flip him off, making him chuckle. “Oh, I like her. She’s so spunky. I can't think of the last time a female flipped me off as she does. It's entertaining. I think you may have met your match, Lennox,” Jesthren teases, winking at me. “Mom’s going to love her.”
“Jesthren,” Nox growls in warning.
“No, your hair is not that bad. Ignore the big bastard. He’s just trying to get Lennox’s anger out before we get around any civilians. He may sound like an ass, but he's doing it to help,” Valen snaps, gently tugging his hand from mine as he raises himself off the saddle of his horse and gracefully dismounts. “You’re a Dream Walker, and since I’m the only one in the city, your blonde hair and smaller features will be a dead giveaway as to your race of Demon,” Valen explains, moving around Andras and stalking toward Razar’s Beastia, green sparks dancing at his fingertips.
“Dammit,” Nox hisses under his breath, jumping off his horse as my jaw drops in shock while I watch Valen stalk up to Razar and grab his long muzzle like he’s a naughty puppy. I can hear the deep warning growl Razar releases as it vibrates through the air, making a thrill of excitement dance over my skin and race down my spine. Something inside me shifts, and I gasp as it urges me to get off Creed's horse and go to the Beast.
“Shit. Here we go,” Jesthren mutters, worry filtering onto his handsome face as he watches his brothers with an air of concernand protection. It's rather endearing, almost softening me to the oldest Demon Prince. Sure, he’s an ass, but so is Nox. Those two are too similar for their own good. And from what I can tell, Jesthren is honestly trying to help his brother. Or at least three of them. I think his favorite thing of all is pissing Nox off.
“You tossed her off the wall?” Valen’s words are almost unintelligible as he glares at Razar, meeting his soulless eyes without a flicker of fear in his stance. Razar’s fur slowly stands on end, making him look even larger than usual. The deadly poison dipped spines glisten in the last remaining light of the sun as it sets behind the city. I hold my breath, worry filling me as I watch the two brothers face off.
“Do you have a death wish?” Nox snarls, racing up to Valen and grabbing his wrist to get him to release Razar. A burst of green magic hits Nox square in the chest, causing him to stumble back from Valen, who doesn’t spare him a single look as he continues to whisper dark words to the Beast in front of him.
“Shit,” Creed groans, and I shoot him a death glare. “Yeah, I know. This is my fault,” he says, raising his hands up in the air before I can chew him a new one. “But Razar had it coming. I don't have the rank or magic to go head-to-head with Razar, not without Nox’s support, and he couldn’t get away with the shit he pulled that night.”
A low whistle comes from Andras as he turns and watches the three Princes. “He’s gotten stronger,” the Unit leader rasps, eyeing Valen with interest and making Creed snort in amusement.
“Dude, you have no idea. The things I’ve seen him do in the last week alone makes my soul want to shrivel up and hide under a bed. Whatever those fuckers did to him the last four years messed with his mind, but he got a fuck ton stronger from it. I think he would be an even match with Nox, which makes sense, all things considered,” Creed admits, and Andras nods.
“Considering what?” I ask, watching Valen lean closer to Razar, whose soulless eyes suddenly dart up and meet mine, making me freeze, heart stalling as he growls again. Something about that growl is different, more animalistic. I narrow my eyes at him and shake my head a single time. He better not hurt Valen or I’ll be pissed as hell.
Almost like Razar can read my mind, the sharp needle-like fur on his spine lowers slightly, his posture relaxing just the smallest amount as his big soulless eyes narrow on me like he’s annoyed. A huff escapes Razar’s mouth, black saliva dripping from his razor-sharp teeth as Valen suddenly lets him go and turns on Nox, the two Princes arguing over something I can't quite make out.
“Both are Princes, both heirs to their own throne. Valen decided to waive the right to the head of our Legion to Nox since he would be king one day. Since he chose not to rebuild his kingdom decades ago, there hasn’t been too much of a problem. He’s been fine with defaulting to Nox on most things, but those two have always and will always have a power struggle between them,” Creed says, and Andras nods.
“Valen is technically Lennox’s equal. However, they both have different strengths. Where Nox has a shifted form and strength on his side, Valen has magic. It's a good thing those two love each other like brothers. Otherwise, it would lead to a bloody and no doubt fatal fight,” Andras murmurs, eyes still locked on Nox and Valen with interest.
“It would never come to that. Lennox is too good of a Demon to allow such a fight,” Jesthren admits, making Creed shoot him a surprised look. “What?”
“You… said something nice about Nox,” Creed whispers, eyes narrowing on Jesthren as he smiles and shakes his head.
“And what of it?” Jesthren huffs, looking away from Creed, but not before I see his cheeks heat like he’s embarrassed that he was caught being nice to his youngest brother.
“Nothing. It's just… weird.”
“Well, it's not a lie. Nox has a good heart, even if he’s an annoying child who is always underfoot.” Jesthren scowls at his brothers, his eyes never moving off them. He may act like he’s annoyed with them, but I can almost guarantee he cares about all of them. He’s just not good at showing it.
“Let's go,” Lennox bellows, shoulders tense and broader than they had been only moments before, as his hands tremble at his sides. I can almost feel his anger and frustration as he strides back to his Demon horse, glaring at the world like he has a problem with everyone in it. Jesthren moves, guiding his horse back toward the Unit behind us.