I almost snort at that thought. If you had told me last month that being in Lennox Regalis’ arms would help me calm down, I would have called you a liar. Even last week, we were arguing constantly and at each other's throats. That's still between us, and I’m sure it will never go away.
Nothing frustrates me more than when Lennox tries to control me or a situation involving me. I would one hundred percent kick him in the balls again if the situation called for it. And I know my attitude and defiance infuriates him more than anything else. But there is something new between us as well. It's something I think might have been there the entire time, but I was too stubborn to admit it. There’s a warm and almost gentle feeling that circles around us as Nox holds me, a sound almost like a purr rumbling from his chest that reminds me of Milo when I scratch behind his ears.
“Meyer,” the guys mother says, breaking my attention from their dad and I blush when I realize I have been staring rudely at him. “Did you sleep alright? I told Nox to bring you down for breakfast since dinner plans were canceled, but he said you were still asleep,” she says almost worriedly, hooking her arm into Creed’s as she stands and brushes the dirt from her dress.
“I did, thank you,” I manage to rasp out, trying not to think about why we canceled dinner plans or the fact that Nox hadfucked me until I passed out, then woke me to do it all over again.
“Good. Maybe tonight will work for dinner as long as my son can stifle his inner barbarian,” she teases, making my cheeks flame as Nox scowls down at his mother.
“That’s enough teasing,” their father says, his blank expression softening as he looks lovingly down at his wife. Their mother scoffs and waves him off as she walks closer, holding a hand out toward me and then pausing.
“May I?” she asks, and I frown, looking from her hand to her beautiful face. The Queen is several inches taller than I am, at least six feet tall, and has long chestnut-colored hair that curls down her back, stopping just above her waist. She has happy eyes, full of life and joy, instantly reminding me of Creed’s.
“Umm, yes?” I say, not sure what I’m agreeing to, but feeling comfortable enough in Nox’s strong hold.
“My name is Vivian, by the way. This is the boys’ father, Orcus,” she says with a nod toward the big man, her fingers moving to touch my hair, eyes wide in excitement. “Oh, you have beautiful coloring. Is it naturally this pale? I know humans like to enhance their hair color on Earth.”
“It is,” Nox answers for me, and I send him a questioning look. How would he know that?
“Oh lovely!” she grins, looking over my shoulder at Valen. “Think of how beautiful the babies will be!” she gushes, making my somewhat relaxed mood screech to a halt as I stiffen in Lennox’s arms. Uh, what now? Babies? She’s already thinking about babies?
“Viv,” Orcus scolds, tugging her from Creed, who has rolled his lips together, his shoulders shaking in a stifled laugh as he stares at my face. “We discussed this already,” Orcus chides, then frowns when Viv sends him a withering look.
“Yes, we did. And I thought we already agreed to allow it,” she snaps, making Nox laugh as their parents start to bicker in front of us.
“They’ve been arguing like this all morning,” he whispers so only I can hear. I try not to shiver as his hot breath dances over the sensitive skin of my neck. “Dad is still worried and thinks it will cause too much of a stir in the court. Mom wants grandkids and thinks he’s being ridiculous.”
“He is being ridiculous,” Valen agrees, leaning close to hear Nox as we watch Viv lecture their dad. “And I’m not against Mom's plan. She has very valid points.” The wicked gleam in Valen’s eyes makes my thighs clench as warning bells sound in my mind.
“Who said you would father our first child? Technically, that should be me, seeing as I am head of our Legion and need an heir,” Nox argues, standing to his full height and glaring at Valen, who scoffs.
“Meyer and I are the last Dream Walkers. Of course, it should be our child who?—”
“Are you two seriously arguing over who gets to knock me up first?” I hiss between my teeth as Creed steps to our side, his eyes alight with mischief, letting me know he’s heard everything his brothers were saying.
“Why are you three fighting?” Razar’s voice sounds, making me jump out of my skin at his sudden appearance at my side. Where the hell did he come from?
“Valen wants babies, and now they’re trying to decide who will father Meyer's firstborn. You want to toss your hat in the ring, Raz?” Creed asks cheerfully. Razar stills, looking from me to Valen and then to Nox as he shakes his head and steps back, his cloak shifting around his feet as I close my eyes, trying to decide who I should kick first. How the hell did we get into this conversation?
“You don't even know me fully. We mated like two days ago,” I point out to Nox, who scowls.
“Five days. You were asleep for the first few. And I do, too, know you, and what I don't know, I’ll learn,” he adds, making me roll my eyes and look at Creed in exasperation.
“It's the mate bond. Logic isn't really at work right now. Pretty sure the only words he knows aremine, fuck, murder,andprotect.Give him a moment, and hopefully, he’ll chill.”
“I am chill,” Nox growls.
“Shouldn't this be her choice?” Razar asks, surprising me with his comment and lack of answer on whether he wanted to father my child.
“Yep. But these idiots think it's theirs,” Creed tsks and shakes his head in disappointment.
“Enough!” I snap, glaring at all of them. “There will be no babies or talk of babies anytime soon. Hell, I’m still trying to cope with the reality of being mated to Nox! I think we can table this conversation for several decades,” I point out, making Creed laugh when Nox and Valen look at me with matching faces of horror.
“Decades?” Valen rasps, and I nod firmly.
“At least,” I stress, glaring at Nox, who tilts his head to the side, a clear sign he’s ready to do battle over this topic. “Nope! You said Demons live for centuries. I’m twenty-six, Lennox! Hell,” I glare at him and poke him in the chest. “You’re only thirty-six and are currently making every male who isn’t a part of your Legion hide from me so you won't kill them. You really think you’re ready to be a dad?” Lennox’s determination withers at the remark, and he twists his lips in a grimace as he side-eyes Valen.
“I think she’s right.”