“Of course he did. I wasn't concerned about a threat from the Therion.” Nox waves Jesthren off as Creed steps up to my side, hand wrapping around my bicep and yanking me out of the deep snow. He places me on my feet next to him and nods to the ground.
“Small steps and keep your feet as flat as possible while pointing your toes slightly outward. Try to balance your weight over the top of the snow. It will help you not sink so much.” I nod, turning my attention to the ground under my feet as Valen stops behind me, his hand resting on the small of my back.
“Ah, training the newbie?” Jesthren says with a chuckle. His fur-lined black cloak moves around him as he steps closer to me, and I gasp in shock when Nox is suddenly at my side, hand pressing to Jesthren's chest and forcing him back a few steps.
“Nox, stop being a dick!” I snap while offering Jesthren a small smile. I still haven’t had time to thank the Demon Prince for helping me when Inanis had me stuck in that trance. I know I wouldn’t be where I am if he hadn't been there. I take a step forward when Nox shoves Jesthren for a second time, the man chuckling like Nox’s behavior amuses him, and I end up sinking even deeper in to the snow. “Dammit!”
“She’s hopeless. Someone sling her over their shoulder so we can move forward more than five steps,” Razar snarls, moving to stand between Nox and Jesthren when the latter catches Nox’s hand in his, stopping the third shove.
“Fuck you!” I snap back, glaring at the angry Demon as he shakes his cloaked head in irritation. He ignores me, leaning closer to Jesthren, hand on the hilt of a blade tucked in his waistband.
“Leave her be, Razar. We all have to learn at some point,” Jesthren says, leaning around an angry Nox, dark eyes scanning the mountainside.
“Knock it off. You know he’s going to be on edge right now.” Razar’s voice is so low I’m surprised I managed to catch his words.
“Yes, and that’s why I’m doing it. You three are doing him no favors by being so passive. What will he do when they get to Versipellis, and hundreds of males look at her? He’s going to lose his shit. I would rather him try to fight me so he doesn't kill any of our people.” Jesthren looks at Nox, who is silently fuming behind Razar. “The girl is the only one with a lick of sense. She challenges him like she's the ruler of Versipellis instead of a human…with extra spice,” he says, winking at me and I smirk despite myself. “Where you three are damn royalty and can’t manage to help him out! Why must I always be the bad guy?” he asks, his voice almost desperate as he looks between Razar, Creed, and Valen.
“Jesthren, lay off. We do help and know what's best for Nox. You need to chill. Nox has more control than most of us would in his situation,” Creed says.
“Come here, Mi Sol.” Valen scoops me into his arms, ignoring his brothers and holding me close.
“I’m not going over your shoulder!” I protest, then gasp when Valen’s soft lips press to mine in a sweet, barely there kiss before he smiles down at me and starts to walk.
“I would never. That's more Lennox’s style. I prefer to treat my girl like the queen she is. Not a sack of potatoes.” Nox spins on his heel with a terrifying look directed at Valen as Jesthren covers his mouth with his hand, trying to stifle his laughter.
“Come on, children. We still have a ways to go until we get home, and I don’t know about you, but I’m dying to get there.” Creed ruffles Nox’s hair as he walks past him like a small child, then leans toward Jesthren. “He’s going to end up kicking your ass, and I’m going to laugh while he does it. Stop pushing him,” he warns, making Jesthren frown but nod in agreement.
We cover more distance in the next fifteen minutes than in the previous hour, making me blush at how much I was holding them up, until we finally crest the North Ridge. Valen sets me back on my feet, his eyes lightening up as he steps forward excitedly.
“The Veil is so thin here. I can feel home from this realm,” he whispers in awe, his eyes watery as he steps closer to the mountain's edge. As I watch, I realize this is the first time in over four years that Valen will be home. The first time he would have felt the magic of his world… the first time he will see his parents. I smile, watching him take a shaky breath as his hands glow green.
“It’ll take him a few moments to open the Veil. Then we’ll cross,” Creed murmurs, smiling at Valen, his hands on his hips as he watches his brother's magic spark to life and then grow in the air around us. A shimmering green circle appears with symbols flashing to life, and I close my eyes at its familiarity. This magic feels like home to me. It's soothing and soft, rushing over my skin in a comforting embrace as it circles the mountaintop.
“I’ll take her through the Veil,” Nox tells Razar and Jesthren, making Creed frown and spin away from Valen so he can argue with Nox.
“I wanted to,” he complains, walking over to Nox and Jesthren. Razar shakes his head, scoffing as he steps away from his now fighting brothers and closer to Valen, watching his every move as green magic swirls around us. A gust of frigid air hits me in the next second, and I grimace, hugging my arms around me, trying not to shiver despite the several layers I have on.
“It’s freaking freezing,” I mutter under my breath, glaring at Razar when he stops in front of me and slowly turns to shoot a dark look over his shoulder. His hand moves to the small blade at his hip like he’s trying to scare me or some shit, and I flip him the bird in response. His full lips thin as he glares at me in response, his fingers gripping the blade handle so hard his knuckles whiten. “What's your problem?”
“They’re fighting… again,” he grinds out like that's my fault.
“Uh, yeah. That's a common occurrence,” I point out. Making
Razar huff and turn away from me as he growls, “It wasn't before you got here.”
I narrow my eyes at him, watching as he surveys the mountain around us. His gaze moves over the snow-covered trees and landscape with a precision I know I’ll never replicate, and I take a moment to look around me, marveling at how I can see the pine needles on the trees over a hundred feet away. Nox mentioned that my Demonic abilities might be elevating, that whatever the mark is on my wrist may have woken something inside me that had previously been dormant. It's odd how my already beautiful world has only grown more striking in a matter of a few days.
“They’re grown men. It's not my fault they act like children. Hell, I would cross the Veil myself if I knew how. Unfortunately, no one here is good at teaching me shit about anythingDemonic,” I sarcastically offer up, then frown when Razar’s head whips toward me, the hood of his cloak falling to his shoulders with another gust of frozen air.
“Hmm,” he says and nods, striding toward me, his large frame towering over me in a split second as he grabs my wrist and tugs me toward Valen.
“What are you doing?” I ask, not scared of the man but hesitant. I know he won’t hurt me physically, but I know he could cause emotional and mental pain, and I’m not in the state of mind to handle that just yet. A glimmer of silver catches my eye, and I look at the blade Razar always has strapped to his hip and gasp as I recognize it. “Wait, is that the Kalis Monroe gave me?” I snap, glaring up at Razar, who looks down at me with an unimpressed arch of his brow.
“Surprisingly, I agree with you. No one is teaching what needs to be taught. And, yes. Itwasyour blade. Not anymore,” he clips out, pulling us to a stop by Valen's side. “Is it ready?” he asks Valen, who smiles and nods, eyes alight with a joy I’ve only seen a handful of times as he stares at the odd green and white glow in the sky in front of the cliff’s edge.
“I want my blade back,” I demand, lunging for the handle with my free hand, mad that he’s had it this whole time. Razar catches my wrist and growls, tugging me close and leaning down so fast that I almost injure my neck as I try to jerk away. His face is only a breath away from mine, our lips so close that if I press up on my toes they would meet in a kiss that I know would light my soul on fire.
“You stabbed me with it. It's mine now, Pup.” His black-green eyes spark with magic, making a shiver of excitement race down my spine as his pupils dilate, his Beastia crawling closer to the surface. He suddenly shoves me back, and my arms windmill out at my side as I try to regain my balance.