Page 45 of Wrath's Nightingale

“Gatlinburg is a free city. You can’t tell me where to be.”

“No, but I can tell you where you can’t be. The private room is reserved for not you. Now, please leave.”

“I can’t believe you’d talk to your mother that way,” she shrieks.

Felicity’s shrieks are drawing attention. In the past, I would have backed down and let her have her say.

“Not today, Satan,” I say just as loud as before turning my attention to my husband.

“Baby, let’s sit and decide what we’re going to order.”

Wrath looks at me for a few seconds. Then he nods and takes my hand before leading us to the table. My parents follow. Unfortunately, so does Felicity. Aaron must have told her he saw us at Bella Luna’s. Maybe we’re a little predictable. I look around at my family.

“She wants attention. I’m encouraging everyone to not give her any.”

I pick up my menu and scan it to see if they have anything new.

“What’s good here?” Willow asks.

“Everything,” I say with a smile.

“You can’t ignore me, Millie Amanda Barnes.”

With a wicked grin, I turn and give her the last of the attention she’s getting from me today. I entwine my fingers with Wrath and hold up my hand to show my wedding band and engagement ring.

“That’s not my name. It’s Millie Amanda Jackson.”

“What! You married tha ...”

“Ma’am, we need to ask you to leave. You’re disturbing the customers.”

While she is screeching, two uniformed officers approach her, a man, and a woman. Both Black. Their faces are aperfect mask of calm. Felicity whirls, preparing to snarl at the interloper. Her eyes widen when she spots the badges.

Felicity’s snarl turns into a gasp as she realizes the gravity of the situation. I see the struggle in her eyes. Her contempt for anyone unlike her battling with her desire not to be carted off in cuffs.

"Fuck you, monkeys." Insanity for the win. I reach out for Wrath's hand and find myself being pulled onto his lap.

“I'm so sorry you have to grow up with that." I feel tears prick the corner. I can't believe he's being so sweet and reassuring while my incubator is spouting hate. Wrath whispers in my ear. "You're not your mother and not accountable for her sins."

Tears slip freely from my eyes, and I turn to look him in the eyes. All I see is love reflected there. While I hear Felicity getting arrested in the background, my eyes never leave my husband's face. Soon I feel hands on me, and I look up to see our family surrounding us and our friends surrounding them. They create a wall of flesh around me. I don't have to witness what sounds like a scuffle. Their bodies muffle Felicity's scream of obscenities. I look at Lisa and see tears in her eyes.

"Hey, at least we know where she'll be for the rest of your birthday," Tyler jokes. Micah slaps him upside the head, and we all burst out laughing.

"All clear," I hear Mayhem say. Everyone sits back down but Celia Jackson.

“Oh god, please don't hate me.” I find myself pulled to my feet and wrapped in her arms.

"I can never hate you, sweet girl. Thank you for rising above the hate and seeing people for who they are, people." I hug her back and find more tears spill down my cheeks. I've always held a secret shame over my mother and brother's hatred. She holds me while I pull myself back together. Then she kisses my forehead. "Welcome to the family, baby girl."

"Thank you."

“No, thank you for making my boy smile.”

I sat back down to find an enormous mug in front of me with three inches of whipped cream piled on top of its contents. I took a careful sip, closing my eyes as the taste of sweet hot chocolate hits my senses.

I love their hot chocolate.

“Thank you, whoever ordered this.”