“Uh, yeah. I’ll try,” I say, offering Jesthren a quick smile as I look back at Creed. “Not that I’m complaining, but what’s with the horse change?” I ask, looking up at Creed, who grins and presses a kiss on my brow.
“We have to enter the city by rank. Nox needs to be upfront with Valen at his side. Razar will be Nox’s guard directly behind him, and then there’s us.”
“Aw, we’re the lowly peasants here?” I tease, and Creed snorts.
“Well, I’m the last in line to inherit the throne and technically the only Prince with no royal blood, other than Jesthren, but he’s riding with us.” Creed shrugs, and I nod. “But Jes and I are still Princes, so we’re included in the ranks despite our lack of true nobility. The Unit will be twenty feet behind us, with Andras in the lead and his men behind him.”
“You are true nobility because your last name is Drakas, Credence. Stop putting yourself down like that,” Nox snaps, glaring at Creed like his brother's words actually upset him.
“He’s right, Creed. You are as important as any of us,” Jesthren frowns, looking from Nox to Creed, who laughs and rolls his eyes.
“Well, I’m only half Demon with no royal blood or last name. Maybe I should walk behind the Unit,” I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood when Creed scowls at Nox.
“I wasn’t trying to put myself down. I was explaining to Lemon Drop why I had to take her. And technically,” Creedcontinues, looking down at me and tugging on the ends of my hair, “you should be riding with Nox at the front. However, since that would give away what's going on between you two, we all thought it would be safer for you to ride with me until Nox can tell Mom and Dad about the whole mating thing.”
“Should I be worried?” I ask hesitantly, looking from Creed to Valen, watching as he pulls himself to the right of Creed. His Demon horse is white, very fitting, but its eyes are almost more terrifying, the dark-red color so deep they look like actual pools of blood. The ribs and spine of the horse are clearly visible, almost like it has an exoskeleton, and spines protrude from its brows like horns. The long, wavy mane of red and yellow looks coarse and thick as it flows down the side of its unusually long neck, and I shiver just looking at the beast.
“No. Nox and I will handle Father. Creed will handle Mom. She’s always had a soft spot for him. You will stay with Razar,” Valen says with an air of authority that reminds me of when I first met him in my dreams. He tilts his head to the side, studying the city before us with a longing I can feel from here.
“Mom has a soft spot for Razar, not me,” Creed corrects, and Valen rolls his eyes.
“I’m pretty sure I’m her favorite,” Jesthren mutters, and Valen frowns.
“You… might be right,” Valen admits. “But you know that Creed is her bright spot as much as I do. Razar is her confidant, and you are… well, her first son. No one is going to beat that,” Valen offers. “But Creed can sway her mind like no other. Even Nox’s emotional control doesn't hold the power over her like he does.” Creed smirks, cheeks pinkening when Jesthren nods in agreement.
“Razar?” I moan, looking around for the angry dark Prince, but he’s still not visible. I’ve looked for him several times on this trip, and even though I could feel someone watching me,I never saw him. Creed and Valen nod, the latter giving me a sympathetic smile. “Great. Remind me to stay away from any walls or ledges of any sort. I don't want to get pushed off something for a third time,” I grumble under my breath, watching Valen as he straightens his fancy blue dress coat and then blinks in surprise. “Wait… when did you change?” I ask in surprise, knowing for a fact he’d been wearing black fighting leathers when we left the castle and came to the Demonic Realm. Valen winks at me and smirks; the light in his eyes a balm to my frazzled nerves as he mouths, ‘magic.’
“You need to teach me how to do that,” I complain, running a hand through my slightly longer hair and hissing in pain when I tug on some snarls. “I look like road kill.” Jesthren nods in agreement as he reaches into a saddle pack and hands me a pristine white cloth.
“I don't have a hairbrush, but this can help get some of the dirt and mud off your face,” he offers, and I grin, happily accepting his gift.
“Thanks; now I’m only slightly dirty road kill,” I laugh, wiping my face off while Nox glowers at me and Jesthren.
“Really cute road kill,” Creed offers with a happy smile as he holds me even closer to him. His hands reach up and untangle my fingers from my hair as he runs his own through the locks, trying to help me smooth them back into place.
“What do you mean a third time? When did Razar throw you off something before today?” Nox snarls, cutting into our conversation and I wince when I realize I ratted Razar out. Valen’s smirk falls from his face as he frowns, processing Nox’s words before he tilts his head at me in question like he too wants to know that answer.
“Oh, uh, well…” I start to stutter just as Creed cuts in.
“He tossed her off the wall the day of the Beastia attack. That's how they got down without anyone seeing them.”
“Creed!” I hiss under my breath when Nox’s face turns an ugly shade of red. Even more terrifying is how Valen goes completely still, his hands freezing in front of him. The only movement I can see is the rapid dilation of his now gray eyes.
“Pardon?” Valen rasps, turning his entire body to face Creed and me. “Razar did what?”
“He asked if I wanted to fight,” I try to explain, attempting to defuse the situation.
“He tossed her off the castle walls,” Creed cuts in, his eyes holding more anger than I’m used to seeing. “With several Beastia on the other side.”
“Why would he do that?” Jesthren asks, pulling his horse closer to Valen while peering over my shoulder.
“Calm down. He gave me a few enchanted knives as protection. And he only did it because he needed me to watch his back as he drew the Beastia away from the walls. They would have caused more deaths,” I grind out, slapping my hand over Creed's mouth to get him to shut the hell up. “Speaking of which, I would like more of those knives. They were handy.” I look up at Nox and purse my lips when I see he’s still fuming.
“Well, this looks like a fun party,” Andras chuckles, riding his horse up next to us and arching a brow in question at Nox. “Is there a problem, or are we waiting for your mother to scale the palace wall to reach you four? You know her little spies have already reported your presence outside the gate. Let's save your father the headache and get to the castle before she ties him to his throne so she can escape.” Creed chuckles, his anger melting into glee as he nods.
“I can't believe Dad restricted her to the palace grounds. I bet she’s making his life a living hell.”
“She’s making everyone's life a living hell,” Jesthren corrects.