Page 72 of Wrath's Nightingale

“What about the guy by the wall?”

“Good question. Let me see the IDs,” Chief says.

Trinity hands him the IDs. Chief shuffles through them. “He has the same last name of the guy who knew they wanted Millie dead. He can go with the rest.”

“Bug’s looking for the address now. Let’s get cleaned up.”

I strip off the protective gear and put it in the bin to be burned before stripping off my clothes and stepping into the locker room style shower. Each head has a bottle of soap hanging off it. A few minutes later, I’m clean, dry and redressed.

Chapter 45


Ishoot off a quick text to my wife.

We have a lead.

I’ll tell you more when I can.

Love you.

With that, I climb on the sled and fire her up. The sweet sound of engines roaring follows.

“I’ve got the address. Let’s roll,” Chief says.

We follow behind him, roaring through town. I’m shocked as shit when Sentry blazes past us with a police siren on. We roar through the city at blazing speed. Every light is green by the time we blaze through it. I have a feeling it’s Bugs' handiwork.

Sentry turns off the siren not long before Chief signals to cut our engines. I cut my engine and glide into the parking lot, parking beside the others. The motel that has stairs on the outside of the building to the second floor.

With Chief at the lead, we quietly climb the stairs. Sentry and Knight are carrying a handheld battering ram. When they get the signal, they break down the door. After that, things happened fast. Aaron and Felicity were surprised, but quickly grab guns. Before they could fire off a round, we all opened fire.

When the bullets stop, Chief yells, “Check in!”

One by one, we check in. Thank God none of us are hurt. I can’t say the same for Aaron and Felicity.

Chief gives Knight a nod. He leaves the room. I see Trinity and Sentry on their phones. Trinity has a frown on his face when he hangs up.

“Our cleaners can’t come.”

“We have a cleaning service if you can hold the scene.”

Sentry spoke up. “We can hold the scene. Unless things get hairy on Knight’s end.”

Knight comes up a few minutes later.

“We’re good to go.”

“Wrath, call your cleaners. Sentry you and Knight stay here. The rest of us will head outside.”

I send a 911 text with the address to the cleaners. I get a response immediately with an ETA.


An hour and a half later, two pink vans pull up. The logo on the side saysMagnolia Maids.I’m surprised when the first door opens and Maggie steps out. She’s the business owner and doesn’t usually come to sites. I hurry over to her. Chief and Trinity do the same.

“Hey Mags.”

“Hello Wrath.”