Page 51 of A Surrender Of Hope

“They do, but even if they didn't, they wouldn't need it now.” Orcus walks back toward us and holds a hand out to me, speaking to me directly for the first time. “Your hand, Meyer,” he asks, making Nox tense.

“Father?” he asks as I slowly hold his hand.

“Your other hand,” he clips out, and I nod, setting my other hand on his, my cool skin meeting his fiery hot one and making me gasp at the tingling sensation running over his skin. I hold my breath, trying not to freak out as the Demon King turns my wrist up and looks at the red mark.

“There is no other way, Father. They need one of equal magic to the life given that sealed the tomb,” Jesthren argues. “There are only four Demons alive with that type of magic, all of which are able to protect themselves.”

“Of equal magic or… a blood descendant of Inanis,” Orcus whispers, looking at me with pity. I feel my body freeze, my blood running cold as Orcus’ words sink in. Growls echo around us, but Orcus’ black eyes don’t leave mine as he sighs and closes his eyes like he’s in pain.

“Meyer is a Dream Walker and a Human,” Valen snarls at my side, and Orcus nods.

“She is. But she also holds Drakaisis magic. I felt it the moment Creed rode in with her. You asked if this was a death mark,” he says, making my eyes almost pop from my head as he looks up at Nox, who still hasn't said a word. I don't think he’s breathing right now. “It’s not. I've seen that mark. This one is different. Inanis touched her in her dreams?” Orcus looks back down at me when Nox remains frozen behind me. I nod.


“What else? Did he say anything to you? Suggest that he wanted you to stay with him? Or maybe go somewhere to meet him?”

“He wanted me to stay. I couldn’t get away from him until Jesthren helped.” Orcus jerks back in alarm, looking at his eldest son.


“I helped Nox restore her magic. Her heart had stopped, but she was being mentally held by the Devil. He had hold of her mind and magic and wouldn’t let go. I hit him with a shield on the ground, and it was enough to pull her mind from his grasp,” Jesthren explains, and I nod. Vivian steps over to Jesthren and holds his hand, looking at Orcus with so much fear I can almost taste it.

“Is that all?” he grills Jesthren for more answers, his hands trembling.

“Yes… right?” he asks, looking at me to ensure he’s not forgetting anything.

“Yes. That's all that happened with Jesthren. Inanis… he said I was the key to his freedom,” I admit, the memory of the dream slamming into me as I think back on how those black claws felt as they sank into my shoulders. “There was red magic everywhere.” My voice trembles as I try to force words from my mouth. Orcus growls, and nods as he drops my hand and steps back.

“That is not the death mark. It's the royal mark of Drakaisis.”

“What does that mean?” Creed rasps out, his hand falling to my shoulder as the world spins around me. Bile crawls up my throat as I think about that man… that monster. I can't be related to him… right? There’s no way!

Creed is ghostly white, and Valen looks like he’s about to pass out. I can't see Razar, who’s still standing behind me, but Nox'sfingers are digging into my sides so hard I know I’ll have bruises. Orcus looks from me to Jesthren, who stares at me in shock.

“A life of equal magic or the blood of the one imprisoned. It's a more complex binding spell than the one put on Valen by the Seniorem. You needed Dream Walker's blood to free him, correct?” he asks, and Valen nods, eyes sparkling white as green magic sparks at his fingertips. “She can also be used to open the tomb. It doesn't matter how powerful she is as long as Inanis blood flows through her veins. However, she will also be the key to finding the tomb. It will call to her now that she’s marked. If we can get it before they figure out who she is…”

“She is not going back to Earth.” Razar’s deep, raspy voice makes me jump in Nox’s hold, startling him out of whatever is going on, and he growls in agreement.

“She has to. There is no other way to find it,” Orcus whispers, trying to reason with his sons as my head explodes with all this information. “No one knows about the mark, right?”

“Only Elaine,” Nox croaks out, and Orcus sighs in relief.

“Meyer will be safe. No one knows. You can find Inanis’ tomb, stop the Seniorem, and bring it back.” Orcus looks down at me and frowns, hunching over, his face softening a little as he stares at me. “You’ll be safe. They’ll keep you safe, but we need that tomb,” he stresses. I blink and nod, unsure what else to say.

“No,” Razar clips out again, making Orcus curse and stand back up, and my stomach rolls. I think I’m going to be sick.

“I know I have been against this mating, Razar. But she is still the Princess of Versipellis. I don't want any harm to come to her. I wouldn't allow it if I thought her life would truly be in danger. As long as no one knows, she will be okay!”

“It is my job to keep Nox and his mate safe!” Razar roars back, making me jerk from Nox’s arms. I stare at Razar in shock, watching him yell at his dad. I have never heard him lose it like this before. His shoulders shake, fingers curling in unnaturallyas he shakes his head. “I can’t ensure her safety there! She stays!”

“She is in just as much danger here as she is there. More so even. If she stays in the Demon realm, others familiar with Drakaisis magic will figure it out. At least on Earth, you can keep her sheltered from the Court until the risk is eliminated.” I look from Razar to Nox, who is staring at me with fear and horror, his head shaking a little as he starts to growl. My heart beats so hard I hear it thumping in my ears as my breath comes in short, ragged pants.

“Lennox, she’ll be okay. We’ll make sure she stays safe,” Jesthren whispers, trying to place a hand on his brother's arm when he sees he’s about to lose his shit.

“Don't!” Nox roars, jerking away from Jesthren as wings unfurl from his back, his Demon form pushing to the surface. My stomach rolls, and sweat covers my brow.

“I.. I’ll be right back,” I rasp out, turning on my heel and sprinting for the castle door, hoping there’s a bathroom I can be sick in nearby.