We even went to Asheville one day to see the Biltmore Estate.
I wonder if my hubby will make this an annual trip. I love riding in the Smokies at spring’s first blush. The flowering trees are in full bloom. Daffodils are poking up from beneath the earthto turn their delicate faces to the sun. Brown grass is replaced by a blanket of lush green.
The path leads into the woods. I spot a blanket of wildflowers to my right. There’s blue phlox, lady slippers, and columbine. I hear the snap of twigs close by. I look around and don’t see anything. Could be a squirrel or a rabbit. This area is full of wildlife.
I turn my attention back to the path. The woods are becoming thicker. The trees blocking out most of the light. Sunlight filters through the branches, casting long shadows on the well-worn path. It’s peaceful out here. One of the many reasons I love the area. Cades Cove is a special favorite of mine, with buildings that are over a hundred years old.
Black bears still roam the area. I’ve seen bear cubs at least a dozen times growing up. Dad made sure we knew to stay away from the cubs and to never get in between a mama bear and her cub.
I hear something big crashing through the branches the same time the gelding smells something. The gelding takes off at a sprint. I hold on as the trees fly by me. A roar splits the air, and I don’t need to turn to know there’s a bear on the trail.
Question is why? They don’t just attack randomly. The bear is not my primary concern now. Holding on is. My heart is pounding louder than the horse’s hooves on the compacted dirt. I turn back to see the bear running across the trail rather than down it. It’s running from something.
Then suddenly I’m airborne. I have time to tuck my arms and legs in as I hit the dirt and start rolling down a steep hill. My body slams against a giant root or a rock before continuing. I don’t know how far down I fall, hitting who knows what along the way.
“Congrats on your wedding, sis!” I hear before maniacal laughter. Then I black out.
Chapter 31
“Have you two decided where you’re living when you get back home?” Papa asks.
“Honestly, we haven’t talked about it yet. I’m sure she’ll love my place at the compound until we can build. She loves log cabins. I want to show her Stormy and Gambit’s place. Maybe Chief’s place too. Her family has a cabin in the woods. It’s a beautiful place. Honestly, I don’t care what the house looks like as long as my woman is happy.”
We’d been working out for about an hour. Papa and I paired off to do some legwork.
“That’s a good attitude. I’m fortunate Nay loved the same house plan I fell in love with.”
“Your house is enormous. Did she agree to fill all those bedrooms?”
“Every last one of them. If we keep this up, the club is going to need a school of its own.”
“Millie wants to adopt and have biological children as well. We want to wait a year or two before we have children. She wants to work at Artemis Outreach. With Nay going on maternity leave this fall, Millie didn’t want the outreach to need two temps.”
“Thoughtful. I’m hoping the extra funding comes in that we have extra nurses on staff. Not to mention another doctor and nurse practitioner.”
“Is Dakota putting together the numbers?”
“He is. We’ll have a meeting once you get back from your honeymoon.”
We spend the rest of the set chatting about our wives. After hitting the showers, we jump on our sleds and head to a local Brazilian style steakhouse. I’ll have to get back to meal prep and clean eating as soon as we get home.
I take a seat next to Gambit after we all hit the salad bar. They have a ton of roasted veggies.
“Hey Prez, when we get back, I’d like to show Millie your cabin.”
“Sure thing. I’ll get with the ol’ lady. I know she’ll want to make a fuss of your visit. With the pregnancy hormones raging through her body, I’m not stupid enough to spring it on her.”
“I’ll take note of that for future use.”
Gambit laughs. “Are you starting a family soon?”
I shake my head. “We plan on waiting a year or two. We’re also going to adopt. I don’t know which we’ll do first.”
“That’s awesome man. As you know, Stormy and I jumped in with both feet, adopting the Lafayette kids’ months before our first child was born. Now, I wouldn’t have it any other way. And the older kids are thrilled Stormy’s pregnant again.”
“When is Bastian starting as a prospect?”