Page 29 of A Surrender Of Hope

Meyer’s brows draw together, her lips parting slightly as she stares at me. I think I might have shocked her into silence for the first time ever, and I instantly feel uncomfortable, wishing I just stayed quiet and let her believe what she wanted. Pursing my lips together, I look over her, my magic warning me of several Demons approaching. I see Creed poke his head from around a tree a few hundred feet away, and he nods, letting me know he has them in his sights. The convoy Father sent to meet us is close.

“Let’s go,” I grumble, not wanting to make this any more awkward than I already have. I move to step around her, but her small hand darts out, grabbing mine and surprising me enough to jerk to a stop.

“Wait.” Meyer frowns up at me, her head shaking the slightest amount like she’s trying to clear it. “Do you actually mean that?” My eyes narrow on her, my defenses back up as I look at her. “Don't lie,” she threatens, and I roll my eyes, hating how she likes to parrot my words back to me. It's not like she would know if I was lying or not… I think.

My frown deepens as I tug on our mate bond, my cock throbbing in response to Meyer’s sweet citrus scent in such a close proximity. The males of our race feel the mate bond more than females. Meyer will want to be closer to me and have an instinctual need to protect those she's mated to, but for the males, the bond is a primal drive, heightening our awareness of our mates and our protective instincts.

Meyer was already the most protected female in the realm the moment she had Valen and Creed wrapped around her little finger. Now, she won't be able to breathe or move without me knowing. Something I’m incredibly grateful for since she likes to dance with death far too much for comfort.

“Elaborate,” I demand, refusing to make myself look like more of a fool.

“How the hell do I elaborate that Lennox? Are you lying to me, or is what you said the truth? I don't want your pretty words if they’re only to calm me down!” she fumes in front of me, hands placed on her curvy hips and nose wrinkling in frustration. Fuck she’s so damn cute when she's mad. “Are… are you smiling? I swear to God I’ll kick you in the?—”

I cut off her angry tangent, scooping her up and kissing the hell out of her, trying not to chuckle against her lips as I hold her close. “I wasn't lying,” I rasp against her lips. I damn near whimper when her hot little tongue darts out, swiping against mine and making my body fucking ignite. My hands move to her ass, holding her in place as I continue to kiss her the way I want, wishing we were somewhere private rather than out in the open.

“Unless you want to give Andras and his Unit a show, I would maybe put her down,” Valen says at my side, his voice like a bucket of cold water as I tear my lips from my Little Demon’s. I glower at my brother, my head falling to Meyer's shoulder as she gasps for breath. Her fingers, which had made their way into my hair, tighten for a moment until the sounds of hooves striking the ground nearby make her wiggle in my arms, wanting to be set down.

I relent, placing her back on her feet before standing to my full height at her side as I sigh in frustration. I did it agin. Fuck.



“There’s a reason Demons don’t mate this young. I’m a pushy bastard and overstep when I shouldn’t. It’s a flaw, one that I will immediately work on,” I promise as she looks up at me. “I’m sorry. I should’ve asked before kissing you again.”

“Yeah. But I’ll probably overstep at times as well. Let's try to figure it out together, alright?” she offers, and I nod, beyondgrateful that she’s quick to temper, but also quick to forgive. Creed and Jesthren step out from the trees and wave down Andras and the eight Demons traveling with him as they ride into view. A soft gasp at my side has me looking down, watching as Meyer gets her first look at a Demonic creature besides the Therion and Beastia.

“What are those?” she asks, eyes wide as she shuffles closer to my side, hand darting out to grab Valen’s and tugging him close.

“Nuckelavee,” Valen answers as I lean down, grabbing her other hand.

“Demonic horses,” I elaborate, my grin widening as I look up and spot the large black beast tethered to Andras’ saddle. A few of the men call out to Creed and Jesthren, stopping to offer smiles and slaps on the back in greeting. Some of Andras’ men dismount their horses and bring Creed and Jesthren their own mounts.

“Those are not horses,” Meyer disagrees. I smile at Andras, who grins and nods his head in greeting as he and four others pull their horses to a stop, and he dismounts.

“Valen!” he shouts, happiness radiating off him in waves as he stomps over and grabs my brother in a half-hug, half-choke-hold, shaking him a little as Valen laughs and returns his embrace. “It's been too long, my friend!”

“It’s good to be home,” Valen admits, patting Andras’ shoulder while keeping hold of Meyer's hand.

“Your mother is in a tizzy. King Orcus wouldn't allow her to ride out and meet you,” he explains. I wince, knowing Father will regret that, but understanding why he did as I look at Meyer, who is watching Andras and Valen with keen eyes.

The Nuckelavee in front of Meyer snorts, smoke billowing from its grey flared nostrils, and she startles back, her hand tightening on mine. “She won't hurt you,” Andras says, lettingValen go and turning to stand in front of us. His eyes rake over my Little Demon, surprise and wonder etching his expression as he looks from her to Valen, then back again. He is undoubtedly in awe that another Dream Walker is in front of him. “Prince Drakas,” he dips his head in a respectful nod to me when he finally regains his composure, and I raise a brow.

“Really?” I scoff, making Andras peek up at me with a telling smile and wink before he looks at Meyer and smiles way too charmingly at her. A growl breaks from my chest before I can control it, and I grind my teeth in annoyance at my lack of self-control. Andras is the furthest thing from a threat to Meyer. He’s been happily mated and a part of a complete Legion for decades. Andras jumps back from me, hands up and shock plain to see on his face.

“It's like that, is it?” he asks, and I grimace but nod. He let out a low whistle under his breath as he stares at me. “Boy, your father is going to roast your ass.”

“Don't I know it,” I growl, looking up at the four other men behind Andras. He waves them back, eyeing me like I might kill them all, and to be fair, the thought did cross my mind for a moment. By the Gods, I need to get a hold of myself.

“I’m assuming she is the reason Yannos said we are to speak in English?” I nod, my hand curling possessivly around my Little Demon’s.

“I’ll be riding up front,” I instruct, tugging Meyer to me when Valen gently pushes her my way. “You take center front and have Creed to my right. Jesthren can trail with Andras.”

“Uh, that's not Royal protocol,” Andras mutters, looking uneasy at my command. His job is to safely transport us back to Versipellis and deliver us to our parents, but I can't have them too close right now, so we’re going to alter things a bit.

“We’ve been away for over a year without your protection, Andras. We can manage a day's ride home with you as backup.”

“Your Father?—”