“Aw, see. Logic kicked back in for that pea-sized brain of his. Of course, she’s right! You two are being buffoons,” Creedscolds, slugging Nox on the shoulder and earning a terrifying growl in response.
“I disagree,” Valen grumbles, shoving his hands in his pockets and pouting a little. “But it should be Mi Sol's choice. So let's discuss this at another time.” he begrudgingly says, shooting me an apologetic smile that I return.
“Told you.” Vivian’s voice cuts in, making the four of us jerk our attention back to her and their father, where they stand staring at us in amusement. Orcus sighs, looking at me with interest as he nods.
“Very well. I’ll bring this up at court next week,” he mutters, still looking as if he doesn’t like the idea but is willing to see it through.
“Really?” Nox rasps, a thread of hope lingering in his voice as his arms tighten around me. I feel his large body sag against mine at his father's nod. “Thank you.” Valen’s hand slips into mine as Creed beams at his parents.
“You will need to convince them this is going to work after everything is settled and you are back for good, Lennox,” Orcus murmurs, looking to Nox and then to the others. “You all will. This won’t be an easy sell to the Lords. We are already slighting the Brakatise Legion by pulling the engagement contract with their eldest daughter. We have to tread carefully.”
“We will,” Nox agrees confidently, Creed and Valen nodding at his side as Razar shifts to stand behind the guys protectively.
“Well, this looks fun,” a voice calls out, lighting Vivian's eyes with relief as Nox stiffens behind me.
“Hey, man!” Creed greets, slapping his hand into Jesthren’s as their eldest brother joins the group.
“Are you alright?” Viv fusses, moving to him and wrapping her much smaller arms around Jesthren’s enormous body and I can’t help but feel like I’m wrapped in that hug as well. I stare,confused by the feeling of comfort and familiarity that emanates from Jesthren.
“Of course. There were more than we anticipated. Along with four Wraiths,” Jesthren says, turning toward their father. Orcus frowns and shakes his head.
“Bryton said there were six Wraiths?” Jesthren arches a brow and shakes his head.
“I only counted four. I killed three of them myself, and the Haldurk Legion took out the other one. There were only four bodies on the battlefield. Maybe he miscounted?”
“Doubtful.” Ocrus shakes his head as Nox nods in agreement.
“Isn't Bryton one of the Lords you’ve been watching? Do you think he’s the mole?” Orcus nods, making Viv wring her hands nervously in front of her.
“Bryton is loyal,” she whispers, looking far more upset about this news than anyone else. Orcus eyes his wife and pulls her into his arms.
“I know you want to believe that, and for now, your brother is safe. But I need you to prepare for the reality that he’s the one betraying us. He has always voiced his opinions about the Veil being destroyed between the realms.”
“Yes, but he wouldn’t betray me!” she almost growls, and Nox sighs like he’s also frustrated.
“Mom,” he starts to say but stops when Viv shoots her son a narrow-eyed look.
“Let's move on,” Orcus suggests, and Jesthren nods, stepping closer to his mom with a concerned look. “Jesthren, report your findings to the general. Casualties?” Jesthren grimaces as he runs his hand through his snarled hair, and for the first time, I notice black blood dried on his fighting leathers. He must have come here immediately when he returned from wherever he was fighting.
“The entire village was wiped out. There were only two survivors, both little girls. Their mother hid them under the floorboards,” Jesthren grinds out, pain flickering in his eyes as he shakes his head. Vivian gasps, and my stomach drops at Jesthren's words.
“That… that’s hundreds of Demons killed,” Valen rasps and Jesthren nods.
“And in your ranks?” Orcus asks, looking more than a little upset. “Twenty-one. This was a well-organized attack. They had more waiting in the treelines on the village's west side.”
“It was a trap,” Orcus murmurs, voice so low I have difficulty hearing him. At Jesthren’s nod, Orucs growls and starts to pace. “This has to be someone trying to complete Inanis’ plan. We need to move the other half of his tomb to Versipellis. It's not safe in the human lands. There is too much at stake.” Nox, Creed, and Valen all wince at their father’s words, making him pause in his pacing, looking from the three of them with a flicker of fear growing in his eyes.
“Um, yeah, about that,” Creed whispers, looking down at the ground, unable to meet their dad's eyes.
“About what? What has happened?” he demands, stepping closer to them. The threat in his voice is setting my teeth on edge. When no one immediately answers, Orcus snarls and looks over our heads. “Yannos,” he clips out.
“The sarcophagus was stolen the night the castle was infiltrated. We don't have access to it,” Razar says almost robotically.
“By the Gods,” Viv whispers and closes her eyes as Orcus simply stares at Razar, Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. He nods once and turns away from us, looking lost. “This… this changes things. I don't want the boys to return to Earth. We need to prepare for war, Orcus.”
“They have to. We need that tomb back before they figure out how to open it.” Orcus looks back at Nox, then down to me in his arms.
“They won’t be able to,” Jesthren says confidently. “They do not have the magic to unseal the sarcophagus.”