Page 59 of A Surrender Of Hope

“You have been informed of the changes in your mating contract, and the Prince has explained his reasoning. Your magic and intent to harm the Princess will be reported to the King,” Razar snaps out, picking Veronica up off her feet as she claws at his hands, gasping for breath.

“Razar,” Meyer’s soft voice startles the both of us, making me look at her the moment Razar does. She shakes her head, shoving at Valen’s arms as she steps away. “Let her go.”


“She is angry and hurt. Let her go,” Meyer demands. I grind my teeth together, not liking Meyer’s decision but choosing to let her decide Veronica’s fate. I nod in agreement, holding my hand out to Meyer and relishing the thrill I receive when she places her small hand in mine and stands at my side.

Razar growls his displeasure, and I take great satisfaction in the fear I feel from Veronica when Razar releases her. Her wide eyes bounce from Razar to Valen, whose hands are lit with green magic, then to Creed, who holds a blade in hand, and finally settles on Meyer in realization. My mate holds more than just me in the palm of her hand; she commands us all, and Veronica should be scared.

“It’s time for you to leave,” Meyer demands, her voice cold but calm as she stares her down. Veronica stupidly opens her mouth to argue, and I can feel my control slipping with every moment she stands in front of my mate.

“Now,” I snarl, making her snap her mouth shut with an audible click before she hisses a curse between her teeth and spins, running from the room without a backward glance. There’s a moment of silence, during which we all slowly relax, before a strained laugh pulls my attention to Ranger Drakos, standing pressed against the wall behind Creed. He looks around my brothers and grins.

“Holy shit. You all are insane. That was awesomely scary,” he adds, making Meyer lean into my side and laugh with him. I wrap my arm around her, inhaling her scent, letting the soft smell of citrus calm me as I nod to Razar, wanting him to follow Veronica out to ensure she leaves the castle. He grunts in acknowledgment, tugging the hood of his cloak back over his head as he moves to the shadows, his fingers sparking with black magic as he prepares to leave. But before he can disappear, the ground beneath our feet starts to quiver, and we all pause.

“What was that?” Meyer asks, a frown puckering at her brow.

“I’m guessing something not good if it's big enough to move the entire castle,” Ranger Drakos mutters, looking at me. I nod, then curse as the War drums sound, their resounding echo and death march filtering through the castle's stone walls like an eerie call that makes my heart jump.

“Beastia,” Razar grinds out, hands trembling as his beast pushes him to shift.

“Get her to my room!” I push Meyer to Valen, who nods as we all rush for the doors. Guards and servants run back and forth as we move from the private meeting room to the grand staircase, and I clench my fists, bracing myself for a battle. Excitement fills me with the hope that I can finally release some of the bloodlust that has been riding me since taking Meyer as my mate.

“Boys!” My father's voice cracks like a whip as he descends the steps, already dressed in his black fighting leather, silver crown on his head and his hammer, which is even larger than my ax clasped in his hand. Jesthren is right behind him, his broad sword strapped over his back as he looks at us, an excited grin twisting his lips.

I may still have trust issues with my oldest brother and not like being around him, but we are similar at least in one way. Our need for bloodshed during battle has always been a trait we share and can relate to.

“Suit up. I want Nox and Valen with me—Razar at Nox’s back. Creed, I want you to oversee the right quadrant and Jesthren the left,” he clips out, making us all gape at him in surprise. Jesthren and my positions are pretty standard, but Father has never put the others in roles of authority during a battle. He lets them move where they want, free to choose their targets.

“Uh?” Creed starts to stammer and nods. “Yeah, okay?” he asks more than agrees, looking at me in surprise, and I shrug.

“What is that?” Father asks, pulling to a stop and glaring at Elaine's son, who freezes and offers an awkward wave. Creed grimaces while Valen gives the kid a head shake as Razar tugs him further away from Father.

“Nothing… I mean. A situation I’m handling,” I instantly correct, stepping between them when Father arches an unimpressed brow.

“Meyer, there you are!” Mom practically sighs in relief, belting her leathers as she strides down the stairs, her ladies scampering after their Queen, handing her blade after blade as she sheathes them. The number of weapons strapped to her rivals Razar’s as she looks my mate up and down. “You’re with me,” she demands, and I see red.


“It wasn't a question,” Mom says, chuckling as she wiggles her hand for Meyer to follow her. Meyer looks up at me and shrugs, tugging her fingers from Valen, who immediately protests as she follows my mom. I snarl, grab her, then glare at my father.

“No,” I grind out again.

“If you want her to be your Queen, then let her do her job. Your mom will keep her safe. Let's move,” he says, dismissing me and my concerns so quickly that my head spins.

“It’s okay,” Meyer whispers, smiling at me and making my stomach drop. No, this is not okay. I need her to be safe.

“Maybe I should stay back with her? It would help Nox fight better with one of us nearby,” Valen offers, and our Father pauses, thinking this over.

“No. I want to see you in action. Your brother's accounts of your magical growth are something I want to witness myself. Creed. You will take over the castle wall and patrol so that you can stay nearby,” he mutters. Creed's eyes widen in delight ashe nods, the position meaning he will be able to fight from high ground and instruct the archers' attacks.

“Of course,” he agrees, and I scowl but feel marginally better that one of us will be nearby if Meyer needs help.

“Fine,” I rasp, grabbing Meyer and slamming my lips to hers in a heated kiss before letting her go, watching as my mom leads her toward the armory.

“I’ve got her. No one will get through the gates. I’ll take the kid with me. It will be safer on the wall than the battlefields, ” Creed promises, and I nod, stalking after my father and praying I didn't just make a huge mistake.